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Welcome to World of Greyhawk--Hero 5th Edition

18:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Theala Solorien

Background/History:  Theala Solorien is half elven daughter of the late Queen Yolande of Celene.  As a young child, she was kidnapped by the evil lich Worthange and taken away to a world known only as the Nexus.  She eventually escaped, and became a Ranger of the Company of Benwy ap Unyr, and the protege of the Guardian of the Nexus, the mysterious Arwen Meadows.

She had many adventures as a Ranger, and spent years searching for a home she had nearly forgotten until she was taken prisoner by Iuz the Old One of Oerth, as part of his nefarious plot to harness the magical power of her Ranger Company.  With the help of the Wind Mage, Zephirim ibn Zayne al-Zahara haji ghazi magi and Briar Moonrose of the Rhenne, she eventually freed herself and her companions, and thwarted the Old One's plans for her Company via a "Mexican standoff" in the Howling Hills.  The standoff was resolved by an agreement between Theala and Iuz that forced her return to the Nexus for as long as Arwen led the Company.  Theala learned of her connection to Celene and the royal family during this adventure.

During this visit to Oerth, Theala was magically impregnated while a prisoner of Iuz with the spirits/souls of five of her compatriots from her Ranger Company.  After her "escape" (which may have been engineered) and her rescue from a slaver by Briar Moonrose, Theala was later brought to Enstad in Celene by Master Zephirim.  Her children were born there, and left under Queen Yolande's protection.  Theala was ignorant of her connection to the royal family at that time, but Yolande and her nephew Galadriem (Melf) took great interest in her sudden re-appearance and the birth of these children.

Years later, while on assignment to the planet Gaia, Theala was suddenly and unexpectedly expelled from the Ranger Company of Benwy ap Unyr for reasons that have never been completely clear but seem related to actions by Arwen Meadows that damaged the Company, and lead to the deaths of many Rangers.  Her lover on Gaia, Kenaeda Kodai, agreed to help her find her way back to Oerth, and also helped her rescue her father, Bronwyn.  Eventually, Theala made her way home, learning more about her family, and was publicly hailed as Yolande's long lost daughter.

She assumed her true identity as Princess Erina Astrafel, and lived fairly quietly for many years raising her four children.  However, Theala had difficulty living as Erina, and fitting in at court.  After the end of the Greyhawk Wars, Yolande permitted her to resume her adventures as Theala.  Theala became friends with Skech of Greyhawk, who was Emissary of the Gods, and shared a number of adventures with him and her other friends (Rayne Ironwood, Learah Relight, Quag Darkholme, and Tomarie Eleval among others).  Theala also spent more time with her late father, Bronwyn, Ranger of the Gnarley Forest and her half-brother, Lord Galen of Solorien Keep in the Viscounty of Verbobonc.  After the death of Yolande, and the departure of the Grey Elves of Oerth for parts unknown, she continued her adventures while living part of the time at Solorien Keep.

She has recently traveled to the Ironwood in search of her friend, Skech of Greyhawk, avoided capture or death at the hands of Maskaleyne, one of Iuz's Boneheart, and finds herself shrunk to the size of a Pixie after accidentally stepping into a fairy circle.

Thus her adventures continue.

Personality/Tactics:  Theala is a headstrong woman of strong moral convictions.  She tends to view the world through her own lens, and is seldom willing to compromise once she has made up her mind.  He is decisive, and acts on her beliefs and convictions.  Theala cares strongly for others, and often takes risks to help strangers.  She enjoys helping the underdog, and has a strong dislike of bullies.  She tries to make sure those she helps are in the right first.

Theala's sense of her place in the world was badly shaken by the revelations of her background:  her childhood, the issues with her Ranger Company, and what she's learned about her family.  She had difficulty adapting to life as a member of the royal family in Celene, and even now has discomfort as the Lord's sister in Solorien Keep.  Theala has a hard working, simple approach to life.  She is more comfortable with "ordinary" folk than with the nobility, and this trait frustrates her brother at times.  Theala tried to live up to Yolande's expectations, and and to Galen's.  However, Theala and Galen do not fully understand one another, having been raised in opposite ways.  Theala tries hard to supporess her instinct to rebel against authority.

Theala does not like being used or manipulated.  She tries to keep quiet and observant in political affairs, to learn what she can before acting.  However, she is impulsive by nature, and these competing aspects of her nature often create difficulties for her.  In combat situations, Theala is direct and decisive.  She is proud, loyal to her friends and family, and loves the company of young children.

