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Welcome to Valport: The Fruition Trials

02:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Thacia Dalton

Name: Thacia Dalton
Age: 25
Class: Prominent
Character Visual: Karen Gillan

Appearance: Thacia is almost the exact image of her mother which is both a blessing and a curse to her father. Her skin is smooth, the color of porcelain. She is not without imperfection, though. There are a few freckles that dust the bridge of her nose and cheeks.

Her skin looks even paler against red hair. In her younger years, she was extremely self-conscious about the bright color because it truly stood out - natural redheads in Valport are like unicorns in storybooks.  Over time, she embraced her differences and the desire to paint it has faded.  The only physical trait she received from her father is her dark brown, almond-shaped eyes.

She is average in height for a woman her age. Her frame is slender, and every trace of adolescence has fallen to reveal womanly curves;  these curves are often hidden by the loose material of her nurse's uniform.   She does not have time to keep up with Valport's latest fashions, so when she is not dressed in her uniform it is usually simple attire (leggings and long shirts, simple flats, etc.)

Other than her ears she has no piercings on her smooth flesh, but she does have one tattoo.  Inked into the flesh of her index finger, not far from the curve of her thumb, are the words Keep Moving Forward. Three simple words that hold so much meaning. It is a statement her father has always encouraged her with, especially during those grueling hours of studying. Never quit. Keep Moving Forward.

Distingushing Features: Her natural red hair is the first thing that catches people's eye. She does not go a day without someone commenting on it and asking her whether it is from a bottle.  She used to be annoyed by the constant questioning of her silky strands but she is accustomed to them now.  Her porcelain skin is the next thing people tend to notice. Her flesh is smooth and (almost) blemish free, with the exception of a few freckles on her nose.

Personality:   Thacia Dalton is everything someone in the medical field should be. She is compassionate, which is evident in the late hours she works. There have been many times she had held the hand of someone that had no family when they were told devastating news. She has stayed after her shifts to play a game with young patients that just need a little extra attention, and she has wept over patients that lost their battle during her shifts.  These are all traits she received from her father. She is a soft-spoken individual with a smooth, clear voice.

She is just as stubborn as she is compassionate, which is a personality trait she received from her mother's side of the family.  It is this side of her that kept her moving forward when her academics became difficult; she refused to be a failure in her chosen field. Of course, this part of her personality also helps in her career. She is kind but firm. When patients attempt to steamroll her, she knows just how to put her foot down. She refuses to be taken advantage of or let her fellow nurses be treated unkindly.

Occupation: She is a nurse at the largest hospital in Valport where her father, Michael Dalton, is the Chief Physician.

 Special Talents: Thacia is exactly where she needs to be. Even at a young age, she was skilled when it came to tending to other's physical wounds. It was a gift she inherited from her father, and he inherited from his mother.  Some faint or falter at the sight of blood, but Thacia finds she thinks with perfect clarity in moments others would be distressed.  So, it was no surprise when she scored the highest in her professional class in general medicine.

History:  Michael Dalton, Thacia's father, is a highly prominent member of Valport's medical society but he is not without his scars and secrets.  He was not born into the class he is currently a member. Ignoble blood runs through his veins, and he is not ashamed of it.  His father, on the other hand, was not and wanted more for his family. It was that driving force that made him put his name on the roster for the Trials. His son, daughter, and wife were what drove him through training and pushed him through, helped him Conquer.

Like most Conquerers, though, he could not escape the nightmares. Even though he won, in the end, he truly lost. He lost himself to the status that comes with victory, he lost himself in the alcohol, the women, and it affected the family he had worked so hard to move up. Michael Dalton watched his father wither away into something he swore he wouldn't become. His mother remained by his father's side and made sure she smiled for the cameras and exalted him when the media questioned his loyalty. She made sure that her children did the same - lie, lie lie.

Ten years, many bruises, and thousands of lies later, Michael's father died of an accidental overdose.   The Dalton's eventually fell back into the shadows, where they wished they had stayed. Michael does have one thing to think his father for, and that is his offensive presence kept Michael away from home and absorbed into his studies. He feared the pain that came from a drunk father, and therefore, he would stay as deep into his medical journals as he could. It was his solace.

He also swore he would never, ever be like him. His mother, on the other hand, was everything his father stopped being after he won the Trials. She never let her children forget their Ignoble blood and background; she kept them in touch with their relatives and allowed them to spend holidays and weekends with their cousins.  This kept him in touch with the needs of the lower-class and was a reminder of why he studied - so he could help them medically.  It was in this class that he met his wife, Norah (it is a rare occurrence for higher ups to marry beneath their status.)

A few years after their wedding they discovered it was almost impossible for her to carry a child. They lost three children in the first trimester of pregnancy. Norah came to terms with her empty womb and decided to embrace her new opportunities, but she knew her husband was not happy. Eventually, she agreed to a procedure that would help her carry a child to term. Her pregnancy was not easy, and she was hospitalized on several occasions.   She carried their daughter to 36 weeks and then required an emergency c-section.  Complications followed the procedure, and Norah ended up succumbing to an infection.  To this day, Michael blames himself for his wife premature demise.

