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03:35, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Maggie Blackwood

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Given Name: Margaret Eleanore Blackwood

Nickname: Maggie. Nobody calls her Margaret.

Age: 23

Birthplace: Upper East Side, New York

Sexuality: Labels are for Soup Cans.

Played-By: Hanna Beth


Year: Third Year

Discipline: Pyhsical Kid

Specialty: Phosphoromancy


Physical Description: Margaret Eleanore Blackwood or Maggie as she would prefer to be known is a raven haired Wild Child. She stands at an average 5'6 and weighs around 95-100lbs. She doesn't really possess the curves and supple rounds that a lot of girls have. Her figure is slim and somewhat boney but that's not to say that she isn't attractive. She just doesn't have much to grab onto. What she lacks in womanly warmth though, Maggie makes up for in sheer personality. It could be said that Maggie found a style that worked for her when she was young and has since then, fully committed.

This tattooed boho chick is a little bit grunge, a little bit modern witch and a little bit rock 'n' roll. She fancies dark colours but isn't against going vibrant should the mood strike her. Her skin is pale all thanks to her genetics. Both Maggie's Parents were born in Scotland but emigrated to the US when they were kids. She has her Mothers dark brown eyes and her Father's raven black hair. The scar just above her left hip bone is thanks to a Surgeon when she was 8. She had her appendix removed. That was really the only surgery Maggie has ever had. She's been pricked and pinned on other occasions but they all added something to her look instead of taking something away. Not that she has ever missed her appendix.

Maggie is the chick that you just know has a stash of the good stuff. Rarely is there not a contended little smirk on her painted lips. She may look a little grunge and goth but she is a sweetie at heart, kind of. More often than not she can be found with dirt beneath her fingertips and possibly some scuff marks on her knees. She's the girl who will run through the sprinklers with you. In fact, her raven hair is often a little unkempt and wild. On those days, she will slap on a hat. What can she say? She's a stoner. Maggie is a little weird and a little wild but isn't that the point of Brakebills? She's found her groove and if that includes and over excess of sex, drugs and magic, so be it. Brakebills is her Home and she's lucky that they have embraced her bitchy little ass.

Distinguishing Features: Maggie's dark style sets her apart but she also possesses several tattoo's and piercings that make her just that little bit more unique. Both her ears are pierced multiple times and she has a pretty little nostril piercing as well. Her tattoos are more prominent than her piercings however. Maggie is a canvas for madness and insanity and though nothing really goes together, no individual piece looks out of place on her skin. Owning around 50 individual tattoo's from safety pins, hearts, armless skeletons to bows and black cats.

Maggie's most unique piece might be the large quote scripted across her left shoulder blade. It is a quote from Gia Carangi and reads “Life and death, energy and peace. If I stop today, it was still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I made and would have made if I could. The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I've walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in between, through it, in it, and above." Though her favorite piece is the black and orange Hooded Pitohui etched onto her inner right wrist. The rare creature is one of a very small number of birds that are poisonous and if Maggie had to pick a spirit animal, it would be the Hooded Pitohui. Beautiful to look at, utterly unassuming but if caught and threatened, it can kill. She can relate.


Personality Description: Quick to chuckle, Maggie is a happy and positive person. She is friendly, though people have avoided her in the past assuming that she is some kind of broody loner. Nothing could be further from the truth. Maggie loves company, she's just selective about who that company is. Her business kind of relies on her being approachable however and she is for the most part. Like anyone, Maggie has her bad days where she just wants to be left the hell alone but more often than not, she's the good time girl. If you want someone to keep you company on a midnight pizza run, she's your girl. If you want someone to jump a fence or pick a lock to go skinny dipping, she's your girl. If you are looking for a hookup for some designer weed, she's definitely your girl. Maggie is a laugh and a party all wrapped up with a pretty black bow.

