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Welcome to Mass Effect: The Call of the Reaper

18:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Captain Yasmin Rahbar

Name: Yasmin Rahbar
Species: Human female from Azerbaijan
Rank: Captain. CO, SSV Marathon
Serial Number: 299792458
Birthday: July 21, 2146 CE (age 40)

Captain Rahbar is a human female from Azerbaijan, Middle Eastern Coalition, Earth. She is the Commanding Officer of the SSV Marathon, a Swift Frigate currently on detached duty from Fifth Fleet's 63rd Scout Flotilla.

She is of average height, has an athletic build, pale skin, and keeps her black hair pulled back and out of her eyes. She has had extensive physical reconstruction, most of which is hidden beneath the surface of her skin. In dark environments, her eyes reflect red light, like those of an animal. In very bright light, her polarized lenses cut in, making her eyes appear entirely black, a rather unsettling sight for some. She speaks Standard English with a Persian accent.

Rahbar's family is wealthy, and she has always known luxury. The oldest of five siblings, she excelled in sports and athletics. Her mother is a MarsGene executive from Vancouver, UNAS; her father is an editor for the ANN. Captain Rahbar is unmarried.

Rahbar joined the Alliance Navy when she was old enough to enlist, studying naval combat and navigation, a sure path to promotion. She graduated with distinction near the top of her class at Officer Academy, and was captain of both the kendo team and the debate team. She placed third in the Senior Pistol Marksmanship Tournament, and her paper on the Geth War was called 'insightful' by the Academy's Superintendent, and was later reprinted in the Naval War College Review.

After serving as an assistant navigator, piloting everything from frigates to dreadnoughts, Lieutenant Rahbar was given the opportunity to cross-train on Combat Support Craft: shuttles, fighters, and interceptors, and found a home as an interceptor pilot. Within five years, she was a Lieutenant Commander, and given her own squadron of Interceptors, the Fightin' 66th, also known as Rahbar's Raptors. She gained a reputation as someone who stayed as cool as a cryo cell under pressure, and her competence and professionalism were noticed once again by the high brass. She was promoted to Staff Commander after a few years with the 66th, at which point she was assigned to the 8th Frontier Division, piloting shuttles in and out of difficult drop zones within the Traverse, and becoming a fair sharpshooter in her own right, as well.

Commander Rahbar continued to earn the recognition of her supervisors, and the loyalty of her subordinates. She distinguished herself during the Skyllian Blitz, with her Raptors logging an impressive number of kills while escorting the Alliance's own fighters as they performed bombing runs against the pirates' capital ships. Near the end of the conflict, however, tragedy struck. Commander Rahbar was shot down over Elysium, and she was captured by slavers. The Alliance had assumed that she was dead, and so no effort was made to rescue her. For weeks, Commander Rahbar was tortured, interrogated, and subjected to every humiliation. She was eventually ransomed back to her family, but her body had suffered extensive damage. Among her other injuries, she had lost both of her eyes, and suffered extensive nerve damage over her entire body.

Commander Rahbar was crippled as a result of the tortures that the slavers inflicted upon her. She was prepared to take an honourable discharge, when she was approached by the Interplanetary Combatives Academy. With the aid of an anonymous donor, who bankrolled the Commander's medical bills, Commander Rahbar's body was rebuilt, and implanted with a number of cybernetic modules that transformed her physical abilities. She is incredibly strong for her size, capable of wielding anti-materiel weapons that would kill normal humans.

Rahbar spent the last leg of her N7 training on Torfan, where she [REDACTED BY ALLIANCE INTELLIGENCE].


After the completion of her tour of duty with Alliance Intelligence, Captain Rahbar was given command of her own ship, the SSV Marathon, a swift frigate attached to the 63rd Scout Flotilla, under Rear Admiral Mikhailovich. The 63rd was instrumental in the destruction of the Geth flagship during the Battle of the Citadel, and also in saving the Destiny Ascension, and thus the Citadel Council. Her unit was awarded the Palladium Star for their participation in the battle, and Captain Rahbar was personally awarded the Council Legion of Merit (as were all the commanding officers of the 63rd).

Captain Rahbar is currently attached to Project Unity, a multi-species soldier-exchange initiative created by Councilor Anderson. The Marathon is the 'flagship' of this initiative; its crew is comprised primarily of humans and turians, but nearly all sentient species are represented, with the notable exception of the elcor, quarians, and the batarians.