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Welcome to Valport: The Fruition Trials

16:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Finn Sullivan

Name: Griffin Sullivan
Nickname: Finn
Age: 22
Class: Ignoble
Character Visual: Dylan O'Brien
Appearance: If there was a poster boy for low-class, Finn would be it.  Some may consider him attractive, but a majority refer to him as 'average.'  He does not tower over people in height; instead, he stands at a simple 5 feet 11 inches. His body lacks bulk, but he does have some muscle definition from long hours spent working on the farm.

His hair is dark brown, the color of chocolate, and his eyes are the exact shade as his hair.   It is evident by the color of his flesh that he spends a majority of his time outdoors. Even at the young age of twenty-two, his hands are leathery and calloused.

His most distinguishing feature is his smile. It is not something he does a lot, but when he does, it lights up his entire face and reveals the dimples he has on his cheeks. The smile reaches all the way to his eyes that shine with amusement.

Personality: Finn is worn and tired, and that is evident, not only in his appearance but in his character. He does not speak a lot and tends to blend in with the background. His brothers are all boisterous, talkative, and have ‘charming’ personalities. Finn has always chosen to listen instead of being the center of conversation; he feels that this helps him learn more.  When he does speak, his voice is quiet, and smooth like velvet.

Honestly, Finn feels like he has a difficult time connection with other individuals because all he has ever been exposed to is farming. His parents have never really allowed him to branch out and explore anything else because they feel like it is a waste of time when he could spend every minute of his day in the field.

He does read – all kinds of books, magazines, any literature he can get his hands on.  This has given him a vast knowledge outside of farming. So, unlike some farmers in Valport, he can carry on an intellectual conversation.

Occupation: Farmer - Mixed. His family was in-charge of crops like wheat and barley, but they also had cows, sheep, and horses.

Special Talents:  Finn has an expanded knowledge in plants because of his time farming. He can whether something is edible by smell, texture, etc. He also has ‘handyman’ skills. If he tinkers with something that is broken for long enough, he can get it working again.

History:  There are millions of people in Valport. A majority of them are nothing more than names in a birth register. There do not get spoken of on television; their names are not scattered through the magazines and spoken with reverence. The Sullivan family is part of that majority.  For generations, they have occupied the farmlands on the far side of Valport.

As far as the current generation is aware, none of them ever applied for the Trials and the games that came before them. They have all be content to work themselves into early graves so that they can grow, harvest, and ship the freshest food to the more prestigious parts of Valport. The pay is not worth the sacrifice, but the Sullivan blood that runs through their veins is a shackle that keeps them tied to the land and the job.

Because of his place of the totem pole, there is not much to know or tell about Griffin Sullivan.   The young man was born on the same farm that he was raised on – the same one that, up until recently, he has slaved away on.  He has spent his entire twenty-two years working beside his father, mother, and siblings on the land that the government has assigned to them. They do not own the ground and sell the crops to Valport. No, the country owns the land and assigns farmers to it so that they can tend to it. They are not compensated for how much they harvest; instead, they are given a flat rate wage that is rather low.

What isn’t known about the Sullivan family is the discontent that fills the space between the walls of their home. His mother never wanted to marry or have children. Her heart was in the vast, bustling city hours away from the rolling hills of green. She wanted to go to school, to college, to further her knowledge and escape the daily grind that came with hard labor. She wanted better for herself, but that’s the thing about Valport – it is hard to move up. The majority is stuck in the same place that their family has been for generations. It is next to impossible to change your circumstances. Finn’s mother married Charles because she knew it was what she had to do.

Charles married Francis because he needed a woman to produce children that would help him with the back breaking work that he had been given. His real love rest at the bottom of a liquor bottle. It has only gotten worse over the years, and so has the temper that ignites when he has been drinking. Francis, Finn and the other Sullivan children have all brandished marks that come with a father that can’t control himself.  It is the reason Finn went behind his parent’s back and applied for the Trials. He is determined to get his brothers and sisters out of the pit that all the Sullivan’s before them died in.

He wants better for himself. For them. For their future.  Even if he dies trying, at least his siblings will know what is is like to have decent food for three months.

Thankfully, the media has not uncovered any of these skeletons. They are still locked away behind a pretty closet door and fabricated stories.  As of right now, the media seems to be drawn to him; especially the Ignoble class. He is lowest of the low, but he has shown unwavering strength in the past thirty-six hours that is known to run rampant among this face.  He has been willing to speak to reporters, but he has been vague and courteous in his responses. x


Charles Sullivan - Father
Francis Sullivan - Mother
Colin Sullivan- Brother
Sarah Sullivan- Sister
Joshua Sullivan-Brother
Morgan Sullivan - Sister
Zachary Sullivan - Brother
Gracie Sullivan- Sister
Adam and Jacob Sullivan- Twin Brothers

Worst Fears: Every person suffers from fear or phobia of something. Finn has never actually considered his until he was retrieved from his home and put in route to the training center.

He has already conquered one of his fears – being stuck on the same land as every Sullivan before him, for the rest of his life, and working himself into an early grave. All for nothing.

Corpses: He hates seeing lifeless bodies. He has helped bury numerous neighbors, but it never ever gets any easier to see a person who has come to the end of their earthly journey.

Strangulation: When he was younger he was playing with a rope. Somehow he fell with it around his neck. A lot of the details are blurry but to this day he still remembers feeling the rope cutting into his flesh and his air being cut off. He remembers struggling. He would have lost his life in the accident is his father was not working just a few feet away.

Other Information:

+ Most people that farm do not receive formal education and therefore, very few know how to write. Griffin taught himself (and his younger siblings) how to properly read and write well. He also took it upon himself to spend an hour every day furthering their knowledge beyond the farm. It was something his parents always refused to do for him (his mother did not want to give him false hope, his father thought it a waste of time).