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Welcome to Divine Evil (anitaverse)

20:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Johnny Majors

Name:Lieutenant Johnny Majors
Apparent Age:25
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Combat instructor and bouncer
Rank or Position: former Ulfric, Alpha
Standard Gifts: Physical Prowess, Fast Healing, Acute Senses, Silver Vulnerability, Control animals, Hybrid Form, Aura of Power, Pass as Human

Alpha gifts: Quick Shifting, Resist Master's Call, Resist Moon's Call

Appearance: Johnny is an extremely handsome young man, athletically built. Johnny is about 6'3" and probably weighs just over 200 lbs. He varies at times from scruffy to clean shaven, depending on his mood or need for slight appearance changes. Johnny dresses very casually, even when going out. His casual clothes are very nice, dressy at times, just always comfortable. When he is teaching at his gym, he wears his Tapout or sprawl shorts, and a tight fitting underarmor shirt or no shirt at all.

Personality: Johnny is cocky at times, always confident, bordering on arrogant from time to time. This all depends on who is around. He tends to take on the confident supportive roll around younger wolves, saving his truly arrogant side for vampires who offend him or the pack. Johnny will defend the pack with his life if need be, he is fiercely loyal to those he truly cares about, and cares little for the welfare of others. He views the packs enemies the same way he viewed his enemies in the service.

Merits:Loyal, caring, and motivating
Flaws:Loyal, arrogant

Johnny was always an athletic kid, excelling at every sport he tried. He played Varsity basketball before his freshman year, and started on the football, baseball and soccer teams his freshman year. He was also a bit unruly, not respecting teachers and administrators. Eventually he was sent to a military academy to 'straighten' him out. His behavior changed immediately, and he continued to excel physically, as well now as mentally. He was brought into the ROTC and began training for a military career. He was sent off to the Army, where he still stood out, passed his ranger certs and eventually became a SEAL. During an Op in the Canadian Northwest, he and his Team were attacked in the middle of the night by some kind of 'monster'. The beast killed 2 of the 6 and managed to mess Johnny up pretty good as he jumped onto the beast trying to save his men. His other men were somewhat shocked and hesitated for a brief moment allowing Johnny to take action. In the wake of the incident, the Navy did routine testing and discovered his lycanthropy. Although they discharged him, his CO, sympathetic and aware of his bravery and sacrifice, made sure it was a honorable discharge. A sympathetic doctor also put him in touch with a private company who hired lycanthropes for military contracting work. As an ex-SEAL, Johnny was able to command a very good salary and after a couple of years, has left full-time employment with a nice nest egg, and moved to Vegas. Johnny's family has scattered and has relatively little contact with them, except his much younger brother Danny. They are extremely close, he doesn't know Johnny is a were yet. While there at the Lunapar in Vegas one night, he met a fellow were named Melantha Carter. At the time he was the Freki for the pack, but after a series of events he stepped up to the Ulfric position and took Mel as his mate. The decided it was time to start somewhere new and fresh, so they moved to Hawaii together and start anew.
