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06:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Natalya Zabolotnaya

Name: Natalya Zabolotnaya
Nickname: Aya (only from close personal friends), Nat (only from professional coworkers)
Age: 24 years
Birthplace: Novokuznetsk, Russia
Sexuality: Straight, so far

Play-By: Yvonne Strahovski

Occupation: PHI Agent (previous occupation: Agent in the FSB, occasionally on hire to the GRU in Russia)

Superhuman Ability: Powers do not work anywhere near Natalya. She isn't sure when she acquired this ability, as it rarely, if ever, came up in her line of work. Fortunately, this makes her particularly suited to the acquisition of powered individuals who prove to be a problem, but Natalya also (understandably) doesn't like to share her power, and certainly doesn't want to tell anybody about it, as its sort of a trick in her back pocket.

On questions from others, the zone is all encompassing AROUND Natalya, and it works like so: it wouldn't allow (say) an empath to read emotions outside of it IF she were INSIDE of the zone, because it doesn't allow sending OR receiving, but if the empath stepped OUTSIDE the zone, she would still be able to sense emotions that were NOT in the zone.
Not sure anymore. I'm sure the GMs will give an individual "what happens" to anybody that asks.

What the Town Knows: Nothing about Natalya's powers, and hardly anything about Natalya. If anybody investigates, her cover-up story is ironclad, indicating that she'd been a simple desk worker for Phi for 6 months, trapped inside, and was finally taking on the role of field agent for her first time now, trying to make a difference in the world. No mention of powers anywhere, and even her coworkers and bosses are clueless to this (ALTHOUGH if the GM's deem that one of her bosses knows, I'm not at all against this!)

Physical Description: Somewhat on the taller side (5'7" tall), but still very slender, at only 122 lbs, Natalya is in great shape, and has an athletic core and legs to back up what she is often forced to do at work to keep up with targets. Natalya has long, smooth blonde hair, although for work, she is often required to dye it, and has become masterful at controlling her appearance when necessary. She's had a long history, starting with modeling in her early general education, and continuing as she went undercover in multiple scenarios. As a result, she's become quite comfortable in all manner of dress, knowing how to match and frame herself from jean shorts and tennis shoes, all the way up to elegant formal dresses with a piece hidden on her inner thigh.

Always well taken care of, Natalya takes pride in her appearance, especially her professional appearance, as she does not know many agents that can manage to be simultaneously attractive, and clearly professional, as she can. Often wearing work boots, or light tennis shoes, her wardrobe is clearly designed to be practical, but attractive. She knows how to control her body language to "sell" whatever it is she wants to make others feel, but she more often than not reserves these special talents for those VERY few individuals who get past her defensive shell.

Distinguishing Features: Natalya has strikingly sharp blue eyes, and they are often remembered beyond anything else about her. This HAS been an issue in undercover work in the past, but she is trying to find social ways to hide it (averting her gaze during ops, etc). Still, they more often than not benefit her, as it makes it easy to grab the attention of somebody she wants during covert ops, and similar situations, without having to say a word.

Personality Description: Natalya has always been a driven girl. Modeling at the age of 14, Natalya was also involved in many sports, as well as flying through her early age schooling. Once she'd tested out of general education, and easily entered into secondary education (followed by university level studying) she pursued the criminal arts, having a bit of a passion for it. She felt that, with her physique, it was a good pathway for her to bring happiness and justice to those around her, and she also got particular satisfaction when she saw bad guys brought to justice. She had, as a child, always remembered the satisfying feeling she felt whenever she saw somebody doing wrong, and being brought to justice, and she wanted to pursue that passion in life.

In many aspects of her life, she is just as driven as she is with law enforcement. All the way through her academy, she was at the top of her class, and once she'd graduated, she was only in the routine police forces for months before she was snapped up and trained in special espionage and Agent training. She flew through this training as well, and found herself working for multiple intelligence agencies in no time. She often teases coworkers about this, given her fun and feisty attitude, but she manages to maintain a humble attitude when it really boils down to it, as she realizes there are much bigger fish out there. She is the hardest worker she has ever met, but she also knows certain realities, such as trying to out-muscle a genetically gifted man, is probably not going to work.

Characters History: [Tell us about your character, his/her family, details. At least 2 paragraphs] A slender blonde agent from the Russian Federation, Natalya began to dabble in international affairs as she was handed out to the GRU from her home operations, and as she traveled the world, she often ended up doing intelligence work in the United States. Once she'd encountered a few members of PHI, they took note, and kept her information, and she was able to reconnect with them, or share information, on a regular basis. Although she pursued this on a personal basis early on, it became business once they realized just how talented and focused she really was.

Having made such good connections in the States, Natalya was glad to often work with agents in the States, and close cases that ended up becoming international, but she was finally approached with something different... something a little bit special, and something she'd never experienced before. As soon as she recognized a new challenge that she hadn't yet conquered, she leapt with both feet forward, ready to take on this new difficulty, wanting to prove that she was the best.

Goals: Bring Justice to those who abuse power, and be the most dominant/efficient Agent out there (she takes GREAT pride in succeeding/excelling where others fail)

Likes: Likes physical activities, drinking with coworkers after shift, and art (though she tries to hide this, she turns into a little girl when she sees beautiful art pieces, and she wouldn't want her mostly male coworkers to tease her about this)

Dislikes: Bad-natured people, too many mixers in a good, stiff drink, feeling helpless (this is a huge weakness for her I'm trying to include, because as a GM if you ever need to bring her down a notch or two, capture would do it, rather quickly. She'd be feisty and try to escape, but soon as she figured out she was stuck, she'd become meek REAL quick)