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16:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Charlotte McAlister


Name:Charlotte McAllister
Nickname: Charlie
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
Sexuality: Does it matter?
Play-By: Briana Hildebrand
Year:1st Year
Discipline: Psychic


Physical Description:Charlie keeps her brown hair short. Her dark brown eyes are accented by natural looking eye makeup while her lipstick, if she’s managed to lift any, ranges from bright red to black. She stands on the shorter side and has a deceptively slight build, strength hidden under jeans, leather jackets, scarves and sweaters. Most of her clothes are donated, whether the donor knows it or not, and can be kept in a duffle.

Distinguishing Features: Her hair is shorter than most “typical” or “feminine” women, ranging from buzz cut to short pixie depending on her access to a barber or buzzers.


Personality Description: Charlie’s personality shifts depending on who you are, where she is, and what she wants from you or the situation. She’s not usually quick to anger but she will let things simmer and build before eventually exploding. Higher-end rich folks are equal parts things to be exploited and assholes who don’t know how good they have it. While not a loner, it’s difficult to tell who is a true friend and who is a means to an end. However, once someone proves themselves a friend and someone to be trusted, Charlie’s loyalty knows no bounds. She’s unsurprisingly Street smart given how she’s lived but when she decides to apply herself she can also be relatively knowledgeable on other things.

Goals: —

Likes: A good outfit, a nice scarf and warm jacket, a warm place to sleep, nice makeup, nice hot meals, genuine individuals, easy marks, a good buzz cut

Dislikes: Rich punks who think they know everything, sleeping in alleyways, disrespect, kale, her family


Characters History: Charlie started out destined for what she became. Her home life was pretty much non-existent, no father and a mother who was either working a dead end job to buy her next fix or passed out somewhere with whatever guy she was calling a “boyfriend”. This left Charlie at home most days to fend for herself, at least until Nana Titi found out what was going on.

The potato chip and soda dinners stopped on the spot, tv was cut to an hour a day and books and homework reigned supreme. For that time Charlie actually liked going to school and did well. Reading all kinds of books and finding interests in both arts and sciences. She struggled with most things involving mathematics but can’t win ‘em all.

Things went well until they didn’t. Nana Titi became ill and quickly deteriorated, leaving Charlie to care for her, books and homework forgotten not for TV but for Nana. And then one day not long after that, Charlie could watch all the TV she wanted and eat all the junk food in the house if she desired, but her Nana would never be there to stop her again.

That was just after the start of her junior year in high school, and after a few weeks alone with her mother and the “boyfriends”, she decided it was time to leave. So she packed a duffel, stole the cash from her mom’s purse- what little there was - and headed to the place she’d always wanted to see. New York.

For the first little while she lived in shelters and on the streets, curling up out of sight and away from large groups. Eventually she landed an odd job at a laundry joint which gave her a place to sleep - unbeknownst to the owner - until she grabbed another job and managed to scrape enough together for a meager room in a boarding house-type situation.

She quickly became bored with her situation though, wanting more but not knowing how to get it. She wanted nicer things, things like she’d seen on TV, up in Midtown and the like. So she traveled to Manhattan and started looking for work there.

Things changed for her while she was looking for a job one day. She’d been sitting on a wall eating a hot dog from a cart when a girl her age decided to make conversation. They’d chatted about where they were from and what each was doing in the city and Charlie complimented the girl’s scarf. After the girl thanked her Charlie jokingly asked how much would she need to pay for the girl to give it to her. Surprisingly the girl simply complied to the fantasy in Charlie’s mind, giving her the scarf, and with that she started to learn just what she could do.

She stayed small on most things, having people give her only what she needed most times, a warm coat, a meal - even leftovers, maybe some cash if she was a bit shy on rent. Other things she simply stole for the fun of it and because sometimes a cell overnight was warmer and better than dying in the freezing cold. Unfortunately, having a record and - well was it REALLY stealing if they were giving it to her when she asked? - being in a moral gray area left her more of a nomad than she’d originally hoped, hopping around the 5 boroughs whenever things got too hot for her in one or two of the others.

It happened without warning, she was making her way through an exit route, walking through a revolving door and ending up not in the hotel lobby but in some other strange place, a campus of some sort, not that she cared as long as it was away from the fuzz. She wandered around for a little while, long enough to suss out that she wasn’t where she had been which was good enough for her.

She was content to explore more but was directed by a young woman to another building, hesitantly she followed, stopping short of walking into the final room without an explaination of sorts. Getting at least as far as an entrance exam she bristled and cackled, ready to walk away, waving off her ability to pay for anything so pristegious that required an entrance exam. After a short and genreal explaination that included promise of a room for her and access to food in the cafeteria, she waved off the rest of the explaination, entering the room mumbling something about “some Harry Potter-type bullshit” and how that kid just had it handed to him, no entrance exam needed.

It had been years since she’d taken any type of test but the promise of a room and food was a decent motivator and she went in aiming to at least get a week or two of a near “normal” living arrangement. It wasn’t the highest score in the world but she also wasn’t the lowest passing score the school had ever seen either, just enough to prove that she had some level of smarts other than street about her.

Hey There Charlie - An Evolving Playlist -