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02:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jude De'Santos

<img src=""Align="right">Name:
Jude De'Santos



General Appearance:
6' flat with a lean and solid frame, Jude carries himself with a relaxed confidence and a definite hint of arrogance. Jude's  face has a predatory cast with sharp cheeks, a strong jaw and a clean wide smile the promises the world. His heavily tattooed body doesn't hide the definition of serious training nor does it disguise the many missed meals throughout his life. Jude is the proud owner of several scars including layered keloid over his knuckles. His hair is usually a bit mussed, its raven darkness is in stark contrast with what pale skin peeks out between his ink.

Currently Wearing:
Quite a bit actually. Trying to blend in is a little bit more difficult when you covered from ankle to neck in tattoos.

Distinguishing Marks:
Jude has been collecting tattoos for several years now. His art is an eclectic design that has multiple layers of occult imagery. While not every tattoo would have significance, the majority do. He has a story for each one, though he seems to be making them up on the spot.

A creature of quicksilver and moonlight. Jude has made his way in the world with a mixture of guile, charm, cunning and strength. He has been on his own for nearly a decade and it shows. His confidence is absolute and his quick and misleading manner of speech is notable for its slight accent as well as his love of innuendo. He is a guarded young man by both habit and temperament. Jude makes friends wherever he goes but that's because he is easy going. He has had less than a handful of true friends however and for those, he would burn the world for.

Sexual Preferences:
He's predominantly hit on women but if he's ever had a girlfriend, she isn't talking and neither is he.

What would he do for work? Jude tends to make his way with favors and low-level criminality. He will scalp tickets, panhandle or even trade labor for a room. But his usual profession is to play the violin. He plays on the street or at times in the subways of cities. He loves to play for the wandering herds of people, his talent alone taking their money. Jude isn't above stealing, though he does have his own moral code which dictates just who he steals from.

Jude doesn't talk about his childhood but it's clear that he is something of a savant. He has always been a child of the streets. It's almost as if he was born to them.  If you knew where to start and who to ask you could find the fact he came to New York city as a young boy. He claims to have been no younger than 10 or older than 12 but his stories vary. A small boy. In the most diverse city in the world, alone. Jude was foolish then and was picked up several times by social services and regularly shipped off to foster care or a state facility.

They never kept him long or he never stayed. He ducked out for most of a year and wound up at the tender age of 14 in Rochester. This time, he had with him a violin and most of an education. The social services came for him again but he gave them the slip and vanished into Canada for several years. When Jude was 16 he moved to Las Vegas where he could handle the weather and where there was always money in reach. He used that money to set himself up with his first legal identity.

If you believe him he says that he lived in the Las Vegas Public Library for two years before he had to leave Las Vegas for good. Having taken on the cause of a young trafficked girl and injuring the underworld figure shadowing her, he felt it was time to leave as the Pimp had friends and they wanted revenge. Between then and now he has acquired more tattoos, more scars and a hell of lot more secrets.

Whatever catches his fancy at the moment. Jude is a talented sleight of hand magician and a masterful card player. He is also quite a skilled reader of tarot cards. He understands people but has to focus a bit to actually fit in. Jude has trouble being still unless he can lose himself in reading or music. Even when Jude is lost in a novel, his hands continue to twitch or search the edges of the page, as if looking for secret triggers.

His main earthly possession after his violin is his massive MP3 library of both music and books. He also loves ghost stories, psychics and magic. He is a self-educated man and his knowledge can be surprising. He likes clever people, he likes puzzles and he loves to learn new secrets. He isn't properly a thief, but he isn't very impressed by locks or property rights either. He very much believes in the supernatural, for reasons he will not clarify.


Jude is the product of a very traditional family and not traditional in a good way. The family came with a generational history of poverty and oppression. These superstitious folk found their boy's intelligence and insight frightening. His learning pace was 'unnatural'. Even when placed in the church his mind kept him at odds with the other children. When Jude ran away it was from the Monastery his parents had deposited him at. He comes from the far rural north of Catholic Ireland and there, the Church is bigger than that Government.

Jude's treatment back home is something that has forever followed him. From it, he has learned the lessons of betrayal, distrust and fear. Fear of being returned to the Monastery/School is why Jude ended up in America. He had stolen aboard a cruise ship full of Americans and hidden himself well enough to not be caught for the week it took to make land in northern Maine. He went ashore and never came back.

