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13:07, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jerome Rothmuller

An ill-mannered military chaplain.

Brown eyes alert and eyes wide - Jerome appears constantly expectant, not with suspicion, but with wonder. Treating each new thing (whatever it might be) as a gift and an opportunity. Apparently happier than most who doubt and question; he regularly walks about with a lingering smile on his lips, a twinkle in his eye, and a laugh ready to bubble out from him.  Only...  his sense of wonder is not limited to 'good' things - as life is never filled with just that. Most recently deployed as a soldier in the field, his sense of humor might be black, when it's not blue.

He might be caught 'people watching', wherever he travels. And his expression is never as guarded as it should be - if only for courtesy's own sake. Combined with his cheer and abrupt (and often taboo) humor .... a generous person might consider his behavior cheeky.  A less generous presumption might conflate this inopportune behavior and call it loutish, impudent, unseemly, uncouth, thuggish, or vulgar.

Of average height (5' 8") and slight natural build; Jerome's lack of quick humility from conflict tends to draw out those others who spoil for a fight. His face and hands usually bear the temporary marks of such conflict. And more permanent minor scars where even his chaplain's badge has not prevented bloodshed during fisticuffs.

His personal fashion is only vaguely military and is heavily supplemented by civilian purchases. His 'uniform' is no longer pressed nor sharp - if it ever was but consists of durable clothes rumpled, patched, and worn - but basically clean. More a common soldier than an officer. His appearance is marred by continuous industrious effort. His hands are rough, his nails dirty, dark hair unruly and unshaven - its all nothing a brush, a basin, a rag, and razor wouldn't cure.