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02:03, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

James Henry Blake

Name: James Henry Blake
Age: 28
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Physical Description: Standing at just five feet in height, Mathew is not a tall man. His body is small, but well kept. One would not be able to tell from looking, but Mathew takes very good care of his body. Mathew had the body of a man that has fought for his right to live, with almost no body fat what so ever, Mathew is not overly muscular, but ever inch of muscle he had is well defined. His clothes end to his this though, giving him the appearance of someone who is weak and small. With a slight tan and his body structure so easy to hide most people find Mathew easy to over look and put out of their mind. His had is light brown and short, and well managed, but not styled, it tends to do what it wants, but always seemed to look nice. With green eyes Mathew seems a little too ordinary to most people at first glance, but once on looks hard enough they would see more then they bargain for, given the faint scars that he tried to hid under those clothes. The one noticeable scar he has in on his cheek under his right eye, it is a small thing, but the wound was clearly deep.

Biography: At the age of seven, Mathew's family was employed by the Spencer-Browne family to work in this estate, Grandon Manor. For his mother and father this was a simple job but one where they could work happily and take care of their child in peace. There were not many other children in the house around his age so Mathew spent a good deal of his time wandering where he could or studying in the library of the house. Even on the days he had to deal with the youngest of the Spencer-Browne family, it was a good day.

The youngest daughter, who was still a good five years older then he, was a bit of a bully to the young boy, but he was always respectful and played the games she wanted, even when it meant he got in trouble for it. Still it was not all bad, H ate well, learn a lot and his parents loved him. Everyday he would wake up and wander, and always he was found by the youngest daughter. This was puzzling to the boy and he wondered if this was what it was like to have a friend. Still, life continued like that for almost two years.

It was just as the youngest was getting ready to head off to her boarding school that his life changed. His mother and father left the employment of the Spencer-Browne's and moved away, it happened quickly enough that he never got to say good bye to anyone. He didn't know the reason, but his family moved on, traveling to America to find work there. Life was harder there, and Mathew began to see the world as it really was. He went to school and being as small as he was, often ended up as someone punching bag. High school was not a good place for him, and after, he lost his parents. It didn't happen all at once, and their last words changed his life for ever.

Mathew, at Age 18 entered the military and was selected to participate in special forces training. It was believed that he would drop out, but instead, he excelled. From then on, Mathew was a different person while he worked. He was serious and dedicated, and always did the job he was asked. Out side of work he was mostly the same, maybe a bit more drawn in then he was as a child be he showed respect and was always polite.

At around twenty-five Mathew became and hired gun, a mercenary who worked for money, rather then causes. He was good at what he did, and while he never let it go to his head, he was often told to be one of the best. For three years Mathew worked under an alias, to keep his enemies and those who would hire him out of his personal life. But when his Handler, A woman who called her self Dayfly, contacted him with a job, he found they had asked for him by name. This peeked his curiosity, and not in a good way. Still, with what these people were willing to pay, he would not turn it down.

It was not until he arrived at the Grandon Manor that he released who had called on him. Mark Spencer-Browne. The name irked him slightly, but he heard the man out. His daughter was heading the America, and he worried, like a father should, about her. The job was simple, Apply for the job as her attendant. If he got the job, he would be paid but the Spencer-Browne family to watch over the woman, and if not, He would be paid for his time in attempting the task. Mathew had experienced harder Jobs and agreed on the terms that they would erase all personal information they knew about him, he liked to keep his work separate from his down time. Agreeing, Mathew went to Apply for the spoke position, know just who he was going to see, but he wondered if she would recognize him.