Jude has had a few run in's with the law but generally, he makes it a point to avoid anything that could result in serious jail time. He doesn't really care about the law, respecting his own decisions and morals above the social norms. He isn't quite normal in a number of ways, and those oddities of Neurobiology leave Jude a bit out of sync with the rest of the world. He remembers too much, responds too fast and has an unnerving habit of pointing out that thing everyone was choosing not to talk about. Oddly when he is trying to talk someone into something, he is a smooth and convincing guy. When he relaxes, it is clear that he usually holds back quite a bit. He can be insistent and rude but also kind and very protective. His own experience at the hands of the church taught Jude how valuable autonomy is.

Jude actually doesn't like being homeless. He doesn't like being a wanderer but it is necessary or it was, until recently. He was a minor, an illegal and he had neither identification nor family. Literally, he had nothing to rely upon but himself. He lived as a ghost between worlds. Stealing from stores for clothing, panhandling for money to eat. He has never set foot in another school. He had to remain invisible and he was too smart to trust many of the more criminally minded or desperate street thugs. For the most part, he was on his own. Occasionally he stayed with travelers. With people for whom 'lost ID and no cash' was a reasonable excuse.

Jude sticks to either big cities or tourist areas. He keeps himself neat and clean and usually can beg or earn enough for a cheap motel room every week or so. He has lived this way all his life, until Jude decided he could pass for 18, he was 19.5. He needed an ID and none of that fake shit. He needed to go legit. Once he looked the part he could try and act it out. It was the only chance he would have at a regular life. Jude needed to avoid those pesky identity problems. As it was he couldn't work, even under the table much. He had no official identity at all. His fingerprints were on file in New York but they were under juvenile court seal from his time in the System. He hadn't gotten into enough trouble to earn himself a record, yet.

From the time he was sixteen and had shown up in Vegas, Jude had been working a plan. He was building a fake identity but it took time. He was scattering the breadcrumbs and setting up his roots in Utah. He'd often been seen in and around a known Mormon compound. Then with the requisite witnesses and reasonable proof, Jude petitioned the court for a social security number. His claim, he had come from a Polygamous group known for exiling their young Men. A forged signature and a borrowed Notary Stamp later he had an identity.

Since then Jude had been able to scrape together enough capital to start thinking about mobility. Prior to his legal 'birth' Jude's talent for music allowed him to continue to feed himself and get a room with some regularity. The violin itself was a gift from one of the only kind Foster families he had found. It and the lessons that to learn it are a reminder that there are a few good people in the world.

From that terrified child fleeing abuse, Jude has grown into a confident survivor, one who now takes enjoyment out of mastering the once terrifying streets of America. His odd savant mind letting him treat the whole exercise like a game but the feeling of danger remains whenever he is near other people or outside where he feels he can't protect himself. Jude can relax only when he is alone and safe. That's when he practices his violin, reads his books and composes his music. He can often be found sketching his murals in colored pencil. He usually sketches on walls, leaving odd tableaux in hidden corners around the city.

Jude is a collector only of memories. His clothes, jewelry, even his pens and pencils have all come from somewhere. They mean something to him because he has never had a place to call home. His treasures are his memories and his stories. He now has a totally legal Driver's license, which he got on the second try. His second try being his second time ever driving a car.

His life is like that. It has odd blind spots and emotional hurdles he simply isn't well equipped for but there are certain things that when he wings them, he wins. His self-imposed isolation is a thing of childhood panic. He simply can't trust anyone. He is good at reading people and most of them lie, even with their eyes. The people who don't lie he takes care to treat well. He prefers the truth but the truth is often dangerous to him. In his life, he's had numerous acquaintances but few true friends. Jude's migratory lifestyle is not conducive to maintaining relationships with 'regular people'.

Meaning that when he found out that an old friend from Vegas was heading to Stillwater and he got a bad feeling, Jude decided to flex that freedom for the first time. He may have rushed things but that's just his way. When he can get one, Jude always wants an exit. So he is now the proud owner of a former police car bought at auction. The 90's vintage Ford sedan has a seen a lot of miles but it runs and it's his. Plus he still doesn't have a bank account or a credit card and what assets he has he tends to spend, give away or hide. Jude is starting to wonder about the necessity of remaining a nomad but something called him to get on the road. Something his tarot cards only hinted at. Jude has a few hundred dollars in cash and a bad feeling running like a centipede of ice around his spine.