Theala does not often bring up the subject of past friendships or past struggles, but she almost always answers questions when asked directly, sometimes with brutal honesty.  She tries hard to accept accountability for her actions both good and bad.  Theala believes strongly in freewill and personal responsibility.  She is a follower of Correlon Larethian and Sehanine Moonbow among the elven gods, and Ehlonna of the Forest among the human gods.

Theala does not care for cities or to spend too much time indoors.  She enjoys hunting and exploring the countryside.  She likes talking to new people is is generally friendly and open.  She loves music greatly, and has studied by olven and human styles.  She is not a trained composer, but enjoys composing "ditties" for her own pleasure.  She plays the flute, a variety of stringed instruments, and has an excellent vocal range and perfect pitch.

Physical AppearanceNormally Theala is 5'10" tall, busty, athletic, and fit.  She has blonde hair with auburn highlights (favoring her mother), and malachite eyes (favoring her father).  Her elven features are subtle; the elven structure of her eyes, the pointed ears, being the most obvious of them, and her facial features strongly favor her mother.  Theala is easily able to pass as human, but openly prefers her elven heritage and thinks of herself as an elf, not human.  She is uncomfortable in high society, although she is able to carry herself well enough among the upper classes.  Due to recent adventures, her skin is flawless and unmarred by scar.  She has a "tramp stamp" type marking or tattoo but does not know where it came from; she takes pains to hide it.

Currently Theala stands 7 inches tall.  Her clothing and gear no longer fit her, and she has taken to wearing leaves tied together with strips of bark to approximate clothing.  She has grown fairy wings.

Theala prefers being in the outdoors, and lives simply.  She prefers the greens and browns of typical Ranger garb, and wears her armor under her clothing.  She has been known to surprise people with her grace and beauty in other colors and finer clothing.  She prefers elven styled clothing to human styles.  She wears little jewelry, favoring a gold ring with a red stone on her left fourth finger, and a small signet ring she often wears on a chain around her neck.

Theala's Family ties and relationships.

Father:  Bronwyn, Ranger of the Gnarley Forest (deceased).  Bronwyn was tricked into a relationship by Balantis, who was trying to create a half-human child to gain entry into the Cult of Tharizdun as part of her long term plan to defeat the Cult.  Bronwyn was never aware of this.  He also was not aware that Yolonde and Balantis were two separate people.  He always believed all of his children were Yolonde's.

Mother:  Balantis Astrafel, Princess of Celene (deceased).  Balantis was the idential twin sister of Yolande, Queen of Celene.  Publicly she is Galen's mother, but in fact she is the mother of Theala (Erina) and Selena.  This knowledge was hidden by Yolande deliberately to protect the girls and give them access to their elven family.  Balantis was imprisoned after Theala and Selena's birth, and remained so until she escaped and impersonated Yolande.  She tricked Theala into surrendering the Sword of Kas to her, and used it to murder Yolande.  She was killed by Igraine.

Aunt:  Yolande Astrafel, Fey Queen of Celene, Lady Rhalta of all Olvenkind (deceased).  Theala continues to think of Yolande as her mother despite learning the truth of her parentage.  Relations between them were occasionally tense as Theala (as Erina) pushed for greater responsibilities than Yolande was prepared to grant, and often behaved impulsively.  However, Theala was devastated when Yolande died, and Yolande did take extraordinary measures to protect Theala from forces she was unaware of.

Grandmother:  Amaranth Astrafel (deceased).  Theala's grandmother, and the retired Queen of Celene.  They were on good terms, and Amaranth supported Theala and often acted as a sounding board for her ideas and ambitions.

Uncle:  Arundel Astrafel.  Actually a great uncle, and a powerful olven mage.  Arundel is considered eccentric and odd by all accounts, and seldom mixes with others.  However, he is a close adviser of the Queen.  Theala has met with him several times, but does not really have any kind of relationship with him.

Half-Sisters/Cousins:  Igraine, Mystara, and Astra.

Igraine became Queen after the death of Yolande.  She is tall, blonde, with violet eyes, and fairy wings common to the Astrafel family.  She is a capable warrior (her magical abilities, if any, were not overt in the game), and a capable political leader who cares greatly about her family and her people.  She and Theala did not get along well for a variety of reasons, even before Yolande's death.

