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Welcome to Starfinder - Legacy of Stars

00:54, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Race:    Vesk
Age:     Mid to late teens
Height:  7'2" (2.18m)
Weight:  Approximately 285 lbs (130 kg)
Crest:   Dark blue/black, changes color with mood
Eyes:    Yellow irises with black vertical slits
Scales:  Reddish-brown, with iridescent patches

I can say that I've lived here in honor and danger
But I'm just an animal and cannot explain a life
Down this chain of days I wished to stay among my people
Relation now means nothing, having chosen so defined

                                    - Neko Case, At Last, Fox Confessor Brings the Flood

Description:  Iskakur Manukalar-Ki'ikui Nogulak S'siseetha (‘Isk’ to his friends, but only to his friends) is the runt of his family, though he still stands over seven feet tall and weighs a substantial twenty and third stone.  That is, without any armor on; not that he is generally seen without his armor.  Like most Vesk, he wears a set of heavy protective para-military gear like a second skin.  Emblazoned on both shoulder pauldrons of his sizable breastplate is the fiery angelic symbol of the divine Dawnflower, Sarenrae.  The armor is actually fashioned in the Kasatha 'hidden soldier' style (though obviously tailored for his large serpentine frame with only two arms) - and a number of its trappings and colors are distinctly reminiscent of the honor-bound desert natives' culture.

Isk also carries a Doshko, the traditional, top-heavy, multi-bladed Vesk polearm, pretty much wherever he goes.  With its long oiled leather-wrapped haft, Iskakur's weapon has definitely seen some mileage and looks quite well-used, but also extremely well-maintained.  The large multi-pronged blade is honed to wickedly-fine, cunningly-curved, meticulously-polished edge.  Engraved (likely acid-etched) upon the burnished titanium haft and the wide blade are a number of various scrimshaw markings denoting numerous deeds and ancestry.  Given the volume of markings, this weapon would seem to have a rather storied history.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price, bear any burden,
meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe
to assure the survival and the success of Liberty.

                                     - John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961

Schedule of Availability:
All times are listed for (PDT (GMT-7))
    Mon:  9AM (OOC) or 8PM (IC) - 12AM (OOC/IC)
    Tu:   9AM (OOC) or 8PM (IC) - 12AM (OOC/IC)
    Wed:  9AM (OOC) or 8PM (IC) - 12AM (OOC/IC)
    Th:   9AM (OOC) or 8PM (IC) - 12AM (OOC/IC)
    Fri:  9AM (OOC) or 8PM (IC) - 12AM (OOC/IC)
    Sa:   9AM - 12AM
    Su:   9AM - 12AM

My work allows for monitoring and some OOC posting,
but I try to save IC stuff for the evenings.
Weekends, though there is no work,
can be spotty due to family commitments.