He vowed he would raise their daughter in a way he knew she would approve so even though Thacia was everything to him, but he refused to give her everything she wanted. He made sure Thacia remembered where they came from and that she had Ignoble blood in her. He instilled a work ethic in her from an early age and taught her how to put others before her own self, not just in words but actions. Michael took his daughter on volunteer assignments at an early age, and she has continued these into her adulthood.

She may have her mother's flaming red hair and stubbornness, but her father's love for the medical field courses through her. It was during her adolescence that she realized she wanted to follow in his footsteps, so early on she took paths that would help further her knowledge. Her goal from early on was to work in her father's hospital.  It was her strong will and fire that pushed her through her medical training, and with her father's knowledgeable assistance, she graduated at the top of her class.

Thacia Grace Dalton has everything it takes to become a doctor: the knowledge and the persistence, but she has not made that step, and right now she does not have any plans to change her status as a nurse.  She loves the amount of time she gets to spend with her patients, and she knows that will be taken away if she moves up to the next level in her chosen career.

She is content where she is in life.  The desire to move up to the next class never crossed her mind, especially knowing what it did to her grandfather. In fact, she does not agree with the Trials and, much to her father's dismay, does not letting people know where she stands on the games. So, imagine her surprise when her name was announced as one of the contestants...

Michael Dalton - Thacia's father is the  Father, Chief of Medicine at Valport General Hospital.  His name is well-known among the medical circles. He also volunteers at a free-clinic in the Ignoble section of Valport where he offers limited free medical care to those in need.

Nora Dalton - Thacia's mother is deceased. She passed due to complications after childbirth.

Worst Fears:

1) Her biggest fear is heights. She hates the idea of falling. When she is visiting with a patient on the higher levels of the hospital, she always keeps her back to the window.

2) Losing her father. He is her biggest support, and she would have never made it through her medical training without his vote of confidence.

3) Confined spaces.  She was playing with one her cousins when she was just a girl, and during their game, she hid in a closet. The boy thought it was funny to push a chair under the handles so she couldn't turn them to get out. There was only a little bit of light, and she felt herself beginning to panic. Since then, she has had a hard time being in confined spaces (such as elevators).

Additional Information:

Thacia did not apply for the Trials, and she has no idea why her name was selected, but she is determined to find out - she just hopes she lives long enough for that.

Connections: I know Valport is a pretty large place but I am open to creating connections, both past and present! Just send me a PM and we can work out something.

Cato Black:  Thacia met Cato when he was hospitalized after a massive drinking binge. When Six brought him in he specifically requested a private room and nurse that would tend to Cato for the duration of their stay. Since Thacia is Michael’s daughter they knew she would be the most qualified individual.

So, when Cato regained consciousness, Thacia was there, working on one of her crossword puzzles.  It was not her first time to tend to a Conqueror.  She is one of the go-to nurses when they come in because she does not fawn over their position in their society (it stems from the knowledge she has of her grandfather and the way he treated his family.)

She spent a week – night and day – with Cato. To her surprise, he was a likable individual. When he left the hospital, she asked him to keep in touch, and so he did. It did not take long for them to begin meeting outside of her work and over time things started to change between them… but, they have done their absolute best to keep their relationship from the media.  The only two people that are aware of their closeness are Six and Angel.

Their song -

Six: Six was the one that brought Cato into the hospital after he found him unconscious.  He is the one that was so adamant about his 'brother's' care being kept quiet, and he is also the one that chose Thacia to be Cato's private nurse during his stay (or, so she believes.)

The first few days Six refused to leave his friend's side, and because of that, she got to know him, too.  One night they bonded over a few board games while Cato slept and she began to realize that not all the people that come out of the Trials are like her grandfather. Six was friendly, he smiled and laughed, and he cared about people other than himself (that was obvious by his concern for Cato)

Once they knew that Cato was going to survive, he hesitantly left for a few hours at a time so Thacia could tend to her patient, but he always returned and when he did, he brought coffee with him. Since then they have become fast friends.

Angel Dilaurentis: Thacia met Angel during the same time she met Six and Cato.  Because Six would not leave Cato’s side the first few days of his stay, that meant Angel had to come to the hospital to see him. Of course, when she did, she met Thacia.

It was obvious that Angel appreciated the way Thacia handled herself when she was around them. Instead of treating them like the celebrities Valport views them as, she looks at them as people that simply want to live their lives after some of the worst events in their lives. Thacia also doesn’t look at their faults with disapproval; instead, it is obvious that she sympathizes with them. She knows what the Trials can do to people, both mentally and physically.

Because of that, Angel and her spent time talking and have since become rather close. Thacia views Angel as a sister figure, something she has never had before.

Enoch Mathace: Work in Progress