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Welcome to All Sinner's Saints Forgotten Realms 3.5

21:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Murshida Andalusi


Slender and graceful, Murshida is descended from a formerly very renowned   family of merchants from Amn.   Her dusky skin was flawless, and her dark eyes seemed to stare into ones soul.  Raven-black hair flows from beneath her hood, though she wears her habitual veil more sparingly, now that she's in a land of foreign customs and attitudes.
She dresses in delicate colors, though wears her armor with reluctance, as
it is required for her new life.
When traveling on business, she wears a chain shirt and carries a heavy wooden shield, both of which she finds distasteful.  The same goes for her Morningstar, though she admits to enjoying seeing it hit its target.
Her true combat love, however, is for her light crossbow and sling, both of which she's fairly well trained in.
She also has a penchant for holy power, having more will to draw upon than the average cleric.  Murshida is hoping to be able to focus this into more power later.
In service to her goddess, of course.


She has a bold personality when she deals with people in a business setting,
in contrast to what her family expected, but her demeanor becomes more shy when out of her element.  She values money and trade, but also friendship and loyalty.
Murshida loves stories and songs as well, and finds herself with a hunger for new things and a curiosity for the world around her.



  In the mercantile obsessed land of Amn, riches were gained and lost in a
  heartbeat, and families rose and fell from season to season.   The Andalusi
  family was on of those.
  When the Council of Six came to power, getting into
  bed with The Shadow Thieves, many families who wouldn't "play the game" found
  themselves in a very precarious position.    Their small family barely escaped
  the land of intrigue before agents of the new regime came to thin them from
  the proverbial herd.   The family gave most of their fortune to stow away on
  overland caravan, eventually making their way to the Dragon Coast, eventually
  making their way to Sembia to try to start again.

  A young girl, Murshida had expected to marry a rich merchant, chosen by her
  father.  When the family fortunes plummeted, she found herself adrift, and
  having to carve a new life for herself on her own merits.  She threw herself
  into her family mercantile trade, working as a translator and negotiator and
  eventually became a spokesperson for their family, as her parents spirits had
  been broken by their flight from their ancestral home.  Then, after a
  particularly hard day of diplomacy and fast-talking, she had a vision of
  Waukeen, Goddess of Trade, who told her that the path to regaining her family
  fortune and influence was by being her disciple.

  She made her way to the Sembian chapel and dedicated herself to The Merchant's
  Friend, and began traveling to regain her fortunes.   Adventuring was frowned
  upon by her ancestors, so she would use that prejudice to make her mark in the
  place where Amn assassins would never think to look for her.

  Since then, she has traveled the land, looking for business opportunity and   ways of helping others through the flow of commerce and information.
Returning to her native Amn has been on the back of her mind, but has become less and less a driving force in her future plans as they years go by.

Current History:

Since arriving in Sembia, Murshida had felt more at home   than any time since leaving Amn.  She's been working to help the local temple of Waukeen, especially the temple prefect.   She had also been looking for business opportunities in the city, including helping a struggling brewery, Fustan Ale and Spirits, after a family tragedy caused them to lose their head for business.

Murshida's parents, Dormando Andalusi and his wife Shaunti, live in Sembia as well, and are moderately successful merchants of silk and other fine fabrics.
Farwalker Fabrics isn't a household name, but has a reasonably good reputation.

They are faithful to Waukeen, but slightly estranged from their daughter because of her "rebellious spirit".  In their old fashioned eyes, she should be married with children already, and they're hoping she'll eventually move out of "this phase she's going through with the Adventuring".
They blame the trauma of uprooting and fleeing for their lives from Amn for their daughter's restless spirit, and pray to Waukeen to help their wayward daughter settle down.   They might be proud that she's a priestess in the service of their goddess, but also feel that "there are other girls who can do that sort of thing; we want grandchildren".