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Welcome to The City in the Clouds

08:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mordecai Lewin

Name: Mordecai Lewin
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6.3
Position in the City: Thief, Mercinary worker.
Goal: To find a better living, or take enough money to buy a better living.
Past: When Mordecai grew up, he loved his father, his father taught him everything he knew. Mordecai's father showed him his trade, his boat, how to work, and would have told him how to be a man... had he been alive long enough teach. Mordecai finished growing up leading a life of stealing, scrounging, for whatever he could find. He developed a hatred for the world, and almost everyone in it. Quietly brooding away his time, he misses his father more than anything.

Writing Sample: Mordecai quietly crept through the dark street, listening for anyone coming his way. He found the building he was looking for, an old stone structure, it's Glowing stone carvings still illuminated the sides, meaning this owner still purchased lightning for his home and establishment. He quietly picked the lock and pushed the door open slowly, all of the lights were off inside. Good.
     He snuck inside quickly, and began poring through the shelves and merchandise. There was food, and breads, tools and weapons layed out on the countertops. He grabbed all the tools he needed into his pockets, then made his way to the desk. Carefully prying at the lock on the lectern where the owner kept his gold. He forced open the lock with immense satisfaction and took a handful of gold, just enough so that the owner wouldn't notice.
     He began shoving food in his mouth until he heard a loud grunt behind him. He turned quickly, and saw a guard standing in the door he forgot to close. Mordecai nearly choked on the bread he was gorging until he swallowed it hesitantly, then he reached for the Axe on his belt with his right hand, while holding a loaf of bread in the other. The guard laughed, then drew his sword with a flourish. "You can't hope to get past me, Thief!" As the guard stepped forward to apprehend Mordecai, Mordecai lunged forward with the axe raised threateningly. When the guard hesitated, surprised, Mordecai shoved the flat head above the axe's blade into the guard's nose. When the guard yelled and began to stagger back, Mordecai tripped him and darted for the door. He got outside and ran to find his sister as fast as he could.