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15:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Daniel Jacobs

I would like to be considered for the following occupations within the SCP (please clearly mark entry with an x.)

[  ] Field Agent         [X] Research Scientist  [  ] Containment Specialist

[  ] Janitor               [  ] Cook                      [X] Medical Team member

[  ] Public Relations  [  ] Security                  [X] New Agent Trainer

SCP Skills Development:
What skills military or otherwise do you have to help with your role in the SCP?

Dan has a medical degree from the University of Washington with a Masters in Psychology from UC Berkeley.  He is a Certified Psychiatrist with roughly four years of practice before being recruited to the SCP.  He undertook his residency on loan to the Veterans Affairs hospital in Seattle where he participated in trauma and PTSD treatment as part of the ongoing IMPACT program being conducted between across the nation.

Primary Skills:
Psychology and related pharmacological knowledge
Basic medical training and first aid skills
Personable and intuitive (naturally, not ‘psychically’)

What could you improve on, or seek further training in?

Dan has only the most basic weapons training (i.e. basic gun safety course) and no formal physical combat training (but will be seeking it out).
He has PTSD himself and self-medicates/manages (and does a good job of hiding it, but probably not good enough to slip past the eyes of the Director).
Lacks field experience (and wants to get some in order to be able to better do his job).

Biographical Information:

First Name:  Dan                  Surname: Jacobs

Citizenship: United States     Hometown: Rochester, NY

Gender: Male                        Race: Caucasian

Identifying Body Markers:


Weight: 170

Hair color:  Dark Blonde

Eye color:  Blue Green

Scars, body modifications, including tattoos and piercings:  None

General description:

Daniel is tall and fit, exercising in some form or another every day.  He has wavy hair that’s dark blond or light brown depending on the light, with eyes that are bluish green.  Generally, the lighter his hair seems, the bluer his eyes, the darker, the greener.

He tends to dress well in suits or at least a nice dress shirt.  He smiles easily and often naturally, but it’s a fragile smile that’s easily erased.  It’s also harder for him to find when he’s alone.  In that regard, he’s an extrovert, much happier around other people than he is alone and much more energized.  As a result he tends to talk to himself sometimes and talks to his cat Ralph a lot.  Fortunately he’s not delusional about it, knows that Ralph is just a cat, he just doesn’t like the silence.  Similarly, he’s usually playing music, has the TV on or something, anything to keep his thoughts from turning too far inward when he doesn’t want them to.

Activities Prior to SCP interest:  Doctor Jacobs’ background suggests that had he not encountered SCP-1929 his life would have been ordinary and completely respectable despite some early difficulties in childhood, most notably reports of abuse at the hands of his father, an often out of work construction worker.  Police reports suggest most of the abuse fell upon Jacobs’ mother, though it could be surmised that a hospital report of a broken arm at the age of seven may have been caused by the father rather than the reported ‘fall’ cited in the documents.

His parents divorced in 1991 after another incident which warranted a police report, but included few details beyond a ‘spousal disagreement’ resulting in David Jacobs being removed from the house.  1993 saw the incapacitation of David Jacobs by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head in an unsuccessful suicide attempt.  David Jacobs passed away in a long-term care facility in upstate New York of natural causes in 2002.

Jillian Jacobs, Daniel’s mother remarried in 1995 to a co-worker, Gerald Baker.  There was a court petition to legally change Daniel’s name to Baker in 1996, but it was denied due to “the wishes of the minor in question”.  There were no further police or court records related to the Jacobs or Baker family.  Daniel Graduated from Thomas High School outside Rochester, NY in 1999 and moved to California to attend college at UC Berkeley, continuing on to graduate school there, before moving again to complete a doctoral program in Washington State.

It was there he met Shannon Miller, a fellow student.  The two were married in 2007, just as Daniel was entering his medical residency and Shannon began a career with a local tech company.  Their daughter Sophie was born less than two years later in 2009.

