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Welcome to Traveller - Campaign BC1 - As the Crow Flies

09:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Flea

The Flea.

Shriek-green suit with a screamingly yellow 'underwear' on top ('Hey, it's a classic style!') and comments that leaves you itching, if her prankster ways fail to tickle your fancy ('Get it?  Tickle your fancy?  Flea?  Prankster?  Ha!  It's sooo good!').

She is fast and agile ('Looks, I can touch my nose with my index finger!') and appears to be as bubbly and bounce in nature ('Hey, buster, eyes are up here!') as well as in person ('Am not!  Call me Sourpuss!'), hardly ever sitting still by the looks of it ('I do too!  Sometimes.  Rarely.  Fine, I don't.').  She appears quite young, more like a misbehaving teenager ('Well, duh!  I am a teenager!') than an adult whatever, although she will never cross the line of the law with her vexatious antics ('I'm an angel!').

Quick wit ('Uh, yeah, what, hmm, they said...') and overly optimistic ('Un-inconceivable!') she do indeed tend to get under the skin ('Ew!  That's sooo gross!') of a lot of the adversaries she faces of against ('What do you expect?  Butt of against them?  No thank you!'), making them wish they had had a shower in flea detergent before even getting out of bed that very day ('Wait, they didn't?  What if they got fleas!?').

In her secret identity she appears mostly like any other girl ('Oh yes!') her age, except for the fact that she enjoys parkour and free-running ('OH YES!!!') more than anything else ('Well, pizza's nice too, and...  Never mind that, it's private!').

She takes care of her ailing mother while working at whatever job she can find to help pay the medical bills ('Someone got to do it!').