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Welcome to Foxfire Forgotten Realms

02:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


 Name: Chestnut Quickstep
 Alignment: Neutral Good
 Age: 25 Height: 3'0" Weight: 50 lbs
 Hair color: Brown Eyes: Blue

XP: 0 (Level 2: 300, Level 3: 900, Level 4: 2,700)
Class: Bard (Level 1)

Initiative: +4   Speed: 25'   Vision: Normal
Passive Perception: 1?, Passive Investigation: 1?

AC: 11 (Leather Armor) + 4 (Dex) = 15
Save Proficiencies: Dexterity (3+2): 5, Charisma (3+2): 5
 NOTE! Reroll 1's

HP: 8 (hit dice: 1d8+?)

STR: 10
CON: 11
DEX: 18 (16+2)
INT: 16
WIS: 14
CHA: 16 (15+1)

Proficiency Bonus: +2
 NOTE! Reroll 1's
Spell DC: 8+2(proficiency)+3(Cha) = 13
Spell Attack: 2(proficiency)+3(Cha) = 5

Melee Attack: 2(Prof)+4(Dex) = 6
 NOTE! Reroll 1's
 Rapier: 1d8+3 piercing dmg
 Whip: 1d4+3 slashing dmg (NOT PROFICIENT)
Ranged Attack: 2(Prof)+4(Dex) = 6
 Light Crossbow: 1d8+3 piercing dmg

Spells: [Known / Castings]
Lv 0 (2/-): Light, Prestidigitation, Vicious Mockery
Lv 1 (5/3): Cure Wounds, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Feather Fall

Ritual Casting
You can cast a bard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

Bardic Inspiration
You can inspire others through stirring words or music. To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn to choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d6.

Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Bardic Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Bardic Inspiration die at a time.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minim um of once). You regain any expended uses w hen you finish a long rest. Your Bardic Inspiration die changes when you reach certain levels in this class. The die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d 10 at 10th level, and a d l2 at 15th level.

BG Feature: (Musician)
You are highly skilled at playing your instrument, doubling your proficiency bonus when you make a performance check where you play your musical instrument.

In addition, anyone who sees you play knows they are in the presence of someone special. You have fans who have heard your work, and you may be quite popular. You have at least one contact who coordinates your fan club, and another contact who acts as your agent. In addition, you can find a small handful of fans in any village or city who have heard of you and are excited to meet you.

Skills Proficiencies: (B=Background,C=Class,R=Race)
 NOTE! Reroll 1's
C Acrobatics (Dex): 2(prof)+4(Dex)= 6
  Animal Handling (Wis): 2
  Arcana (Int): 3
  Athletics (Str): 0
  Deception (Cha): 3
  History (Int): 3
B Insight (Wis): 2(prof)+2(Wis)=4
  Intimidation (Cha): 3
  Investigation (Int): 3
  Medicine (Wis): 2
  Nature (Int): 3
  Perception (Wis): 2
B Performance (Cha): 2(prof)+3(Cha)=5 (+2(prof) more for Violin)
  Persuasion (Cha): 3
  Religion (Int): 3
C Sleight of Hand (Dex): 2(prof)+4(Dex)= 6
C Stealth (Dex): 2(prof)+4(Dex)= 6
  Survival (Wis): 2

Tool Proficiencies:
Musical Instrument (Violin)
Musical Instrument (Singing)
Musical Instrument (Lute)
Musical Instrument (Drums)
Musical Instrument (Piano)


Languages: Common (Race), Draconic (Background), Halfling (Race)

Like most kender, Chestnut was brought up by his grandparents and village while his parents were experiencing wanderlust. Also like most kender, Chestnut got wanderlust, though his was a bit early and began at age 15. During his early wanderings, he found an elf bard who shared Chestnut's love of music and saw huge potential in the young kender. So she traveled with Chestnut for a time and taught him the art and craft of the bard. But the two would part ways when Chestnut discovered the girl was at the end of her desire to travel the world.

Chestnut had some pretty interesting experiences from there that formed the kind of bard he would be. Many many experiences that are mentioned in his songs, mixed in with some of his wild dreams.

