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03:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Asher Damon DeWynter

Asher's parents were an odd mix. His mother was a very sheltered young Kender maiden, and his father was a typical wandering Elf. Their paths crossed on a cold winter's nite when both arrived at the same inn. There was only one room free, and tho' he insisted that he could sleep in the common room, she protested that it would be wrong of her to leave him to it, especially as the common room was quite drafty.
   They ended up agreeing to share the room, but he insisted on sleeping on the
floor. She reluctantly agreed, but after several flagons of warm spiced mead,
they collapsed on the bed together, laughing. One thing led to another, and in
the morning the pretty Kender woke to find that the handsome Elf had stolen not only her heart, but also her virginity.
   This in itself was bad enough, but when the child came in the normal course
of time, the fact that he was not only a half-breed, but half-elf caused
them to be driven out of their tiny village. She searched for her erstwhile
lover, only to discover that he'd been killed shortly after leaving her side.
   At last, she found his own family, and stayed with them in order to raise
her son in the ways of his father. Asher grew to adulthood surrounded by his
family, but always on the outside thanks to his half-Kender blood.

   Asher stands five foot tall in his socks and weighs @ 125 lbs. He has long, dark-blonde hair which he usually wears loose, and sea-coloured eyes which change with his moods. He has long, dextrous fingers, and moves with the natural, easy grace which comes from his elven father. He normally wears comfortable clothing, preferring close-fitting pants and loose shirts.

   When his mother died suddenly of a sudden chill, Asher left home in order to seek his fortunes in the world, and to find that which his mother had taught him was to be prized above all else ... True Love.

   Asher is a happy-go-lucky sort, always interested (some might say nosy) in whatever else is going on in his friend's lives. He is quite curious, but has learned to be at least a LITTLE cautious when approaching new things. He's friendly to everyone, and cannot quite fathom why anyone would NOT want to get to know him and be his friend.