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23:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Francis Fatone

Francis Fatone (pronounced Fah-tone, rather than Fat-one... although you can be sure Francis has heard all the jokes) lives alone with his father Felix Fatone. Francis's mother died when he was very young, so he never knew her. Felix doesn't really talk about her much, and has never kept any pictures of her. Felix has been working as an English teacher and trying to do screenwriting on the side. He works long hours, but never seemed to have much success. Felix always told Francis how you had to keep trying no matter what. Eventually, you would succeed, no matter who stood in your way. Felix was already working as an English teacher there when news about Olympic HS's integration program came out.

They live in an apartment in a converted warehouse building in a once run down, but now genteel area of the city. A few years ago, Francis was poking around in the basement on a rainy day and found a cleverly concealed door behind the building's furnace. After forcing the door open, imagine his surprise when he stumbled upon the dusty, dingy remains of what looked like a set for a show about superheroes! For some reason, Francis kept his discovery secret from Felix. Francis managed to salvage a couple pieces of gadgetry and started practicing with them during the day when Felix wasn't home.

Solo   d6
Buddy  d8
Team   d10

Exceptionally average
"Everybody loves Bacon!"
"What does this button do?"

SCAVENGED TECH (10.5d8) ----------
Weapon d6
Shrinking d10
Swinging d6
Enhanced Senses d6
Stretching d8

SFX: Foam arrows. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting ENGULFED complication on a target.
SFX: Because... boomerangs. Step up or double WEAPON die against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die and add 3 dice for your total.
SFX: Exploding arrow. Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.
SFX: I got an arrow for that! When using a SCAVENGED TECH stunt in a dice pool, add a d6 and step up your effect die.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown any SCAVENGED TECH power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.
Limit: Stiltman boots. Stretching only applies to legs.

KID'S GOT MOXIE ---------
Psychic Resistance d6
SFX: Going For Broke. Step up or double any a die for one action. If that action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power die.
SFX: Never gives up. Before you make an action including a HERO TRAINING power, you may move physical stress die to the doom pool and step up the power by +1 for this action.
Limit: No powers and not nearly enough training. Both 1 and 2 on your dice count as opportunities when using a HERO TRAINING power, but only 1s are excluded from being used for totals or effect dice.

SPECIALTIES (1.5d8) ----------
Tech novice d6
Acrobatics novice d6
Combat novice d6

MILESTONES -----------

1 XP when you talk trash to a super villain and the doom pool has at least 2d8 in it.
3XP when your refusal to back down when obviously outclassed or overpowered either causes you to take stress or allows one of your allies to gain XP from one of their Milestones.
10 XP when you publically take full credit for defeating a superior enemy or acknowledge the aid of your allies.

1 xp when you discuss an extracurricular team or sport
3 xp when your involvement with the team causes a complication or stress
10 xp when you are regarded as a team leader, or get kicked off the team

Event Milestone: Peer Pressure
1 XP: Choose to intervene with Tressica’s harassment of Odie.
3 XP: Assist in removing a level of Emotional Stress or Trauma from Odie.
5 XP: Convince Odie to either walk away from Tressica’s group or assure him that’s exactly where he belongs.