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19:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Isabella Duval

Prologue - The Setting of the Show

Real Name: Isabella Duvall
Stage Name:
Age: Unknown, appears to be in her late 20s-early 30s.
Species: Demon-blooded Human
Position at the Circus: Co-owner

Act 1 - The Face on the Outside
Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 123 lb

Physical Description:Isabella isn't your traditional face of beauty, but there is an air about her that still makes her gorgeous but speaks to her more humble beginnings. Her jawline is more angular, lacking some of the soft edges that are found on most women's faces, yet she still pulls off looking feminine. She has icy blue eyes and naturally blonde hair was falls in waves past her shoulders.

Her body has shown no signs of changes for uncountable years and her toned yet soft physique speaks to a time she spent on the road traveling with Gideon. She tends to choose clothes that are flattering for her shape and typically fall on the darker end of the color spectrum. Following this, she also has a tendency to wear darker make up when outside of her personal tent with Gideon being one of the very few that see her with out this darker facade. Along with the make up, she often adorns her body with various pieces of jewelry including a couple rings and numerous earrings.

Her skin is pale showing her preferences and and habits for going out more at night than during the day. Its not that she can't go in the sun, like some vampires from stories, she just has a preference for being out under the stars than under the sun, something that is well suited for her profession. Due to this theres have actually been many times that it has been wrongly assumed that Isabella is actually a vampire.

Distinguishing Features: The most distinguishing thing abut Isabella besides the unique features of the face is that she has remained relatively unchanged for year, decades, possibly even centuries.

One her left hand, Isabella wear a ring that is one half of a matching set with Gideon wearing the other. The rings are imbued with the other's blood, binding them together both body and soul. The metal of the ring is so dark that it's almost black and is unrecognizable as any metal known to man.

Act 2 - The Freak Within
Personality: The exact personality of Isabella Duvall is difficult to put a finger on since there are many different faces that she can put on depending on the situation. She can be kinda and caring one day but the next there could a dark cloud hanging over her head and she won't put up with anything. Most days however she is somewhere in between, her emotions kept in check by Gideon. If she had been born in today's age she may have would up as an actress due to how easy it is for her to change emotions on a whim, but instead she puts the effort towards running her business successfully.

With all of that being said, Isabella is still warm and welcoming to all of the beings and creatures under her care in The Circus Obscura, that is unless they do something to get on her bad side. Then you better run.

While Gideon doesn't have patience for people taking too long to get things done, Isabella lacks patience when it comes to the stupidity that some people can display.

Species Description: Hovering somewhere between human and demonic you will find Isabella and Gideon Duvall, their current state being the result of dark rituals and magic. It gives them more strength than their human heritage would have allowed, yet not as much as if they were purely supernatural beings. Through the binding of blood they have been granted unnaturally long lives and haven't aged a day since the deal was made. The unchanging nature of their bodies however renders her sterile, unable to go through the changes her body would need to carry a child.

While their demonically enhanced state gives them immortality, it also comes with drawbacks, the most prominent of which is the loss of memories of times long passed. The two no longer remember the year that they were born, their families, or even where they came from. This too makes them occasionally forget things about each other that they learned long ago. While many might perceive that as a bad thing, they know that they never will forget their love for each other due to the blood bond between them and being able to continue to rediscover things about the other keeps their love fresh, each day being like the one that they fell for each other the first time.

Noteworthy Qualities: Isabella is greatly skilled in dark magic with a vast knowledge of the occult. Pairing this with the wit and knowledge of Gideon, the duo can be quite dangerous. She is less trusting of people than he is, but trusts his judgement in all things due to his ability to sniff out a liar.

One of the strongest traits of Isabella is her unwavering loyalty to Gideon Duvall. She would do absolutely anything to keep him safe and happy, even to the point where she would kill for him. He is the only being in the world that has her complete trust and devotion.

While Gideon is skilled with car tricks and slight of hand, Isabella tends to enhance their shows and performances with more true magic, working together making it impossible for the audience to be able to tell what is real and what is just a figment of their imagination. Which is something that they have taken full advantage of many times to let them get away with magic and rituals.

Numerous spells and the demonic blood and magic that flows through her veins makes her immune to almost any harm that one might thing to cause her. She is able to resist disease and most damage, making her almost impossible to be killed.

Of the Duvall Duo, Isabella is the more impulsive of the two, requiring Gideon to often be the voice of reason to keep her out of trouble. She tends to give in to pleasures, be it alcohol, sex, or magic

Act 3 - The Big Finale
Character History: Chances are your grandparents have been to the Circus Obscura. It's been an American tradition in small towns, medium burgs, and even some large cities to stumble on the pop-up circus. They give it a show for two nights in every city they attend, then quickly pack up and vanish.

The Duvall's have always run it. It's an act that looks for the lost, the ostracized, the freaks and the hidden of the world. In time it's become a sort of beacon for these baseless souls; they are drawn to the Circus Obscura, compelled to find the home they've seen in dreams and heard about in the words of madmen and school children alike.

The Duvall's are always accepting new acts, always have been. Some say they always will be.

Your Act: Gideon and Isabella's primary duties in the circus are as its owners and operators. They are capable of filling in almost any position or act needed, with varying levels of success, but prefer to stay out of the spotlight and allow their family to earn their accolades.

  1. The Unnamed Demon
    "In this repeat of The Cycle I've yet to meet any souls, mortal or infernal or even angelic, like that of Duvall. One half is Master at control and reason, the other is Master of the Arcane and emotion. While Whole they can trick grown men into spoiling their pants like infants, and convince a group of watchers that an obvious murder was all part of the act. I'd never call one Equal to me, but of all mortals they come the closest to reaching an impossible stature."
  2. A Long-Dead Witch
    "I've made bargains with men and women since the days of Cane and Abel. Not only did the Duvall's teach me a thing or two with their raw talent, they also broke me of my mortal bond."
  3. Ricardo del Monte
    "My greatest students. When I met them in Paris in... what year was it? Ah, it matters not... they were humble and aspiring performers with something to prove. Who they wanted to prove it to, I know not, but they accepted my teaching with gusto and proved their incredible talent for believable magic. That's probably because they used real magic, but I stand by my reference that they are a dynamic pair that is nigh-unstoppable when working together.