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Welcome to My Mutation is Awesome (based on Marvel's X-Men)

00:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Cell
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
Cell looks like any other typical average kid, that you would find in your standard home family. He has light messy spikey blonde hair with deep ice blue eyes. The perfect angelic look that most people love and adore.  The face of a cherub that is one to fall in love with with a cute and cuddly features. This is the type of kid that when a grow adult walks by they stop and stare and go “aw, what a cute little boy you got there” as they pinch is cheeks and coo. He likes to wear the newest teenie-bopper clothes to keep up with the fashion of his classmates such as top of the line t-shits and jeans found in the big expensive department stores.  He also wears a chain cross that his granddaddy gave to him a long time ago before he past away to meet the “maker”. This was something that he adored the most out of all his things because he missed his grandfather very much who was hes best friend and even his mentor. His IPOD was strapped his pants loop with his skullcandy headphones that hung around his neck something that you would never see he without, he loved music and it was another thing that he could  not live without.

Hair color:  Spiky Blonde
Skin color: White
Height: 5'3”
Weight: 120 lbs.

There's not much history one can tell about Cell since he is still very young but there are some very important insight on him that one should know about. Cell was always a bit smart for his age.  He was able to begin reading a little sooner than other kids. . School bored poor Cell all the kids were so far behind his maturity and mentality. He soon started home school at the age of seven his grandfather soon became  his teacher because his parents were very very busy. His dad practically lived at his job often leaving to go onto very import business trips for his company and his mother was a nurse spending countless hours in the ER. . His grandfather a widower  had the time and patience to spend with him. Cells grandfather knew about Cells special gift at a young age his grandfather watched him as he developed and knew his  potential, as he home-schooled Cell his lessons became on the power which both of them had. Cell learned that he had the power of duplication and he could split himself up into two parts that looked exactly alike. This task required a lot of mental training because the first “Cell” had to be the thinker of both parts requiring him to force his mind to split so he could fully control both bodies as you could probably imagine this caused very serious headaches that at times could almost be intolerable. At the age of thirteen Cells grandfather/mentor died of lung cancer (he was fond of the smoke) just as Cell finally mastered his new gift. As you could imagine cells was devastated but he had  to keep himself motivated  he knew one day his powers would come in handy and he did not want to disappoint his granddaddy that was looking down at him from the great beyond.  His mother and father soon put him into a magnet school to keep him busy as the two of them kept to their busy life and jobs

Cell is a very shy individual since he spent most of his childhood with his grandfather and not getting out into the real world but you could very well expect this. Once he has met someone though he is a very friendly little boy and can get a long with mostly anybody, he just needs that little extra push because of his shyness. He is a fast learner and can be very arrogant and judgmental at times. Since being a very bright little boy, Cell is very competitive and likes to be right . At times he can be a  sore loser but with the limit social interactions with kids of his own age this happens. He had been spoiled since he was real young since mommy and daddy were just ever so busy for him they thought getting him whatever he wanted would make up for it.

The power of duplication, being able to clone himself into two exact parts much like a cell that can replicate itself hence the code name Cell. Being able to replicate himself is not such a easy task because it takes a lot of time and energy to do. His powers are limited and may not even work it just depends on his well being and his mood. Splitting into two individual bodies takes a lot out of Cell he may become very weak and tired not to mention the headaches he gets because he has to control the second “cell”.

Cell is a very smart little boy  . Cell is also very budding artist and musician creating great works of art and music noticeably impressive for a mere child that catches some attention . Being this gifted is quite a lot for the little boy but his grandfather taught him to handle it all quite well which is how he got to where he is today. Getting good grades in school even though it may be boring and under him but at least hes not alone.

Knows He's Cute - Cell is cute and he knows it. He has learned how to use this to his advantage, having learned the poses, expressions and body language that makes adults cry for mercy from the cuteness. While this obviously won't work as well on kids, it still works on a subconscious level just like babies can tell the difference between a pretty lady and a normal lady. This also helps Cell with catching himself a girlfriend, though obviously not older girls.

Skateboarding A fun pastime Cell picked up as most kids tend to pick up some fun physical activity, Cell can skateboard. He's no pro at it, but he can pull some standard tricks on a whim such as hopping up a curb or even flip his board and land on it.   [added by Timothius]