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23:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Timothy Ian McHenry

1. Name: Timothy Ian McHenry.
2. Occupation: Student.
3. Personality: Goofy, sarcastic, likes to have fun. The kind of guy who sees nothing wrong in watching all 12 seasons of Buffy/Angel in one sitting.
4. Hobbies: Playing baseball and/or video games; watching classic movies.
5. Dating Life: Timothy is ... different. He's been involved in a few relationships in the past, some of which have gotten sexual, but he's never actually ... "done it".
6. Goals: Wants to be the next Stephen King or John Grisham (sort of), and wants to fall in love with the right girl.

   Tim is an 18 year old Irish-American. He stands @ 6'2" and weighs @ 175 lbs. He has black, unruly hair, and usually looks as if he needs a haircut. His eyes are an odd mix of grey/blue/green, and tend to change colour depending on his mood. He is originally from Nashville, TN, and is a fan of country music, oldies, and classic rock (basically, anything before 1990 is acceptable). Both of his parents are living, and he has an older sister, as well as a younger sister and brother (twins). Tim was always good at writing in school, and his ambition is to be a best-selling author ala Stephen King, but in the meantime, he's making money on the side by writing "romance" stories (actually, whether they're romance or erotica sort of depends on your pov). This is his dirty little secret, and he lives in constant terror that his friends will find out.
   His "serious" stories tend to be an unusual mixture of fantasy, sci-fi, comedy, and drama, and he occasionally manages to sell a short story of that nature. He is attempting a Bachelor's Degree in Literature, and is thinking about trying to go for a Master's. Tim will often stay up all nite surfing the internet while looking for one obscure little factoid, as he is obsessed with getting all the details in his stories correct. He is mildly OCD, and is aware of it.
   Tim thought that "The Silence of the Lambs" was a FUNNY movie, but not as funny as "Dogma". He favours "intellectual" comedy (Kevin Smith, Wes Anderson, etc), but also likes Charlie Chaplin (tho' he HATES the Three Stooges). Tim is the sort of guy who "observes" ... he's been called "Comment-Guy" before, becos he's always got a comment (usually a smart-assed one).
   Tim enjoys playing games for fun, particularly Baseball (a die-hard Brooklyn Dodgers fan) and (pc) video games. His typical day is get up, take a shower/get dressed, go to class, then come back, do homework, and write for a while, then sleep. Tim also enjoys swimming and weight-lifting, and these are what keep him in shape. He doesn't go out much, but when he does, he likes to DO things (hence the baseball).
   Tim never really dated in high school, and has never had a REAL girlfriend. He's made out, but never gone all the way. Since coming to college, Tim has dated occasionally, but he's not really good with girls, and so it's usually dependent on his being set up. He has a very healthy sex drive, but refuses to partake in a one-nite stand.
   Tim is actually shy, tho' he doesn't act like it. He masks his insecurity with his humour and by pretending to be egotistical and outgoing. He doesn't believe that he's good-looking, and this contributes to his non-dating. He knows lots of girls, but they all tell him he's a great friend; when their boyfriends upset them, Tim's the guy they call to talk about it. He's something of a romantic, in that he believes in true love, but he's getting to the point where he doesn't think he'll ever experience it.
   Tim tends to be clumsy when he's nervous, often fumbling, stuttering, dropping things, etc. He is, however, good with his hands (typing is great for dexterity), and has a fairly high degree of mechanical aptitude (taking stuff apart and putting it back together; NOT working on cars). Tim works out (or tries to anyway) at least three times a week, and beneath his over-sized shirts, actually has some musculature.He's also a surprisingly good cook, having taken a few cooking classes.