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Welcome to Dragon Warriors: Glissom; Dark Heritage.

16:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Usopi Venia

Height: 7 ft
Weight: 361 lbs
Looks: 18

Usopi Venia (yu-sop-ee)(Ven-ya) is a large and muscular man. His brown stubble only accentuates his hard jawline. He keeps his hair cut short, or often totally shaved, in an imitation of the monks he has met in his time. More often than not he can be seen wearing his full plate armor, draped by his solid green tabard, with the metal crucifix suspended in the center of his chest by a band.

The young man would be intimidating if he wasn't constantly smiling and waving, or giving children rides on his shoulders, or blushing at any attempt by local women to flirt with the giant slab of hardened marble. His brown eyes are near constantly sparkling with sincerity and interest in the people gathered around him, and his deep throaty laugh springs forth with an ease uncommon among pious knights of the True Faith.

Keen observers may notice that Usopi tends to move slower than the average adventure, even considering his heavy armor. On cold nights he can be seen flexing his right leg and grimacing when he thinks no one is looking.