How Chestnut met Mittens:
At one point, he was mistaken as an orphan elf child and snatched up into an orphanage. However the orphanage wound up in serious danger, and an adventurous werewolf/weretiger/panda/self-imagined-catgirl showed up and rescued the orphans because no matter how crazy or metal Chestnut's dreams are, his luck is such that his actual experiences are just as crazy and metal.

In any case, Chestnut now travels with said adventurous girl and a few of the orphans who follow her because they never found another place to go.

How Chestnut met James Hill and Meiou:
(Currently being figured out)

Random Notes:
Fanclub: Just as Mittens has an entourage following her around, Chestnut has one of his own. Fans and troupe members, the group of people following Chestnut around are people he has befriended in his many adventures. But in a desire to not crowd Chestnut, they tend to take turns keeping him company or staying in various towns for him. (See background feature)

Songwriting: Chestnut loves writing music, though he has a strong preference for stuff that sounds very metal, both lyrically and musically. He also tends to put his experiences into song.

Childlike: Chestnut, like most kender, looks like an elf child and even among kender, is especially so. As such, he sometimes takes advantage of this fact and pretends to be a child for various reasons ranging from "I felt like it" to espionage.

Kender Ambassador: Unlike most kender, Chestnut has actually taken it upon himself to go to great lengths to learn how his kind can get along better with the other races of the world. While he tends to not come out and say such or make his intentions known publicly, the intent is there and results in things like him making mental efforts to not "borrow" (Doesn't mean it won't happen, just that it happens less than it would have).

Friends from Chestnut's adventures:
(Note: These are not meant to grant Chestnut any mechanical benefits)
Cornholio Grognozzle (Goblin explosives expert)
Baron Grabthar Heartphilia VonRockafeller (Half-Orc Barbarian / Ninja nobleman)
Elizabeth (Human Cleric / Rogue)
Miku Hatsune (Fellow musician)
Rin and Len Kagamine (Fellow musicians)
Shantae (Half-Genie Dancer)
(More coming)

  1) I know a story relevant to almost every situation.
  2) Nobody stays angry at me or around me for long, since
     I can defuse any amount of tension.
  3) I love a good insult, even one directed at me
  1) Beauty. When I perform, I make the world better than
     it was. (Good)
  2) Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold
     action. (Chaotic)
  3) Honesty. Art should reflect the soul; it should come
     from within and reveal who we really are. (Any)
  1) My instrument is very special.
  2) I have charmed many people in my travels... and some
     of them have charmed me too.
  1) I am oft naive and tend to take people at their word.
  2) I don't understand what fear is.

Leather armor
Entertainer’s Pack
•2 costumes
•5 candles
•5 days of rations
•Disguise kit
Three instruments
One masterwork instrument
Traveler's clothes
Costume clothes
3 carafes of wine
10 sheets Paper
Inkpot and pen
Collapsible music stand.

Death Awakens a god
The Dragon's Stone
Gnashing Treasure
Ogre Explosion
Catapult Skull (Hindsight is 20/20)
Hammerhead Orc (Head on a Platter)
Draconic Fury (Woman's Perogative)
Rolling Skull
Ogre Lord of the Dead
 Movement I: Alter of the Dead
 Movement II: Cemetery of Animated Flesh
 Movement III: Demon Spoon Rock
 Movement IV: Kickback (A dog has his day)
Curtains for the Sucker (Simply Amused)
Skulltank Victory (Kinship Forged?)
(make friends with Miku)
Acid Blood Hammerhead
Turn and Pull (What goes around, comes around)
A Song to Move On (katy requiem)
Blood on the Walls <<pink/red haired devils>>

(unrelated to adventures)
Bone Dust - The Rapid Bludgeoning
Bloodsicles - Island Jackers

Vampire Head Grenade (A gold dragon's snack)
Crystal Dragon Laser Disco
Organ Requiem (Mind Blown Watermellon)
Blood Crush Tank (Don't Tread on Me)
Tornado Castle (Kazukame!)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (Skyfire)
Zombie Pancake (Intestinal Syrup)
Sandsea Nightmare (Emotionally Scarred Kracken)
Zombie Apocolypse (The Heroes Return)
Ghost Barf Soul Vomit (Severance)
Killing the Extinct
Jump the Shark (A reality dies)
Electric Brainpuss
Glowing Mushroom Kitty Whiskers