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Welcome to The Kingdom of Corzoconia

10:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Ceridwyn (Kerr-id-win)"Hrafnsdottir" (Daughter-of-Ravens)
 Age: 65
 Gender: female
 Race: 1/2-Drow (Dark Elven)/ half-human
 Trade/Occupation: A practicing Wizard-Artificer/Priestess-Theurgist for the goddess of Magic, "Mystra" (Knowledge, Magic, NG)
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Racial Bonuses: +1 CHA, +1 INT

STR 13 (+1)INT 16 (+3)WIS 19 (+4)DEX 18 (+4)CON 17 (+3)CHA 18 (+4)

Ability Score increases at: 4th (+1 CON/ +1 DEX); 8th (+1 INT/ +1 WIS); 12th (+1 DEX/ +1 CON); 16th (+1 CHA/ +1 STR)

Hit points (if needs be): 109

Physical Description: 5'6" tall, Silver of hair, usually braided, well coifed, and kept at waist length; Athletic in build like a runner, and petit of hips and bust. Dark of skin, like her sire. bears both Drowish, and Norse tattoos (from former ownership) on her body. Eyes: Sky-blue; Darkvision: 60-feet; weight: 130lbs.

Personality: Inquisitive of all Arcana; Insightful; Introspective; She is helpful to her neighbors/ or town-city of residence; She avoids the limelight of Court Affairs as much as possible; prefers concealing robes, and garments with hoods, veils, and if the sun is too bright, even masks. She is Adamantly opposed to slavery in ALL of its forms!

BackgroundBorn as a slave in the Underdark of a reclusive Dark Elven Sorcerer-Scholar, and a human female captive. She was sold at the age 18 by her sire-owner to a surface dweller (A Half-Orc slaver)when her sire became angered at knowledge of her learning and casting Magick when she should have been doing household chores! She was given a name by her new master, and bought as an exotic pleasure slave by a harsh, capricious raiding sea-faring group of humans (Vikings). She endured this slavery, and hid her talents until Mystra revealed herself to Ceridwyn on her 33rd birthday, and began receiving spells on her faith.

    Her escape attempts and beatings continued until the death of the Jarl who owned her at the hands of Knights of the Order of the Wailing, an all female Order of the Knights of oppressed, downtrodden women, and children when she was 36 (appearing 18) who sailed up his fjord, and sacked his seaport. She dwelled apart in a more feudal, but freer human society for 24 years afterwards on the continent of Arabithia with an Explorer-Engineer cartographer named Leofric Harkness of the Barony of Vestmark there.

They had married  when Ceri was 38, and had a daughter, named Elspeth. Leofric took up work, mapping and exploring the northwest borderlands of Corzoconia. After surviving 'Tenkiller pass', and saving Leofric's life (but not his left arm), Ceridwyn miscarried, and their second child, a son named Erevan, who but lived only five days. They grew estranged, each in their own grief, until she could bear it no longer, and ended the relationship by legal divorce eight years ago.

Currently speaking...

 Ceridwyn quietly moved to Corzoconia's capital Corzoco, and lives in the Lower-income area of the city. She seldom adventures more than a week's ride (150-miles) away. Due to the abuses of power by Mages, Ceridwyn is more firmly convinced a humbler, local approach as she has undertaken will reduce fear of Magick, and lead to more acceptance of its everyday use and practicality.

    Her days are usually spent between the Shrine/ School, and her house, and the occasional stopover at a Tavern, or to the Grandmother's teaching aspirants wishing to become spellcasters Cantrips for entrance exams, making potions of healing (for sale--her cash income), and perusing the market for books, or news of old books for sale/ recently recovered, etc.

She received news of her ex-husband's death from their her daughter living four weeks northeast of the capital (by horseback, or 650miles), and  awaits her arrival. Ceridwyn has taken several lovers but discreetly, and never for a length of time beyond a few weeks, mainly for her commitment to her goddess, and the daily life she immersed herself into thereby. Now she must balance being a fulltime mother once more, as well as chief servant to her goddess.


Skills/Proficiency Bonus (+6)

Only Daughter: Elspeth Harkness (Hrafnsdottir)
Age: 27 (physically appears a nubile 15-16 years of age)
Gender: Female
Race: Half Drowish/ Half-human
Trade/ Career: Noblewoman/Wizard 3rd/ 1st (4th Level)(Chaotic Good)
Sexual Preferences: Heterosexual
Racial Bonuses: +1 CHA, +1 INT

STR 9 (-1)INT 15 (+2)WIS 10 (+0)DEX 13 (+1)CON 14 (+2)CHA 16 (+3)

Ability Score increases at: 4th (+1 CON/ +1 CHA)

Hit Points (if needed): 28

Physical Description: 4'9" tall, Silver of hair, usually brushed, and kept at shoulder length; Slender in build like, and very petit of hips and bust. Dark of skin, like her mother. Eyes: Sky-blue; Darkvision: 30-feet; weight: 90lbs.

Personality: Born on the surface, Elspeth bears none of the discomforts her mother has to bright sunlight. She is inquisitive and precocious, to the point of willfulness. Having recently "discovered" men find her attractive, and NOT wanting to be some noble-family's brood mare for alliance-sake only, her rebellious nature came to the fore, and she left her human noble-family back to her mother's temple in Corzoco.

Background:   Elspeth was born into the Lower Upper-Class nobility family of Harkness of Vestmark unto Lord Leofric of Harkness (2nd born son) and her mother Ceridwyn some 27 years ago. Her parents were an adventuresome couple, much to the chagrin of the rest of the (human) family. The divorce of her parents legally left her eight years ago to be raised by her father, and newly (loveless) arranged wyffe these past eight years. With her father's recent death, and stepmother making noises to marry her off, Elspeth "left home" to her mother's place in Corzoco, not wishing to being a brood mare and trapped in a union she had no choice in.

Languages spoken/ written:

Skills/Proficiency Bonus (+2)