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01:33, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Corbin Rutherford

Name: Corbin Rutherford
Nicknames: None.
Face/Model Claim: Jake Gyllenhaal
Age: 35
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina
Relatives: Retired parents, still alive and living in Southport, NC. Four sisters, three who live locally and one  who lives in Maine.

Job: Fisherman
Skills: Fishing, creating items for sale to tourists in tourist shops within Southport, somewhat musically inclined (can play the guitar proficiently, limited skill on the piano)
Weapon(s): Aside from whatever tools he has at his disposal on his fishing boat, no weapons.

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Scars/Marks: Small nicks and cuts from various fishing injuries, but a major scar across his right forearm from a severe rope burn.

Power: Empath
Level: Adept

Abilities: At this level, the empath knows what they are and has grown in their strength. They are now able to pinpoint the emotions of someone within a group of ten or less. That ability doesn't come without strain, though. The more people the empath is around, the more influenced they are by the emotions of others. It's not uncommon to see an empath start to avoid crowds at this stage in their power. Shielding is significantly better, but only on an individual basis. If the empath were in a crowd of five or more people, shielding would be unsuccessful. The empath can now influence people with their own emotions only, even in periods of high emotion within themselves and in others. They are still required to be feeling the emotion that they want to place in the other person at that time. This is especially difficult when confronting someone in a rage and trying to be calm to calm them down. It can take anywhere from ten to twenty seconds to achieve maximum results in changing the emotion of another person. Physical side effects of holding up shields for long periods of time will be pressure and tension aches throughout the body, some dull and others sharp.

Weaknesses: Standard weaknesses that come with using the ability, plus a need for keeping busy. There is rarely a time when Corbin gets to truly relax. He's a workaholic. He does anything to keep occupied, because if he didn't, he'd actually have to think about how lonely his existence really is. He suffers from frequent back and shoulder pain, a result of always holding the tension in his shoulders from having to be alert all the time because of his ability. When he does allow himself to feel emotion, he usually over-feels it, meaning that his anger becomes flat out irrational rage, any romantic feeling is amplified and he tries to move too quick, and when he's happy it can sometimes drive him to tears.

Personality in Brief: Corbin does his very best to remain unemotional at all times. He does not wish to affect other people against their will, so he keeps his emotions in check and tries not to be affected by anything that happens to him. He is truly neutral, often being mistaken for being cold, since he has none of the typical southern charm that the townsfolk have.

Any Other Notes: He can't sleep without a television or radio on to keep his mind distracted.

History: Corbin was born the accidental late baby and only son of his family. Years after his parents had decided to stop trying for a son, he was a happy accident when his mother was 40 years old. Because of the age gap, his mother was pregnant with him at the same time that his eldest sister was pregnant with her first born, giving Corbin a nephew who is only a couple of months younger than he is. Growing up, Corbin was always the special baby to his parents, being their only son after creating four daughters prior. Because of that, his parents were a lot more involved with his raising than they should have been, often being over protective. That parenting style went into overdrive after Corbin started displaying extreme fits of rage as a toddler, often hitting and biting not only other people, but himself as well.

Doctors prescribed medicines to keep him calm, which only ever accomplished stunting his emotional development through the years. Corbin never could pinpoint exactly when he knew that he was different, but his childhood was tumultuous because he had difficulty telling the difference between his own emotions and the emotions of others.

Things came to a head in his late teens when his father suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of a work related accident. Unable to deal with the emotions that came with the thought of losing his father, Corbin flew into a destructive rage at the hospital that couldn't be stopped until he was completely sedated. When he woke, he flew into another rage at being sedated and stopped from expressing his feelings. He was sedated again. Unable to deal with both the trauma of her injured husband and her emotionally unstable son, Corbin's mother had to make the decision to focus on her husband's care, and had Corbin evaluated by a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist recommended inpatient care, and Corbin lost all rights to make his own decisions.

After a year of inpatient care and destructive emotional outbursts, Corbin learned to shut down his emotions and contain them, turning them inwardly on himself instead. It was only when he learned to control his hazard emotions that he realized what he was. He didn't dare tell anyone in order to avoid a longer stay in inpatient care, and instead decided to focus on learning how to control what he could do, using his fellow patients within the ward to experiment on. As wrong as it was, if it was going to help him get home, then that's what he wanted.

When he was eventually released, his brother in law offered him a place to stay to keep Corbin away from the stress that caused what they thought was a psychotic break. His parents had a beach house in Southport that they would visit every summer, and his sister loved the area so much that she decided to move there to raise her family. With the help of his brother in law and his same-aged nephew, Corbin was taught the craft of fishing and started his life anew. He infrequently visited his parents, his father requiring in home care since the accident. His father was awarded a hefty settlement for a company negligence claim and his mother used it to retire so she could care for her husband.

Years passed and Corbin really found his calling in helping run the fishing business with his brother in law, who eventually opened up a fish market within town. Living with his sister wasn't the most ideal move, but whenever he mentioned living out on his own, they strongly but gently advised against it, worried that it would be too much for him. In order to prove them wrong, he started spending more time with his parents, and after a few more years, he proved that he was completely stable to be trusted, reserving his fits of anger for when he was alone.

When his brother in law retired, he left his son the fish market, which Corbin and his nephew now run together. It was a mutual decision between them that his nephew would deal with the people and Corbin would deal with the fish. Gifted his brother in law's boat, Corbin renamed it and worked tirelessly, eventually saving up enough money to buy his own house. Only that house wasn't in the best of shape and was worse than a fixer upper. His family seemed resistant to the idea, but he told them he was sure it was what he wanted to do. It was in a perfect isolated location, which was what he desired for his privacy.

Eventually, he decided to run deep sea fishing charters on the fishing boat on the weekends during the tourist season to help fund the repairs to his home. In addition to working, trying to fix up his house, and the creation of knick knacks from items he finds in the sea to sell to tourists, Corbin also assists with the care of his father, as his mother is too elderly now to handle some things after the in home nurse leaves for the day. Corbin is currently trying to find someone to live in home with his parents to care for them in his absence.