It doesn't often show but Maggie is also wickedly clever. She hasn't gotten to where she is by being stupid. She put in the time and the effort to learn her trade and it's why she is one of the best. Her trade or her craft can speak to many things but mostly she's referring to either her skill with growing weed or her ability to perform powerful magic. Of course, it doesn't hurt that her Speciality turned out to be Phosphoromancy. Being able to control and manipulate light has really helped her little plants flourish.

Maggie needs to have a solid grasp of the science of biology to do what she does. Of course, a natural green thumb and a touch of magic helps but if you can't get the science right, you're screwed. One might wonder why she isn't a Natural Kid. She wondered too but after seeing the Physical Kids Cottage and seeing some of their parties, all became clear. This is where she's meant to be.

Maggie knows her stuff. Get her talking and she will dazzle you with her knowledge of the natural world. It could be said that she's a bit of a hippie as she has almost a sensual love affair with nature but Maggie could sensualy love just about anything.

Being outdoors is one of her greatest pleasures. She adores the sun and the rain. Truly some of her most satisfying sexual encounters have been outside and in the dirt. There is something about nature that just gets all her excited. From the little garden she tends behind the Cottage to the dried 'herbs' she always has on her person, Maggie loves it all.

Touch her plants however or worse still, cross someone she loves and you will see a dark side of the friendly girl that is truly frightening. Maggie gets serious when she works. She can at times fall into a focus so deep that she cannot hear you even if you call her name while standing over her. She has an ability to pour all of herself into a task and at the same time disassociate herself from the end result.

Maggie Blackwood is what one might call a Protector. This is a side of her that very rarely shows itself but if it does, if she is pushed to the point of needing to use what she knows for purposes more deadly than getting people high, she will. It's happened before and who's to say, it may happen again. There is something in Maggie that means she is capable of violence. She doesn't know where it came from but she knows where it went. She isn't a Psychopath. It's important that people understand this. Technically, if forced to be labeled, Maggie Blackwood might be a high functioning Sociopath.

Maggie is quite content to live her happy little life. She could easily go the rest of her days without every dropping another body but who's to say what the future brings? All she knows is that she is capable or taking a life but then Maggie believes that everyone is capable if pushed far enough.

Maggie is a Hooded Pitohui. She flies free, flashing her gorgeous plumage for the joy of herself and others but catch her, threaten her or those she loves and you're going down. First, you get numb and tingly. A warning that you just made the biggest mistake of your life. Second, your heart stops. Simple as that.

Characters History: Margaret Eleanore Blackwood was born on the Upper East Side of New York City to a Land Developer on his Socialite Wife. They were lovely people. Utterly clueless about anything outside of their golden bubble but lovely just the same. Maggie was given everything. She had the latest fashions even as an infant and all the latest toys. Her home was stunning and she wanted for nothing. When she was older she attended the most prestigious Private School in New York and she was happy. She had good friends, she made good grades. Truly nothing life-changing or even remotely interesting happened to her until she was 15 and she had captured the eye of the son of a very influential Man.

Her Parents were so proud! It hadn't even occurred to them to be concerned that their Daughters admire was 4 years older than her. Well, 4 years isn't a lot but given that she was only just post-pubescent and he was nearing 20, it should have been a concern. But no. Instead, Maggie was encouraged to date the young Man and so date she did. Just 5 months later, her Mother was preparing her for her first overnight date with her Boyfriend. He had booked the loveliest of Hotels. The Champagne was on ice, the strawberries were fat and glistening and Maggie was being dolled up for Statutory Rape.

The night came and went with little fuss from the young woman. She hadn't wanted it but she hadn't said no either. He loved her right? He was so very handsome and such a good boy! Just think of his Father! They were such a good match! Think of the life they would lead together! They would be so happy! It was what everyone was saying. Truly Maggie didn't care much. She was beginning to experiment with pot and it was helping her not to care. This was her life. It wasn't going to get any better. Maggie had no idea that Magic was real or that she had it untapped and flowing through her veins.

