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Welcome to City of Shadow: The Feast of All Fools

18:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Shadow of Malachi Al-Krujar

There once was an overseer so cruel that even the other overseers pitied his charges. He named his vinegar-soaked whip "The Sting of Indolence," and let it loose on any slave he felt was not working up to their potential. And in his eyes, none of them were.

It came to pass one day that he thought his wife unfaithful, having heard idle gossip around the court. So he went to his slaves, and demanded to know which of them had made him a cuckold. They did not answer, so he chose one at random, flayed the skin from his back, then left his body for the crows. The next day, he asked again. Again, he was not answered, so again he whipped a man to death. For three months this continued, until one slave, fearing the man would kill them all, said that he was the one who had cuckolded the overseer.

The overseer nodded, and had the slave and his wife brought to The Hanging Garden. There, he nailed the two to crosses with his own hands, then erected them for all to see. The Lord of the Tower was so impressed, it is said, that he took the overseer to become the master of the dungeon that lies below The Tower.

It is said he's still there, The Sting of Indolence still in his hands, waiting to apply it to those whom The Lord's mercy has forgotten.