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01:50, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Riley Walsh

Character Name: Riley Walsh
Face/Model Claim: Ebba Zingmark
Age: 30 but looks mid 20's.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Nationality: Irish.
Hometown: Dalkey, Dublin.

Simon Walsh - Father
Maggie Walsh - Mother [Deceased]
Alana Walsh - Sister.
Eilís Taylor née Walsh - Sister
Sean Walsh - Brother
Dylan Walsh - Brother

Job: Crime Scene Investigator.
Skills: Although not mandatory to her Job role in CSI. When joining the Police Force, tenacious by nature, Riley underwent a 21 week training course at NYC Police Academy to expand her Résumé.
Weapon(s): None currently. She is experienced in firearms.

Height:  5'6
Weight: 115lbs
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:  Red

Scars/Marks: Riley has a number of tattoos and body piercings but for professional reasons they are not always visible. She has been left with various scars from her attack, the most prominent along her left rib cage to hip where she also received surgery to repair tissue damage.

Appearance: Riley stands 5'6" in height, possesses a lithe frame and willowy limbs. Her pale alabaster skin has the highly unusual absence of freckles considering the striking vibrancy of her red hair and dark blue eyes. She keeps her hair long, reaching the small of her back when loose, though often worn in a neat bun or practical fishtail braid when she's working.

Personality: Sharp and tenacious. She is softly spoken with a recognizable Irish lilt to her voice. Riley has a keen eye for detail, an analytical mind and near eidetic memory. She is calculatingly scrupulous in her observation of people, even in the most casual of situations. During which, she becomes quiet, allowing the other person to speak so she can learn more from their mannerisms and nature. This sometimes makes her appear reserved and almost submissive in nature, when she is anything but. It's a characteristic she not only expanded on the Job, but learned mostly from her Father to pinpoint a weakness. It in turn made her pragmatic to the point of enabling her to psychologically detached herself from her emotions when it comes to achieving goals. She isn't entirely cold hearted and although capable of empathy, she's simply practical in regards to the world she lives in.

Species: Wolf
Level: Lesser
Powers: Lesser, All Lesser powers

Appearance in Wolf Form: Unknown

Weaknesses: All lesser Lycanthrope weaknesses apply. Despite Riley's usual focused and calculated demeanor, having the newly discovered temperament of junkyard dog is a challenge she's never faced before. Her lack of control over her Beast makes her prone to violent outbursts and a danger to other people. She's unable to think clearly or rationalize with her urges making her prone to shifting in public.

Simon Walsh put his Career before his Marriage and his Family. Rising in ranks to SAC within the FBI specializing in Profiling. Simon was the very best in his field of expertise and for a man of his humble Irish background, it was quite the achievement.  When Riley was three years old her Parents separated. When her Mother Maggie moved them from Boston to Dublin, being the youngest of five children with only a year between each of them, her lack of understanding brought on a difficult time for the youngster. Simon did not attest his estranged Wife's decision and they soon divorced. It was better the Children stayed with their Mother and distance masked the excuse of his absence brought on by his Job.

Ten years later Maggie developed a rare and aggressive form of brain Cancer. Her death was sudden and within days of the Oncologists diagnosis. Simon arrived in Dublin the day later and after Maggie's funeral, collected his Children taking them back home to Boston with him. Riley and her siblings, despite their Catholic upbringing were fractious and proved to be a handful. Though guilt dictated that Simon make up for lost time he ruled them with a formidable strictness that they soon came to respect.

A Parent's responsibility was to protect their children from the horrors of Society for as long as they possibly could. Simon Walsh had done the complete opposite. He had never subjected them to actual physical danger, but instead to raise a brutal awareness, he had exposed them to some of the most heinous acts of Crime, violence and human cruelty he had ever seen in his Career. He believed they had a right to know the truths of the World they lived in and he had seen it as a way of hardened their soft naively nurtured minds.

His way of spending quality time with his kids had involved making them part of his investigatory Case team. Other Fathers spent their Sunday afternoons throwing a ball in the park, he'd missed out on a great deal of their childhood so had some making up to do. He made them study Autopsy Reports and Forensic findings, he had them read Witness Statements, look at Crime scene Photos and fired question after questions at them. To a Parent like Simon, it was unconventional but essential, which seasoned his Children in a very particular way.

Following in their Father's footsteps, Riley's older Twin Brother's and one older Sister joined the FBI and all graduated Quantico. Her other Sister wanted no part in Law Enforcement and became a Kindergarten Teacher. When it became Riley's turn she chose a different route, partly due to her wish to step outside of the box, however Law Enforcement was too ingrained into her nature to ignore. She Mastered in Forensic Science and became part of the CSI team at Boston PD.  From there Riley progressed to Specialist on a contractual basis moving from Police Department to Police Department where needed. She spent time in Santa Monica and New York.

For anyone who works in Law Enforcement most extreme cases stick with them and there is usually one which Haunts them. For Riley it was the case of a missing 15 year old schoolgirl Amy Blossom.  The ten year old case had gone cold almost immediately, citing Amy Blossom was a run away.  Evidence and Witness statements were strangely lacking, no clues to the girl's whereabouts could be found and the files were incomplete with integral pieces missing. Even Riley's superiors wouldn't reopen the case claiming there was no Statute of limitations regarding the case. She worked the case in her own time and grew obsessed with the background, linking new evidence in other disappearances to Amy Blossom.  The details behind the disappearances were riddled with corruption and had a similar M.O. With the help of Amy's Father, David Blossom, Riley began to unearth information she wasn't supposed to know but fearing that his Daughter was still alive, David refused to go on record with his claims and Superiors refused to reopen the case due t lack of evidence.

A temporary position came up in a small town in Washington and Riley was Seconded on a six month basis. Her Geography was good but even she had not heard of the small Town and it was very different to what she was used to. Figuring it would be slower paced and it would give her a much deserved break and more time to work on her personal endeavour, she accepted the position and prepared for the trip.  Normally attuned to her surroundings, Riley didn't notice the Truck that followed her hire car from the Airport. She failed to recognize it pull up in the same Gas station when she had stopped to use the rest room and buy coffee. Or the Driver and Passenger who watched her from behind the tinted windows.  As she navigated the dark and secluded part of a country road, listening to the radio with the volume cranked high to keep herself awake. The vehicle behind her with it's headlights switched off remained unseen. She didn't know they were there at all until they drove along side her and shunted her off the road down a steep embankment into a wooded area.

The naked body of an unconscious young Woman was found by Hikers three miles from the nearest road and Airlifted to the Local Hospital. Her condition was  threatening. Lacerations and open gnarled wounds liken to an animal attack were found on her body. After extensive re-constructive Surgery and blood transfusions she was left in a stable yet critical condition.  No personal belongings were found in the area. Paramedics could not locate a vehicle on the main road and it is unsure where she had come from. She woke only briefly with no recollection of what happened to her, she is unaware of her own identity. Trauma to her skull and brain likely caused the memory loss and she was known as Jane Doe. Charles Foster who was assigned to the case immediately recognized the signs. Riley was supposed to be dead but she had somehow survived and was newly infected. Before the Hospital staff could realize she was beginning to heal at an alarming rate. The Police Captain got her out of the Hospital and destroyed any link Jane Doe had with Riley Walsh to protect her identity.

Riley gave Charles all the information she had regarding her suspicions behind her attack. She shared the details of the case she had been working on and why now she was even more determined to continue and not give up. But Charles convinced her that until she was stronger and able to control her new impulses as a Wolf, she was a danger to those around her and he needed to get her somewhere safe.