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Welcome to My Mutation is Awesome (based on Marvel's X-Men)

07:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Yuliya Stribog (Levi)

Alias: Levi.
Real Name: Yuliya Stribog
Family: Piotr Stribog (father, Government official, Human), Adriana Stribog (Mother, housewife, Human) Vladimir Stribog (Older Twin brother, Student, Human)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: Helps at the Coleman family’s workshop.
Nationality: Russian. (Has a forged American passport.)

Lazy Description: Mostly harmless.
Hair color: Shocking Pink /Magenta
Skin color: Egyptian Blue
Eye Color: Cherry blossom Pink
Height:  5’1” (154cm)
Weight: Nothing…though she cheats by using her powers.

Physical Description:
Although she isn’t very tall, with her blue skin and pink hair Levi definitely stands out in a crowd. Because of her cheerful nature, her mutant exterior and the fact she loves to float around she usually reminds people of a Pixie. She has flat pink hair just touching shoulders with her pointy ears coming from underneath them. Her face has small, sharp features and she looks rather frail.

Clothing preference: she doesn’t like skirts or dresses much since her power manifested. She prefers things that don’t catch too much wind.


Levi is very interested in mutations and loves strange mutations. She has enjoyed every minute of the two years helping out in the Coleman’s workshop and has become a lot less skittish around people. People know her as a rather cheerful little lady who rarely has a bad mood. Being curious and a little cowardly can be a bit of a problem at times, but she has adjusted to a normal lifestyle and tries to learn something new each day to make up for lost time. She tends to bite her nails when she’s nervous.

When Piotr and Adriana knew they were going to have a child they were delighted, even more so when they heard they were going to have twins. The first of the two to see light was Vladimir, a healthy little human boy. Yet when Yuliya’s turn came up she gave her parents quite a shock. She had the physical build of a human but was completely blue aside from her eyes. Knowing their little girl was ‘special’ they decided it would be best to seclude her from the world for her own protection as well as for theirs. The Doctors were paid handsomely to make sure their secret was never found out and Yuliya birth was filed as a miscarriage.

The Stribog family was one of power and could not afford to let the people know one of their children were mutant. Anti-mutant factions in Russia were rather large and still growing. Her father hired a trusted scholar for Yuliya’s education who taught her for most of her life. Though they couldn’t let her outside or meet new people they did try to care for her the best they could. To their relief she grew up to be a rather smart and friendly child who was very curious.

Yuliya knew that she was special she just didn’t know what it meant exactly until her 12th birthday. She remembers it as the best birthday ever. She woke up in a floating bed which was a little disturbing at first. Than she thought she was still dreaming and tried jumping from her bed to fly towards the door as she usually did in her dreams, since her room didn’t have a window. As she crashed into the door it did hurt a bit, but she was still afloat and way too distracted to notice the pain. In the mean time her mother, who had heard the crash went too see what the noise was about. Before Adriana could reach the door it opened and Yuliya tumbled trough the air out of her room. When Yuliya saw the look on her mothers face she knew she wasn’t dreaming. Later when things calmed down she explained to her parents what happened. Her father laughed and told her: “We’re lucky you didn’t fly out of the window before noticing it was a dream.” Than he held her tight to his chest and said: “For you it is still too dangerous outside these walls. Some day it will be better and you will be able to float over streets all you want. I will do everything I can to make it so.” From than on Yuliya was nearly always in the air training to be a decent flyer, much to her parent’s annoyance.

The promise her father made came true sooner than he had expected. Some time before Yuliya’s 15th birthday the mutant hunts in Russia began and her parents had to let her go. They couldn’t inmagine what they would do to her if they found her, or to them for that matter. Her father pulled all the strings he could and was able to send her off to America with forged papers. Her father made sure everything was in order though it was rather hard finding a reliable guardian to take the trip. On the boat the man who her father hired turned on her. He had some plan with ransom and stuff as Yuliya can remember. But his plan was rather flawed and with a touch he floated up. He wasn’t quick enough to grab on to something mainly because of the surprise of falling upward, and so he was easily disposed of. She did however dispose of the only person she knew at that point and once she arrived in America she was on her own.