Mystara is the High Priestess of Sehanine Moonbow in Celene.  She is quiet, demure, and thoughtful.  She is also tall, blonde, with violet eyes.   She and Theala got along well, though they had little in common.

Astra is Theala's youngest sister.  She is tall, blonde, and violet eyed.  She and Theala were close friends as well as "sisters" and shared similar interests in nature and music.  Astra has an adventurous personality, and seems to take little seriously.

Sister:  Selena Astrafel (deceased).  Selena is Theala's twin sister, and only full blooded sibling.  The two were raised together for the first few years of their lives.  Theala has only vague memories of her as a child.  After Theala was stolen by Worthange, their father Bronwyn sent Selena to Enstand to be cared for by Yolande, her "mother."  Selena had difficulties growing up in elven society.  She left Celene as a young woman, met and married a human bard, and had a daughter.  Her husband was killed and his soul trapped in the Temple of Elemental Evil.  She died of grief, and haunts the area near the Temple, waiting for her soulmate to be released so they can move on to the afterlife together.  Theala has spoken to Selena once, but the last time she sought her sister out, she could not find her ghost.  Her daughter lives among humans and is a druid; the two have not kept in touch, and Theala has not spoken to her in years.

Galen Solorien:  see character sheet

Children (in birth order):

Theala has six children from two pregnancies.  The first five are the reincarnated spirits of fellow Rangers of Benwy ap Unyr who were murdered by Iuz, the Old One.

Arianna--full blooded Grey Elf.  Believed to have remained in Enstad when the city left Oerth.  Appears to be approximately 4-5 years old.  Theala named her to honor her friend Arwen Meadows.

Brianna--half Grey Elf, half human.  Appears to be 12-14 years old.  See character description.  Theala named her to honor her friend Briar Moonrose.  She lives in Solorien Keep with Galen.

Zayne--half Grey Elf, half human.  Appears to be 12-14 years old.  See character description.  Theala named him to honor her friend Master Zephirim.  He lives in Solorien Keep with Galen.

Brand:  one quarter orc, one quarter Grey Elf, half human.  His elven features are hard to disern due to his orcish features.  He appears to be in his early 20's.  He is a capable warrior who has traveled across the western Flanaess since before the departure of the Grey Elves.  There was some tension between him and Theala during his teen years, but the two later reconciled.  Theala last saw him in the City of Greyhawk when she paid his fines for a minor criminal charge (he maintains his innocence).  When they parted, he told her he planned to journey to the Wild Coast.  She has not seen or heard from him since.  Brand is on friendly terms with Quag Darkholme, and occasionally refers to him as "Father."  He is aware of the circumstances of his birth; the only one of Theala's children to be so.

Daughter:  Theala has a daughter with Quag Darkholme, born during the Blackthorn Invasion of Verbobonc City.  After the birth, Theala fled the city to journey to Solorian Keep, where she was to meet Quag.  However, her path was diverted by a meeting with her sister Mystara, who had been ordered to return Theala to Enstad by Igraine.  Theala witnessed the departure of the Grey Elves, and stayed in Celene to organize the safety of the half-elves left behind.  She and Quag quarreled after he reunited with her, and he demanded she surrender their child to him.  She had not named her.  The child lives in what used to be Celene with Quag.  Theala has not seen her since, and on the one occasion she saw Quag afterwards, he refused to answer any questions about her.  Skech has told Theala the child is well, and being educated.  Theala suspects Skech knows more than he is telling her, but has not confronted him on that.

Quag Darkholme:  quasi husband.  Quag is a powerful mage, who adventured for several years with Theala and their other friends.  He is close friends with Skech, and formerly apprenticed to Archmage Tenser of the Circle of Eight.  He is a half orc from the Theocracy of Tehn; his mother was a human captured by orcs, his father an orcish chief.  His mother was killed by his father for trying to escape with Quag as a child.  Quag has of late embraced his orcish heritage, and works with Turrosh Mak to establish a new society in the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj.  He and Theala began a relationship after she mated with him when she went into season.  He took an interest in the pregnancy, and later rescued Theala when she was captured by slavers and taken to Greyhawk as a hostage.  He claimed her as his wife, though this has not been recognized by anyone else.  He and Theala parted on poor terms when she failed to appear at Solorien Keep as she promised.  Theala is open and unapologetic about her past relationship with Quag, and their child together.  Brand has hinted Quag has been sending Theala "messages", which Theala has been oblivious to.