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Welcome to Valport: The Fruition Trials

17:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Enoch Mathace

Name:Enoch Mathace
Age: 20
Class: Prominent (Previously a Ignoble)
Character Visual: Colin Morgan
Theme Song- "If You Could See Me Now" The Script

   Enoch isn't much to look at, standing just at 6 foot, 1 inches, his frame is more long, and slender. Some might say he looks delicate, or fragile, but in all reality, the young man is stronger than he looks. He does not carry his brother's frame, but still, below his clothes, muscles are quite visible, just not as prominent. He keeps his black hair, a gift from his mother, longer, creating soft ways to just the end of his chin. He still has not grown completely out of his boyish features, so he tends to keep some stumble to make himself look older. Never unkept, patchy jobs, but a true fine stubble darkening his pale skin. Enoch shares the same eye color of his brother, blue, a bit glossy, but stands out against the dark locks. He is pale, but not sickly, spending a lot of his time indoors reading and studying. Underneath his clothes is unblemished skin. Even though he was bullied as a child and teen, none left any lingering marks or scars. When he is stressed, he tends to go for jogs, which helped keep him fit. If running doesn't help, Enoch normally heads to a 24 hour gym and goes a few rounds with a punching bag.

  His clothes can be viewed as a formal, but he feels more comfortable in button up shirts and slacks. Honestly, it was mostly because for the first time, he had his own money, and not hand me down clothes. He does not go for the top tailors, but instead goes for a decently reputable places for the middle class. If he is heading into work, he usually has on a vest. Even with such a formal outfit, he looks completely at ease in them. Enoch dresses casually when at home, but if he knew people were visiting, he would at least put on a nice button up or something. Secretly, though, his PJs mostly consist of old, hand me down Tees from Malachi. Not that he would ever tell his older brother where most of his older shirts disappeared to.

Distinguishing Features: Blue eyes that seem to be icy like the frozen lake, yet warm like the ocean breeze.

Personality: At a glance, many view Enoch as unapproachable, his nose stuck in a book, or looking out a window, enraptured by the environment. In all reality, he was just a shy, quiet kid who never really learned proper social interaction. He feels quite awkward when trying to talk with others, and often gets lost or left behind in a conversation as he contemplates his response. Some view him as a know it all as he often has answers, but he just wants to enlighten others as he was once enlightened. He is cautious with friendships, having grown up with many two faced people- both those who set him up for potential failure, or to try and get close to the Conqueror. But to Enoch, Mal was just Mal, his older brother who tended to be a bit overprotective. Which he never actually complained about.

Occupation: Contestant (Was working on becoming a Doctor, Nursing on the side to pay for school.)

Special Talents: Basic fighting knowledge, as well as medical knowledge. He also is quite the cook, and used to cooking with limited ingredients.

History: His brother, Malachi, often told stories of how their met, and how in love their father was with their mother. Enoch never remembered the characters from Mal's story- Instead, he had a headstone for a father and a mother who slowly fell into madness. His brother, Mal, did everything he could to keep the family together, and so Enoch became the quiet one. He took care of the household, creating a schedule so his mother had a pattern in her life, making sure all of them had food. He often made a lunchbox for his older brother and sister, then himself. He knew Mal would check the amount of food distributed, not to make sure they weren't wasteful, but to make sure there was enough. He lectured Enoch a few times for trying to skip out on a meal, stating he was the older brother, Enoch needed to eat to grow.
   Enoch was very close to Mal, viewing him as a father figure, and based on his young memories, Mal loved him just as much. He never started trouble in school, working hard at his grades to Mal did not have to worry about the raven haired child. And then one day, Malachi entered the Trials, and Enoch found out how Malachi when he lost their father. Enoch fell into a depression, much like his mother's, but continued going. He kept the same patterns up, preparing too much more often than not, and staring quietly at the empty chair. Robyn often watched the trials, and teased En about how he hid in his room and read, ignoring everything involving the trials. At school, he was often pestered, questions about his brother plaguing him. To the young child, his brother had signed a death warrant. To be constantly reminded was like adding salt to an open wound. In fact, he has gotten into a few fights over the 3 month trailing period over sly remarks. Enoch lost most of the time, hiding in his room and silently raged.
   Then, one day, Mal returned, and Enoch didn't know how to feel. Silent, he was forced from the only home he knew, and watched as his mother went to a home, a place that took care of her needs. Silent, he watched as the few friends he left faded into view, and a new life began, one involving new patterns, new 'friends', new clothes and new foods. Silent, he watched as his brother tried to fit into normal society, like he had not walked through Death's grasp and came out unscratched. He might of been silent during the process, but he saw everything. And took it in. As an older child and soon teenager, Enoch watched as the connection he had with Mal slowly expand into a jagged canyon.  He often wonders if his brother felt the distance as much as he did, but never questioned it. Instead, he fell into his studies, becoming top of his class with little struggle. Many of the other students resented him, and a few fights broke out. Unlike before, when Mal was at the Trials, Enoch could not hide the injuries from his brother, who instantly took an offensive drive, wanting to hunt each person down. A part, the child left behind part, glowed in knowing his brother still was willing to protect him. But, instead, Enoch asked to learn how to fight, even just the basics. And so the rift started mending itself, blow by blow.
  But, soon, Mal tired of the stationary and returned to the Trials, as a Mentor this time. As he packed up, Enoch looked on, silently, a part of him blaming his lack of words the reason why his brother found this life, a peaceful life, so boring. He wondered if maybe they had talked more about their hopes and dreams, instead of bonding over fighting, Mal would re-test and try for a true career. To hire a Conqueror would be prestigious to any business. But, instead, Mal left, seeing a teen one last time. One day, they would meet again, but Enoch would have grown into a man, one who stayed top in his class for many years, striving for the medical profession, even as the testers pushed for different career paths. No, he wanted to learn how to help others through healing, and provide care to the Ignobles, even if they couldn't pay. He never wanted anyone to suffer the way his brother did, or his family in general. He kept studying, soon being accepted into the top medical program, and began to practice what he studied.
   Then, a few weeks ago, the Trials contacted him, wanting to interview him for their medical team. He reluctantly agreed, not wanting to be a part of the team, but then again, if he could save a Contestant, wouldn't that be worth it? So he went. He filled out some papers, a talked, and went home. He wasn't contacted again, not that he really cared. Ok, maybe a little. It might of been nice to work with Mal again, to build that connection and maybe.... Enoch didn't really know. It was then the announcements for the contestants came out. And his name was called. Of course, Enoch was shocked, confused, and then angry... but the interview... the paperwork. The fact his handwriting was now in their hands.. It had been a setup, but why, he wasn't sure...

Jacob Mathace - Father, deceased.
Lillian Mathace - Mother
Malachi Mathace (30)- Brother, known as Six
Robyn Mathace (22) - Sister (Adoptable Character: Name can be changed.)

Likes: Cooking, reading, quiet.
Dislikes: Fighting, being snuck up on, loud noises. Anyone who speaks badly of Malachi

Worst Fears: Being abandoned by Mal, or left behind. Fear of water and drowning, kinda a long story he rather not explain.