In later interviews, Daniel would note there were early signs of anomalous activity which were ignored by inattention and parental ego.  The first was the Sophie’s early speech capabilities.  By the age of one she was speaking with relative coherence using direct verbs, nouns or simple verb/noun combinations.  Blanket, Lift, Give Doll.  The second missed red flag was a shift from early communication to a lack of communication.  Though capable, by the age of 3, Sophie rarely spoke.  Being a trained psychologist, this of course concerned Daniel and when neither he nor his wife could get to the bottom of the problem, they began to consult experts and though no conclusion was ever reached, by the age of 5, Sophie had ‘normalized’.  She remained a bright young girl, if slightly distant.


Item #: SCP-1929
Object Class: Safe (See SCP-1930)
Description: SCP-1929 was found in a secondhand store in Vancouver, BC.  SCP-1929 presented as a small stuffed rabbit with gray fur and pink eyes.   SCP-1929 was obtained by the parents of ███  ███ along with several other vintage toys and decorations.  The exact nature of SCP-1929 is speculative as it was likely Neutralized prior to coming to the attention of Foundation personnel (see SCP-1930).  However, it could be speculated that SCP-1929 contained a sentient and/or sapient energy which was able to communicate with the subject ███ ███.  SCP-1929 came to light during the investigation into SCP-1930 and was deemed Safe.  SCP-1929 remains in storage.


Item #: SCP-1930
Object Class: Euclid
Description:  SCP-1930 presents as a small girl approximately 8 years of age.  The exact nature of SCP-1930 remains unclear.

It is believed SCP-1930 is capable of attaching to inanimate object via direct contact.  SCP-1930 is also capable of affecting easily influenced subjects such as animals and children.  Initial research has shown SCP-1930 can affect rats in close proximity.  It is unclear whether SCP-1930 is capable of attaching to multiple subjects or merely influence multiple subjects as tests have been unable to detach the entity from subject ███ ███, even when inanimate and/or animal carriers have been provided as alternatives.

Those affected by the influence of SCP-1930 have exhibited signs of telekinetic activity, including the ability to levitate and move objects.  It is possible that it is this ████████████ which resulted in the █████████████████████, though SCP-1930 has not shown ██████████████████ in subsequent study.

Special Containment Procedures:  Any inanimate objects or animals which come into contact must remain within the SCP-1930 containment area or be destroyed.  No researchers are allowed to spend more than 12 hour per week in contact with SCP-1930.  The biological parent (███ ███) of SCP-1930’s host may not spend more than 1 hour per week with the subject because SCP-1930 ███████████ to ███████████ ██████ in order to ██████████████████. It is unknown at this time ███████████ but ███████████ until █████████.


Sophie was 6 years old when her mother died.  There are no records of what occurred and interviews with both Daniel and Sophie herself have revealed no information.  Sophie was crying when Daniel found her, unable to say anything other than Mister Fuzzles told her to do it.  Official cause of death was a heart attack though the initial coroner’s report included the statement “the heart appears to have been crushed”.  It was this statement which caught the attention of the Foundation and led to the identification of SCP-1929 and SCP-1930.

All things considered, outwardly, Daniel took the entire experience well.  When given the choice between having his parental rights striped and his daughter taken from him or joining the team, he made the obvious choice.  He even filled out the application and applied like a normal employee, just so all the paperwork looked good.

He’s been with the Foundation for almost two years now.  He serves as a Psychological Clearance Evaluator and meets with field agents and researchers on a regular basis, both to assess field readiness, perform after action evaluations and to provide routine and ongoing support, whether they want it or not.  He’s even, when required, gone into the field, though those instances could be counted on one hand, even one that’s missing a couple of fingers.

We at the SCP desire for all of our employees to work well together as a group. How would you describe your personality?

Daniel wanted to do some good with his life.  He’d seen the effects of war, alcoholism, violence.  He’s an idealist in regards to the idea that people can be helped, but he’s also a realist who knows, not all people can be helped.  He takes his job very seriously, though he does his best not to be ‘that guy’, the serious guy who makes mental health a chore.  He’s as likely to prescribe a night out on the town to unwind as he will a group therapy session or pills.