After a day of floating around and feeling hungry, luck struck in the shape of a truck. Synch drove out of his garage ready to go to work. It was a soft tap she made against the metal plates that were loaded in the truck but that was enough to knock her out for a bit. Once she regained consciousness she woke up on a sofa near the workshops workspace. She could hear someone working close by and although she figured running off might be the best option her curiosity got the better of her. She went to take a look and was quickly noticed. After a short, awkward conversation about why she was in his truck he exclaimed he was glad to meet her. He was a mutant himself, different but the same. After a meal and a conversation about powers she opened up. It was the first time she had ever met someone like herself, even though in her opinion his mutant power was rather dull. Yuliya started telling him who she was. The tears started filling her big pink eyes as she told him about having to leave home and the trip to America. Her first taste of freedom hadn’t been anything like she hoped for. After some sobbing she finished her story. Synch took pity on the little lady and offered her a place to stay as long as she would work for it.

For a little more than two years she has lived and worked with Synch’s family. His father gave her the Native American name: Ta'e'haohtsêstse meaning ‘flies out of sight’, both as a joke and as an official ‘welcome to the family’. Lately things have calmed down a little in Russia and she has regained contact with her family. There had been talk of her returning to Russia but she isn’t planning on going back just yet. Sure, she misses home, but there are so many things left to do and see and well, being around her kind is something she longs and recently  there was this super team created that accepts mutants and and and…

See Synch’s background for more details.

1) Zero Inertia Levitation.
Levi has the amazing power to make things levitate on touch, including herself. The moment she lets go, inertia begins to return its weight slowly turns back to normal.  Heavy objects float back to the ground like a feather floating down.  After a few seconds, they weigh as much as an orange. A few seconds after it touches a solid surface large and strong enough to support its weight, the entire effect wears off.

So long as she's touching something, the object has zero inertia.  Meaning it can be moved about easier than a feather.  But like a feather, if you were to hit someone with it, it wouldn't hurt at all.  The limit would be something about as heavy as a refrigerator.  So if she was to touch a car, she couldn't make it light as a feather, rather, it would have about 500lbs less inertia.

The fastest speed she can fly is about as fast as she can run and it will not wear her out. Yet going faster would result in her having trouble manoeuvring and slowing down. Pushing her hard enough will result in her floating off.

Though she can not go very fast she has gotten used to the freedom of her movements and has rather quick reflexes when she is in the air. Wind doesn’t seem bother her as much as it should, though it is still not advised to fly with heavy winds or a storm. (This only affects her and things she holds onto or wears.)

2) Above average hearing.
Having pointy ears has its advantages. She can hear rather well and might just pick up what you are murmuring.

1) Well educated.
Though you wouldn’t expect it while seeing her in action Levi has had exceptional schooling and excelled at History, Arts and Linguistics. Yet she has trouble with anything containing numbers and is diagnosed with dyscalculia.

1.1) Linguistic skills
She speaks Russian, English and Chinese fluently. Beside that she is able to pick up languages quite quickly.

2) Levitation reflex*
She has been floating for a large portion of her life. As long as she keeps her head in the game she is pretty hard to hit when she’s levitating. On the ground however she’s rather pathetic.

1) Cute.
Looking cute and innocent can be very beneficial.

2) High spirits.
It’s nearly impossible to break her spirit.

3) Eager learner
She loves to learn and to experience new things.

1) Frail.
Physically Levi is rather weak and twiggy. The fact that she prefers floating around hasn’t helped much.

2) Dyscalculia.
Levi can’t work with numbers, it makes her head twirl.

3) Obviously mutant.
With one glance a sane person could indentify her as a mutant.