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Welcome to cWoD: Los Angeles

15:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Isabella Dominguez

Relevant Stats
Appearance ••••• Formal Events specialization
Charisma •••• Genteel Specialization (appearing respectable/refined)
Blush of Health ••
Presence •••
Enchanting Voice

Isabella is a strikingly beautiful woman from the heart of Mexico City. Having grown up there, she holds a lot of fashion choices over from her time in Central America, like fresh flowers in her hair, sun dresses and even cute sun hats.

Her long, dark brown hair is wavy and naturally smooth, much like her mother's hair, who she is a spitting image of. Her dark hair frames the lightly tanned skin of her olive complexion, and her deeply intense dark eyes that seem to peer into one's soul when she fixes her gaze on someone.

A little bit taller than average, at five foot seven inches tall, Isabella's slender and toned physique only weighs in around 115 pounds, but with ample weight in her bosom to attract attention, and a nice apple-shaped butt that she is well known amongst her friends and coworkers for.

Despite her undead nature, Isabella is one of the rare vampires with the blush of health, so she still has a healthy hue to her skin tone, appears to be breathing and blinking like a normal human, and so on. This further helps to make it easy to draw close to those around her. In addition to this, Isabella has a ridiculously enchanting voice that sets people at ease and relaxes them.

Relevant stats
Charisma •••• Genteel specialization
Empathy •••• Gaining Trust specialization
Expression •••• Seduction specialization
Etiquette •••• Formal Dinners specialization
Enchanting Voice ••
Soft Hearted •

Isabella has always been treated like a princess, and as such, she always has a wonderful attitude, chipper and happy to help anybody in need. She doesn't mind helping an elderly person across the street, or paying for a family's dinner when their card is declined.

That being said, one could describe her as having her head in the clouds, because she is VERY optimistic, bordering on delusional. She still sees the best in people to the point that if the Sabbath gang bangers that were trying to chase her told her that it was safer in their trunk, she'd probably leap right in, thinking just how nice the boys were to help her!

Isabella also takes GREAT pride in her ability to cook. Although she'll only make tamales for a man she is dedicated to, she is glad to cook other classic hispanic dishes for friends and strangers alike.

Isabella is most certainly a lover and not a fighter. She cannot stand unnecessarily inflicting pain on others, and will often leave if her companions do not feel the same.

Although she rarely speaks of it, Isabella is downright terrified of super deep water that is so dark she cannot see the bottom of it. She knows what sorts of evil creatures lurk in the night on land, and she can only imagine the nightmarish creatures below! Pools would never affect her like this, and only the deepest, darkest lakes have a chance. This is more of an ocean terror than anything.

Isabella was the youngest daughter of Martin and Rita Dominguez, a very well off hispanic family with a large home, as well as several farms, in Mexico City. Growing up was easy for Bella, as her father had connections throughout her hometown and she was social and intelligent, blending in easily enough.

As Isabella aged, her oldest sister, an avid surfer, was killed by a shark in the Gulf of Mexico. Isabella was forced to watch from shore, and ever after she hasn't trusted the deep water for even a second. Drawing closer to her parents because of this, Bella continued working hard to learn English along with Spanish, with childhood dreams of acting one day.

When Bella hit her teenage years, she developed into a beauty, blowing away competition as if they weren't even there. Isabella had been approached by Santiago Vermuuz, but she politely turned him down and went on her way.

Suddenly, her father moved her to Southern California, putting her through school and allowing her a good life. One year, on her 22nd birthday, she was tricked into following a man to his car where he proceeded to grab her, bind her hands, gag her, and throw her into his trunk. Attempting to scream for help wouldn't have done her much good, except her eventual Sire came along, hearing her distress, and killed her kidnapper. As she was beautiful and already captive, her Sire took advantage. Still, her Sire introduced herself as Esclarmonde la Noire. Other elders claimed that was impossible as she'd died her final death in 1225. Upon analysis of her blood, however, protests ceased as her ancient bloodline was revealed.

Since her turning, she has socially worked her way through the town and met some high end Toreadors in acting, and still wants to make that her dream goal.