He can be a bit mercurial in his moods, which sometimes makes his ‘cheerfulness’ seem fake.  In fairness, it sometimes is, but he believes in the old adage, fake it until you make it, so faking it sometimes isn’t so bad, as long as you’re not in denial about it.  Denial is in his mind one of the worst challenges to overcome.  Imperfection is acceptable, arrogance is not, avoidance of an issue has a time limit, but seconds chances do not.

He tries very hard to ‘keep it together’ when around others, dealing with his own trauma and issues privately, and not always in the healthiest of ways, though in a sense that’s also what he sometimes preaches, so at least he’s not a total hypocrite.

He tries to balance work/life, but work is his life, so that’s a pretty easy thing for him.  That said, outside of work he doesn’t have many close friends at this time and there are only a few work associates that know him well enough to know the full circumstances of his background (unless of course they’re bookworms and read files in their spare time).

He visits his daughter weekly, though the visits are always supervised.  He struggles with those more and more as he’s begun to question whether it really is his daughter or just a construct meant to act like he’d imagine her to be.  He’s generally not a lot of fun to be around after those visits and often disappears for a few hours to recover.

We encourage all prospective employees of SCP Foundation to let the Director in on personal aspects. Once admitted into the organization, your life belongs to us. Not to run off those who are interested mind you. You will live, eat, and breathe the life of a member. It is not all hard work, there will be fun and activities from time to time to keep up morale. Let us know things about you, to better acclimate you into the Foundation.

Daniel is often looking for ‘stress’ relief techniques, both for himself and to learn more about them so he can encourage others.  He’s tried Yoga, but gets bored with it, tried Tai Chi enough he can do the short form, but again… bored.  He’s a little better with meditation and tries to sit at least 15 minutes every morning.

He also works out regularly as another coping mechanism and is physically fit.  Most recently he’s taken up boxing, but more along the lines of a workout than actual sport or combat art (in other words, he’s working the bags).

He’s an excellent dancer and should the Director keep tabs on him after his visits with his daughter he often goes out to clubs to get drunk, dance and if he gets lucky, sleep with someone.  At the very least, he usually gets drunk.  He’s also not bad at Karaoke, but generally has to be in a better mood for that.

He has a cat named Ralph who was supposed to be for his daughter and is only alive today because Daniel had procrastinated getting him.  Had Ralph been around when SCP-1929/1930 was being contained it would have likely been put down.

New Name: Daniel 'Dan' Jacobs
Original Name: Jacob Winters
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Physical Description:  Daniel is tall and fit, exercising in some form or another every day.  He has wavy hair that’s dark blond or light brown depending on the light, with eyes that are bluish green.  Generally, the lighter his hair seems, the bluer his eyes, the darker, the greener, though that's more a factor of lighting than anything else.

He tends to dress well in suits or at least a nice dress shirt.  He smiles easily and often naturally, but it’s a fragile smile that’s easily erased when no one's looking.  As a result, it's hard for him to find it when he’s alone.  In that regard, he’s an extrovert, much happier around other people than he is alone and much more energized.  When he can't manage that he tends to improvise, talking to himself or his cat Ralph.  He's especially careful to ensure he's alone when he does this as his 'thoughts' aren't always appropriate or in line with the persona he presents.  In either case, he’s not delusional about it, knows that Ralph is just a cat and he's just talking out loud and not to some other aspect of 'himself'.  He just doesn’t like the silence.  Similarly, he’s usually playing music and has an extensive collection of vinyl records.  He usually has the television on in the background for visual stimulation as well, anything to keep his thoughts from turning too far inward when he doesn’t want them to.

When he is in those crowds (or more likely small groups or one on one) he shifts between being caring and concerned, and clever and comedic.  Both are truer aspects of his personality though both are currently acts.  Fake it until you make it, he'd tell Ralph when alone.  He remembered who he was, both the good and the bad and wanted to at least pretend he wanted to be the better of the two.

