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Welcome to Baybridge [The Chosen Generation]

08:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kerianne Williamson

Name: Kerianne Williamson

Nickname: Keri, KerBear (don’t ever use this)

Age: 21

Birthplace: Denver, Colorado

Sexuality: Predominantly Heterosexual

Play-By: Katherine Heigl

Occupation: Administrative Assistant

Superhuman Ability: Kerianne has the worst ‘ability’ she can imagine – under extreme stress, her body turns into living glass!  Transparent and with the level of detail of a turn of the millennium video game, she’s rendered in thousands of facets and lacking fine details, like fingerprints, eyebrows, hair that isn’t one solid block, or any actual openings into her body deeper than half an inch – her lips move and she can display teeth, but she is utterly mute.  She has no sense of smell and her sense of touch is drastically muted down to ‘pressure/not pressure’, but fortunately she can see and hear…somehow.

She never takes on this form willingly – not only is it heavy and useless, she’s terrified of shattering into a million pieces simply by tripping and falling on her face!

What the World knows: Next to nothing.  She doesn’t want anyone to know she is freakishly, uselessly different.  She keeps her head down, tries to stay out of trouble, and would be decidedly distressed to discover that PHI knows about her.  There have been one or two incidents of a woman who glitters oddly as she ponderously bolts from a dangerous situation that she has gotten caught up in, but nothing substantial.

Physical Description: A bit taller than average at five foot nine, Kerianne is more round-cheeked, busty and hippy than waifish model-slender, although she has made the effort to hang onto the athletic tone she developed during her school team sports days.  She wears her mid-blonde hair short and usually tucked behind her ears, and her hazel eyes are just far off of brown to be different without being particularly distinctive.

While she possesses a business-appropriate wardrobe, she’s generally found these days dressed in jeans and tees, often with a sweater thrown overtop when the weather demands it.  Her world being thrown into chaos has required a certain amount of…adjustment.

Distinguishing Features:
Other than being a bit taller than average for a woman and being an outsider in town, there’s not a lot specifically distinctive about Kerianne.  When her powers are active, of course, that’s a different story – she appears to be a living statue made from cut crystal, dressed in whatever she happened to be wearing at the time.

Personality Description: Kerianne used to think of herself as a strong, outspoken, and independent person who could handle anything that life could throw at her.

After a couple of major-league curve balls, she’s not quite so confident in herself.  While she still is prey to the occasional flare-up of backbone and opinion, she’s spent far too much of the last six months keeping her head down and her mouth shut to call herself ‘confident’ any more.

She likes her comforts, which are in short supply at the moment, and for the most part just wants to be left alone. Unfortunately, she has a bit of a soft spot for hopeless cases and is as likely to be found giving someone in need half her lunch as she is to be chasing after a stray dog that she thinks might need a home.

On the rare times that she feels relaxed and safe, she displays a fairly clever sense of humour and is much more likely to try to build someone up than tear them down.  There’s enough ‘down’ in the world as it is without adding to it unnecessarily.  She is, in her own words, a little OCD, and prefers everything to be in their proper order and assigned place, and is a fan of her routine.

Characters History: Born in Denver, Kerianne still managed to be a bit of an outsider as her parents moved there some years ago from Brunswick, Maine, and brought a lot of their New-England attitudes along with them.  As they were both blue-collar workers, their children were raised with a decidedly practical upbringing – if you want something, work hard for it.

Her older brother, Thomas, certainly took this to heart, and is currently serving in the armed forces as a UAV technical specialist.  She herself tried to better herself in numerous ways: she ran on the cross country team, played volleyball, and tended goal for two seasons on her school soccer team.  Academics didn’t particularly thrill her, but she applied herself and earned herself credible scores.

Organization being one thing she excelled at by nature, she spent two years in an Executive Assistant training program that had her ready to keep any manner of high-up corporate bigwigs on-time and in possession of what they needed to win the day.

It was at this point that a family friend came to them with a job offer.  An ‘in’ was always preferable when it came to getting a job, and even though it would require packing up her clothing and keepsakes and driving to the coast, the job not only came with excellent pay and benefits, it also provided her with a furnished apartment.  An amazing opportunity, for one right out of her schooling.

The fact that she was caught in Baybridge when the dome came down, temporarily stranded with inexplicable car trouble, surely that was some sort of coincidence?  Although, had she known her new job was at a subsidiary of PHI, she might be a little less inclined to believe so....

For the past six months, she’s been squatting in a house left empty due to its inhabitants being caught outside the dome when it came down, along with a few other transients with no other place to go.  She’s been earning her way by working doing cleaning duties for Lou at her Safe Haven, in exchange for food and basic necessities.  She has a place to stay, clothing, supplies, and a purpose of a sort...but is this really any way to live?

Short Term: Get out of Baybridge!  Find out what was done to her and get it fixed.
Long Term: Start a good job, success, find a great guy, be able to do what she wants rather than what she has to.

Likes: Food, looking good, being organized, routine, activism.

Dislikes: Things being out of place, sexism, being out of control, stupidity.