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Welcome to New Mutants: Coming of Age

14:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Arabella Mackenzie

Name: The Honourable Maid of Dughail, Arabella Gruoch Mackenzie, Baroness Balallan.
Preferred Name: Kenzie
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: *intense blushing* Shut up!

Father – Lord Murdock Mackenzie, Laird of Dughail, Earl of Barra and Uist, Chief of Clan Mackenzie
Mother – Lady Moira Mackenzie, Countess Barra and Uist, Countess Raasay
Brother – The Honourable Alasdair Mackenzie, Master of Barra, Viscount Homore

Appearance: Kenzie is a fit, healthy, and generally pleasant looking girl in her early teens. Her hair is a shock of brilliant gingery-red, her eyes are a deep green, and she tends to come out in freckles across her pale skin in even the slightest amount of sun. Her accent reveals her origins – she’s from the Scottish Highlands, and while she speaks with a clearly very well-bred tone, you can’t keep the Highlands out of someone born there! Physically she is what one might expect - limbs growing like weeds, glands developing in a variety of inevitable ways, and she needs to grow into her teeth. She's not vastly overweight, or excessively skinny, but she does have the sort of appetite that can only be possessed by a teenager.

Personality: Kenzie is much as she seems – a heart on her sleeve kind of girl. She has the rather prickly persona that one might expect from a Highlander, but she genuinely seems to have a good heart. She is usually fairly cheerful, and is a hard worker, dedicated to her studies, and equally willing to help others. She tends to have few friends, but those she makes are incredibly close. She believes in quality over quantity. She’s also at the time of life where boys are starting to feature fairly heavily on the agenda, and has been noted for her willingness to flirt.

Powers: Arabella's powers are really odd, even by the standards set by other mutants. She seems to have some form of telepathic/telekinetic/empathic link, and control over... nine coins. To the value of £4.88. She insists that they seem to have personalities, and occasionally they respond to her moods more violently than she would like. They are currently acting as part bodyguard, and part crippling embarrassment.

History: Kenzie was born into the Scottish Mackenzie Clan, eldest child of the then Clan Chief. This brought with it several important things. Firstly, a duty to do the right thing. A duty to maintain the family estates. While the Clan in the modern day required little more than social duties, they were important. All in the family, living there in the rather isolated North of Scotland, had such things drummed into them from birth.

Her childhood was mostly happy and, to be frank, fairly affluent. It included excellent schooling. Between the ages of seven and thirteen, she was a boarding student at Cargilfield Prepatory School in Edinburgh, after which she moved to the Mary Erskine School in the same city. When her powers manifested, she was shipped off to see her cousin in Westchester - more to prevent anyone finding out about her, and embarrassing her parents, than from any real concern for well-being. She is settling in, slowly, and finding out that the life of a mutant is very different to what she expected.

Her New Look:


Fifteen Years Into The Future...

Name: The Honourable Maid of Dughail, Arabella Gruoch Mackenzie, Countess of Raasay
Codename: Mint
Age: 28

History: Arabella spent five years at the academy, getting an excellent education in both mundane matters, and learning to hone her powers. It took some time for her to really grasp precisely how versatile her coins were, but once she had matured enough to stop trying shortcuts, and actually do some hard work, she discovered a wide variety of applications.

When she turned eighteen, she chose to remain at the Academy, instead of going her own way. She remained there, assisting tutors, and doing X-Men things, until her father died when she was twenty years old. At this point, the new Earl, her brother Alasdair, immediately welcomed her back into the family, and her full title and allowance was restored. She returned to her homeland, and was suddenly out in society, a very eligible, and very wealthy young debutante. She spent two years flying back and forth between the UK and USA, regularly visiting both her birth family, and the family who had adopted her as one of their own kind. But when her mother died, responsibility hit her hard. She inherited the title of Countess Raasay, and with it, a seat in the House of Lords. Although her mother had rarely paid any attention to it, Arabella took her new responsibilities seriously. She is one of the youngest women ever to enter the Upper House, and while she tries not to get bogged down in work, she does what work comes her way with a conscientious attitude.

But alongside all this, once she was firmly ensconced in London society, her powers could not be ignored. Indeed, not using the coins caused problems, as they tended to go off on their own if left unexercised. So she dug out her X-uniform, and modified it slightly to suit her own aesthetic, and London suddenly had a resident hero, popping up at crime scenes and disasters, saving lives, and dropping criminals into the porch of New Scotland Yard.

She has never forgotten her friends, and visits the Academy at least twice a year. Aside from her work in politics, she is still a much-photographed part of the aristocratic caste, and does a lot of work for charity. She welcomes any of her friends who want to visit her, either in London, or for a less restricted visit on the family estates in Scotland. Life, for her, is comfortable. She has wealth, she has work, and she has very few worries.

Powers: With a true telekinetic and empathic bond established, Arabella proved just how powerful her coins could be. Aside from their destructive capabilities, they are also useful as spies, baggage carriers, messengers, and after some practice, they can even be so finely controlled that they can rustle up a very acceptable salt beef sandwich. They have become a true extension of her psyche - an extra limb, even, albeit one disconnected from her body. Furthermore, her X-Suit was cleverly modified with many small pockets, and with some of the coins (usually four) placed in various pockets, she has the power of flight... although it did take a very long time to train them to work in unison and not fly her into walls. Which happened. A lot.

Note: This is not what the suit looks like, of course, but it was such a cool picture I decided to use it anyway...