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03:49, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Diaspro Juniper Zenith


Name: Diaspro Juniper Zenith

Nickname: Little Dove

Slave Preference: No Preference

Characters Breed: High Exalted


Gender: Female

Age: Diaspro is the youngest of all High Exalted. She was the last to be made and as such, she is seen as child among her Siblings, earning her the nickname, Little Dove. Possessing incredible doll like features, the Lady Zenith is often mistaken for someone barely past the cusp of puberty. In actuality, Diaspro is not far beyond this milestone having only recently celebrated her 20th birthday. Of course being a High Exalted, it’s more than likely that she has been 20 for a considerable amount of time.

Hair: Like all High Exalted, Diaspro has the white blonde hair of a shooting star. Favoring a soft and feminine look, she prefers to keep her silvery threads long and naturally wavy. While she is not opposed to sporting some of the more avant-garde styles from time to time, it can become tiresome and so more often than not, she wears her hair either loose or braided.

Eyes: Notably one of her more stunning features are Diaspro's large, doll like eyes. While they initially seem strange and too large for her face, it becomes evident the more you look that were they to be any smaller or of a different shape, she simply wouldn't be as beautiful. Diaspro's eyes are a soft blue with flecks of jade and gold. Whilst mesmerizing, there is a quiet sadness in those eyes that reveals itself on occasion but is gone before questions can be asked.

Distinguishing Marks: Diaspro was genetically engineered to be flawless. She has no scars or unsightly blemishes. She looks very much like the other High Exalted though she is nobodies clone. Diaspro stands alone as a woman of great beauty. She possesses a set of piercing eyes that most certainly set her apart. Diaspro also possesses the smallest waist in all of Aeros.

General Appearance: Diaspro never inherited the long legs and sensual curves that many of her fellow High Exulted Women possess. For whatever reason, it was determined that Diaspro would forever be the smallest. She has never grown beyond a petite 5'4 and due to impeccable genes, her weight rarely passes 96lbs. She is slight and delicate. With such a lithe frame and waif like features, were she not in possession of the kind of clothing and accouterment of a High Exalted, she may be mistaken for a starving child on the streets of Coras.

Diaspro isn't a starving child however. Far from it. Diaspro is Aeros royalty. One of just ten, she is unique, rare even. Mother created her to possess the same light colored eyes and flowing blonde hair as her Siblings. Diaspro's eyes are a soft blue with flecks of jade and gold swirling around the edges of her iris. Her skin is the color of fresh cream and as soft as lamb skin. When it comes to the hue of her hair, Diaspro falls somewhere between the range of gold and silver. In fact, she seems to possess a multitude of thin strands that weave together in both tonnes of starlight silver and molten gold.

Slim and supple, Diaspro has the figure of a dancer. Though she does not possess any great height, her limbs are long and lean. Her balance is near perfect and she walks with grace and purpose. With a waist small enough to fit between the span of a grown man's hands, Diaspro can appear weak or vulnerable but this is not the case. As a High Exalted she has strength beyond her size. Perfect genetics however have done nothing to increase the size of her bust or fill out her hips. This is not to say that Diaspro does not cast an alluring silhouette. She is as desirable if not more than your average Chosen given her high status but Diaspro will never be a woman overflowing with sexual prowess. She has always been and will possibly always be more softly sensual than wildly sexual.


Personality: Diaspro is the flower that was planted too close to the fence. She is wealthy beyond reason and just as powerful. Having been in the public eye all her life. There is not a person on Aeros who does not know her name. She was brought into this world with a destiny already planned out for her. Truly, she had no say in the matter. She is a High Exalted, Aeros royalty. It went without question that when she reached the appropriate age, she would join her Siblings on the Council, live as they lived, believe what they believe and act as they act. She has a job to do and she would do it without question or contention. Such is her life in a nut shell.

Diaspro is one of the most privileged people in all of Aeros. Every possible freedom and opportunity is afforded to her and yet, she is more restricted and constrained than the most badly treated Slave. This is an unfair parallel to make however and she knows it. Her life is nothing like that of a Forgotten. By their very name, the people who live in the dilapidated ruins of the city below are ignored, rejected, overlooked and forgotten. They however at least have their freedom. A Slave does not. In this way, Diaspro is much like a Slave.

Again, this is quite a radical parallel to make and Diaspro feels guilty each and every time she thinks about her life in anything less than glorious light but she cannot help the fact that she is bitterly unhappy. This is a feeling she keeps well hidden of course. As far as anyone knows, Diaspro is an obedient, quiet, dedicated young Woman. She loves and respects her Siblings and in return, they bestowed upon her the name Little Dove. For it is never to be forgotten that whilst she is a High Exalted, she is still the youngest among them. It is why she was presented with perhaps the least impactful job in Aeros.

Diaspro holds the second seat in Personnel. It is in this position that she began to see the darker side of their glittering world. Walking among the citizens of Coarth, making sure their lives run efficiently and that they are content is an important job. It also allows Diaspro to observe the lives of the hundreds of Slaves owned by the people of the City in the Clouds. There is no ignoring the fact that while some are treated well and even loved, others are pets in every sense of the world.

Diaspro's unhappiness and inability to conform to century old traditions is not something that she was born with. Every effort was made in her creation to make her as worthy of the title of High Exalted as possible. Her unnatural compassion for those below her and her constant questioning of the way the world works is something that came about when she was small. It could be argued that had certain events never happened, Diaspro would be just as cold and just as socially bigoted as some of her Siblings.

