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02:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Darth Charnel

Name: Darth Charnel

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Race: Arkanian Offshoot/Sephi

(Ignore the fact that she's a Sith Pureblood, not wearing the mask, and her armour is red and not black. Other than that she's perfect!)

Appearance: Charnel (her real name is known only to her) is an Arkanian Offshoot, genetically mixed with Sephi genes to produce an exotic looking near-human. She bears the pure white skin and hair of the Arkanians and the pointed ears of the Sephi. Her eyes are a pale blue so light in colour to they almost appear pure white. She bears Sith tattoos on both arms and her back, done in the old way to temper her rage through pain. Genetically she's an intriguing mix of both species - her Arkanian blood giving her the skin, hair, eyes that can see into the IR spectrum (which requires her to wear dark lenses on brighter worlds), and four fingered, clawed hands. Her Sephi heritage granted her the pointed ears and lifespan and, combined, assured that she would never be accepted by either people. She stands 68" tall and is 130 lbs of toned muscle.

Personality: Charnel was bred for slave labour by the Arkanians, a rather morally dubious people when it comes to genetic modification. She grew to hate the Arkanians and that hate grew and became an integral part of her personality. She discovered early on that she was strong in the Force and that her hate made her stronger so through pain she learned to focus that hate. She comes across as quiet but intensely controlled to those who meet her, unaware of the crimson rage that she holds in check beneath the surface. She speaks quietly, moves methodically, and when the time comes to unleash herself she does so in a controlled manner that makes the sheer carnage she unleashes all the more terrifying.

Bio: Charnel was born on Arkania, one of the many offshoots made by that arrogant and morally ambiguous people. Bred for slave labour she was put to work in the research sector which sounds innocuous until one learns she was researcher and research. As such her life was pain, deprivation, anger, and hate towards her "parent" species (not that they ever claimed her as one of them, despite being closer in appearance to them than her Sephi ancestry. They sterilised her at a young age to keep their slave from breeding. She discovered her Force potential as a child and learned to control it through the pain and deprivation her makers subjected her to. Pain shaped her hate and hate made her grow in Power until the two are inextricably linked. She enjoys pain and inflicts it upon herself as much as she does others. She appears in total control at all times. having mastered her hate at an early age so even in the midst of incredible violence she is silent, never revealing the oceans of emotion churning beneath her. She was 14 when a stranger came to her station, drawn there by the waves of Dark Side energy she detected. She gave Charnel a knife and told her she would wait one hour at the docking bay and that at the one hour mark she would leave. Charnel knew what was left unspoken and left behind a trail of carnage from her lab to the docking bay that earned her the name she bears now. She's trained in the ways of the Dark Side since.

She is strong in the Force and uses it to enhance her fighting prowess which is prodigious (she uses forms V and VII) but she is also capable of tremendous displays of power such as Lightning, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Force Choke, Push, and others but she is at her happiest when she ignites her crimson blades and cuts down her enemies. She is on the hunt for Sith holocrons as she wishes to learn the ancient Arts of Sith Sorcery.

Status: Sith Lord/Marauder

Force abilities known: Lightning, Telepathy, Telekinesis(Disarm, Repulse, Burst, Throw, Wound, Grip, Push), Danger Sense, Augment Speed, Force Leap, Force Stasis (the variant of Telekinesis that Kylon Ren used to freeze the blaster bolt and later on, Rey). Mind Trick, Rage, Force Sight, Shatterpoint, Force Scream.

Gear: Pair of lightsabers (of course), black robes, cloak, Reaver Armour in the style of Sith Marauders of old, various changes of clothing, holo communicator, astromech droid, various types of tools for armour and weapon repair, lab gear, data pads, and her pride and joy - an ancient Fury class Interceptor she found in a stasis field on Belsavis.

Abilities: Besides the aforementioned Force Powers and Fighting skills, she is a talented pilot, researcher, geneticist, and medic (skills she learned by being forced to practice on herself). She is a competent computer user and speaks several languages (Galactic Basic, Arkanaian, Seph, Huttese, Droid), and is meticulous in her research and documentation, failure in doing so meant she had to repeat her experiments which were almost always on herself.