Former position in life:  Dan was a board certified psychiatrist and psychologist working at a research hospital prior to his recruitment.  That wasn't entirely true.  Though he was still board certified, he wasn't working when he'd been recruited.  Officially he'd been on sabbatical after the loss of his wife and daughter in a terrible car accident.  Unofficially, a number of strings had been pulled to keep him licensed after he was discovered engaging in self-medication and inappropriate contact with a research subject.  He wasn't remotely proud of either.

Strengths:  Dan is a keen observer of human nature.  Naturally intuitive and trained in various forms of verbal and non-verbal communication, not much gets by him.  While not a human lie detector or psychic by any stretch of the imagination, he's good at picking up on subtle clues and unspoken thoughts of those he engages with.  In other words, he can read a person like a book.

Sometimes, he can rewrite them a little too.  While not exactly a master manipulator, he does know how to push the right buttons.  What he lacks is the right motivation and purpose in life to push the right ones.  Secretly, his hope is this new 'job' will give him that motivation and purpose.

He has a Master's Degree in Psychology and a medical degree as well.  At least, Jacob Winters does.  Dan still has the knowledge and experience that comes from that, including basic medical training and advanced first aid.  He's also worked within bureaucracies before (i.e. government hospital systems and academia) and knows how to survive, if not thrive within an office political environment.

He's got an extensive record collection, has a wealth of knowledge about music (all sorts), a decent knowledge of film (at least anything before the 1990's) and is an avid reader (he doesn't sleep much).  He's a skilled cook, mixes a mean martini, though he now prefers whiskey, and is a pretty good dancer.

Weaknesses:  Dan has only the most basic weapons and hand to hand combat training he received in the accelerated Academy courses (and he didn't exactly excell).  He'll be seeking out additional training once he gets settled, especially hand to hand, which he enjoyed, despite being terrible at it.  He has PTSD and self-medicates/manages with alcohol and mainstream prescription drugs but does a good job of hiding it (though probably not good enough to slip past the eyes of an elegant forty-something interviewer).  While at heart a 'good guy', his faith in humanity, the universe, god or what-have-you is severely bruised and his moral compass is battered along with it (it still points north, it just wobbles quite a bit).

  Dan had seen his life swing back and forth more than once.  He'd had a troubled childhood, with reports of abuse at the hands of his father before his parents divorced.  His mother remarried and there were no further police or court records related to the family, though he'd been quick to get away.  After graduating high school, he moved to California to attend college, continuing on to graduate school, before moving again to complete a doctoral program in Washington State.  It was there he met his future wife and things had been good.  The two were married upon graduation and had their daughter less than two years later.  She would be seven years old when she died.

In early interviews, Jacob would claim he should have seen it coming.  There were, he said, signs.  He would later clarify he meant signs of his daughter's illness.  He explained that she had a seizure the night their car went off a mountain road, though the autopsy was inconclusive in that regard.  Regardless, that was his statement, that she had a seizure and they were racing to the hospital.  Being a trained medical professional, he was in the backseat of the car with her, his wife in the front, driving.  Neither had been drinking.  He was the only survivor, despite being the only one not wearing a seat belt at the time.  He was thrown from the car midway through the crash and escaped without a scratch; at least externally.

He attempted to return to work after their death but those 'internal' injuries began to manifest, both in his research subjects which became increasingly focused on trauma, hallucination, psychic phenomena, extreme belief systems, and his methods.  This came to a head when an intimate relationship with a research participant unraveled and his own substance abuse was exposed.

While on forced sabbatical, he did begin to put some controls in place around his life and behavior.  While still not 'cured', if there is such a thing, he's careful to moderate any of his excessive behavior to time off the clock.  This included his research into matters less accepted in the scientific community.  Perhaps this was why he was ultimately recruited, those side interests, or perhaps they didn't mind recruits with a laundry list of flaws so long as they were desperate for a place to fit in.  Those were just guesses though, he'd have to get to know the rest of the team to know anything more.