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17:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nathaniel Morris

A young man, barely in his twenties, Nathaniel is easily overlooked. He has a boyish face, with hardly any beard to speak of and short black hair. His clothing style is functional and unobtrusive; he is never seen wearing anything that could be described as flashy. However, that's just the way he likes it - in the profession that fate has chosen for him, being inconspicuous can be a great boon.


Born as the first son of a carpenter and his wife, Nathaniel grew up in modest circumstances, but never felt particularly bothered by much. He was always a happy, bright child, with a bit of a wild streak. However, he never showed much promise in his father's profession.

What he was good at, however, was making strange things happen. Sometimes, when Nathaniel was feeling grumpy, tools would disappear, hammers would turn in his father's hand and miss their target, or a wooden bowl that was just finished would spring a leak or suddenly take the shape of an animal carving. Eventually, Nathaniel was sent to a wizard outside of town to become his apprentice.

But soon after, hard times befell the little town. A new governor had been appointed who was greedy and corrupt, and constantly raised new taxes to fill his coffers. Nathaniel's parents could no longer afford his apprenticeship and had to take him back home to help out around the workshop. But taxes continued rising until Nathaniel's father couldn't pay them anymore without starving his family, and was thrown into prison.

Desperate to help his family, Nathaniel took to poaching, just to put food on the table. His magic was a great help; he'd become quite skilled at using it to hide himself or silence his footsteps to sneak up on hares, boars or deer. But inexperienced as he was in the wilderness, even his magic couldn't hide him from the brigands that roamed the forest.

It was then that Nathaniel made a spontaneous decision that would change his life. Upon seeing that he had nothing of value on him, the bandits were about to blindfold him and send him on his way, but Nathaniel begged them to let him stay and showed them a sample of his magic. The leader of the gang seemed impressed and decided that the young mage might be useful. Since then, Nathaniel has lived with the brigands, taking part in all their adventures and helping his family with anonymous gifts of gold as often as he can. He has started to enjoy life among them, with its adventures and feasts, and is developing an interest in a few of the women that are part of the gang...