It was several weeks after her first but not her last overnight date with her Boyfriend that life dropped the bomb. In his haste to deflower his lovely young Girlfriend, he had forgotten protection, or so he said. Maggie was Pregnant.

Maggie wanted to keep the baby which was utterly stupid according to her Family. How could she even consider ruining her future like that? Had she given any thought about what it would do to the Family? Her Boyfriend was a little more persistent. Nearing the end of her first trimester, he gave her a choice. Her baby or her life and if she thought he was kidding or being overly dramatic, he sent the point home with his fists. She nearly died that night. So did her baby but then, that had kind of been the point.

Something snapped inside Maggie that day. She realized that there were people in this world who would put you in danger due to stupidity but there were also people who would put you in danger to cover their own ass. An ultimatum was struck but Maggie chose a different path. It wasn't her Baby or her life. It was her Baby and her life or him. Maggie chose herself and the life she was carrying. It was easier than she would have thought. The knowledge was all there, you just had to know where to look. With a little money and a little guts, Maggie procured what she needed and took her first life.

It's not like she thought it was actually going to work. It was a spell. She'd found it online buried beneath pages of love potions and ways to increase your luck. She'd thought it was bullshit. Maybe that's why she did it. She really, truly hadn't expected it to work and yet, it did. He was dead, she was free and magic was real, More importantly, she could use it. Surprise!

Nobody looked at the poor unfortunate pregnant teen. Her Boyfriend must have overdosed. There was cocaine in his system and everybody knew he liked to party. Nobody thought to look for magic as the cause. Why the hell would they? Life moved on and Maggie had discovered a new found strength. She would see this baby to term and then what she would do with it was her choice. Her Parents didn't argue. They only sent her away to have the child in secret and she did.

Ultimately Maggie chose to put the child up for adoption. She had a beautiful little girl and she named her Poppy. Her life was changing. She was getting ready to finish school and College came next. She couldn't give her baby the life that she deserved. Maggie was already beginning to experiment with other forms of magic and she wouldn't put her little girl at risk. Poppy is safe, very few people know where she is. Very few people know she exists. Though Maggie gave up her Parental Rights legally, both she and Poppy's family know the truth. That little girl is her's. She knows that she can't be a Mother. Maggie has no plans to take Poppy back but she will protect her until her very last breath.

It didn't really come as a surprise when Maggie received her invitation to take the Brakebills Entrance Exam. It did surprise her though to learn that a School for Magic had been hiding right beneath her nose the whole time. What surprised her even more though was that unlike the rest of the world, Brakebills knew what she had done. They knew all about her dead playboy Boyfriend and the child she gave away. They knew how she did and they knew why. It turned out that Brakebills had been watching her for some time. Her act of murder would not exclude her from entering the prestigious University but there were some warnings. As Dean Fogg had put it, it wasn't so much that she couldn't use magic to kill. As she'd already proven, such a thing was entirely possible and they wouldn't stop her. Lord knows Magic created just as many good Magicians as it had bad. It was advisable however, that if she cherished her soul, she never take another human life. See Maggie was already on her way to losing her Shade. They didn't know why but it didn't matter. If she wanted to remain as she was, she needed to tread carefully, lest she severs it completely.

Given that she had turned her back on High Society and all the Gossip Girl bitches in it, Maggie had been searching for a place to call home and it had only taken a day at Brakebills to discover this was it. Like she did anywhere else, Maggie excelled. She was a natural Physical Kid and her Speciality of Phosphoromancy suits her just fine. She still grows and sells her weed of course. A girl's gotta make a living. Maggie keeps her tight ass in leather pants and her fingers heavy with silver rings by creating and growing designer weed. She is the creator of several famous strains. The Skywalker, Lemon Haze, Journey Blue, Powerpuff and Bibbity Boppity are just a few. Honestly, she just as good a gardener as she is a Magician.

Maggie works just as hard as she plays. What can I say? She's a killer of a girl.