Behind closed doors, Diaspro is a kind and creative woman. She enjoys dance and art. She can spend hours in her Library and if you were ever to catch her quietly playing her cello, it's because she's happy. Diaspro can't bring herself to play music when she's depressed.

It is common for her to open up a little more when in the presence of those she knows she can trust but Diaspro has developed a guarded nature when it comes to intimacy. It is not the act itself that gives her pause but the emotions that come with it. She can never be sure whether or not the people in her life are there because they want to be or because they have to be and the last time she loved someone, truly loved someone, it cost them their life.

Overall, Diaspro paints a pretty mask.


Sexual Preferences: Diaspro had always tried to follow her heart, as difficult as this is sometimes. She tries to find the beauty in the world and this extends to the beauty in people. Both Men and Women appeal to Diaspro though due to her own softer nature, she tends to fall into the embrace of Men more often.

Role (Dominant, Submissive, Versatile etc.): Diaspro is a High Exalted and as such, she is expected to be capable of taking control of everything from her Job, her Household and her Slaves. While Diaspro is capable as she is intelligent, confident and practiced in the ways of High Society, Domination simply isn't who she is.

Diaspro is a submissive. In public, she holds her own as pretending is what she does best but if there were ever that one person who she was willing to share her bed and her heart with, they would need to be naturally capable of taking control as Diaspro could use a little guidance. Not only is she young but she has still yet to experience a successful, healthy relationship.

That being said, Diaspro has never responded well to a harsh hand. What she is in need of is not a firm grip around the throat but a loving hand to hold her own.


Background: Many years ago, Mother created Diaspro Juniper Zenith as the last of her children. The one lovingly nicknamed Little Dove was placed in the care of her siblings and for many years, their company and their guidance were all she knew. Diaspro was unaware that there was anything worthy of exploration outside of her glittering palace. She was deaf to the cries of others and blind to the differences in classes. Her Family, the other High Exalted was all she ever needed.

Her purpose had been made clear to her from a very young age. Like all High Exalted, when the time was right she would fulfill her destiny by taking her seat upon the Council and running their world. She would oversee important tasks and help make the decisions that would shape the very nature of their planet. She thought this a great honor.

Of course, there was a need to protect the Little Dove. This is what she was told at least. Diaspro lived an opulent but sheltered life. She was allowed nowhere without her Holo-Guards and the rules that were enforced upon her were for her own safety but she had always wondered. If their world was as bountiful and beautiful as she was told, what was there to be kept safe from?

Slaves were a natural part of her world. She had Women who cared for her like Mothers and Men who protected her from harm. These were people who served her and who worked in her Household but Diaspro never really knew them. It wasn't until she was a little older than she learned the true purpose of many Slaves. Still, she was just a child and so her understanding of physical intimacy was limited.

It wasn't until Diaspro was 16 however that she was actually presented with a Slave of her very own. Icheb was different. He wasn't there to care for Diaspro. He wasn't a member of her Staff. As a young boy of a similar age, he was there to be taught but more importantly, he was there as a test.

The young man with the bright green eyes was presented to Diaspro on what the others said was her 'Enlightenment Ceremony'. Icheb was handsome for a pet. All her life Diaspro had been told that Slaves were lesser. Icheb was said to be no different. Diaspro was told that it would be her responsibility to train and to teach him. She would get no help. This was her task.

Over the next few months, Diaspro taught her Pet how to read and how to write. She taught him the Laws and the History of their Planet. She trained Icheb the best that she knew how. Diaspro learned to love her Pet and taught him how to love her back. She taught him how to trust but more than that; she taught him it was safe to trust.

Icheb and Diaspro grew close. He was the first person she had ever truly gotten to know that wasn't from where she was from or had lived the life she had lived. Icheb had been born for the purpose of being a Slave but he was more than that to Diaspro. Icheb became a friend and soon after, a lover.

When and only when she was satisfied that Icheb was not just trained but perfectly trained, she went back to the others to show them what she had done. Naturally, Diaspro expected them to be as proud as she was of her accomplishments. Diaspro did not see proud faces that day however. What she saw was something darker.

The Council convened and minutes later the Lord High Exalted emerged to hand down the verdict. Taking Icheb in his hands, her Brother looked down to her and without blinking, he broke her pet's neck. Dropping Icheb's lifeless body to the floor, he told her, ‘Being the youngest of us you were sheltered and cared for as a child. This was your day to join us on another level. To show us you had grown and that you were ready. You were instructed to make it obedient. Instead, you taught it to love you. This pet was not trained. It was broken.’

Diaspro cried over Icheb for hours until a Servant came and was forced to drag her away from the body. With the others standing behind her, she was forced to watch as her friend's body was violently stuffed into a Travel-Tube and sent back down to the Under City.

Diaspro never forgot the lesson she learned that day. She came to realize that some of her peers had as much respect for their Pet’s as they did for garbage. Pet’s were not things to be owned and controlled. They were people and they deserved every freedom that they were wrongfully denied. Diaspro saw the others for what they were but she also began to see the world in a new light. Her Castle was not her home. It was a gilded cage and she was just as much a Pet as the Men and Women her peers owned.

Diaspro doubts that she will ever be free but she could free others.