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00:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Trill Salion

Trill Salion                                                                   
Aliases: Tristan (male alter-ego), The Desert Rose
Race: Suli (Keleshite/Taldan)
Class: Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 4
Vitals: Female, Age 24, 5'7", 125 lbs.
Birthdate:  23 Erastus, 4703
Myth-Weavers Sheet:
Theme Music: Centuries - Fall Out Boy

    Trill Salion is a young woman from the tropical island of Ko-Phi-Phi-Lee.  Her deep umber locks, naturally tanned skin, and elegant features belie her unusual heritage as a Suli, with her human ancestry stemming from both Taldan and Qadiran roots.  Further evidence of her genie-kin ancestry are the varied hues that make up her eye color, shifting between shades of red, green, blue, and yellow depending on her mood.

    As she is a skilled swashbuckler, a talented sailor, and is under tutelage to one day lead her own ship, she most often chooses to wear attire befitting that of a naval officer. Trill tends to find herself at the center of social affairs, and the quickness and sharpness of her wit is matched only by that of her blade.  That being said, even she can recognize when a bit of diplomacy is in order.

    Ability Scores: STR 13, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 18, WIS 12, CHA 22
    Current HP: 56
    Max HP: 56
    Initiative: +4 (+8 if Rapier is drawn)
    AC: 20
    Flat-footed AC: 15
    Touch AC: 15
    Saving Throws:  FORT +5, REF +9, WILL +4
    CMD: 19 (27 vs Disarm, 25 vs Sunder, 21 vs Feint)
    Panache: 10/day
    Perception: +6
    Sense Motive: +10
    Knowledge (local): +9
    Knowledge (geography): +6
    Languages:  Common (Taldan), Goblin, Draconic, Lashunta, Ignan
    Weapons: Dueling Blade (Rapier), Daggers
    Ammunition: Daggers (2)
    Armor: Lesser Luck Mail (+1)
    Clothing: Traveler’s Outfit (female, tropical); Traveler's Outfit (male, desert); Diver's Suit; Pocketed Scarf
    Magical Items:  Gloves of Dueling, Scabbard of Honing, Dead Man's Headband, Pirate's Eye Patch, Corset of the Vishkanya, All-tools Vest, Blood Reservoir, Belt of Physical Might +2 (Dex and Con, Headband of Mental Prowess +2 (Int and Cha; Bluff), Necklace of Adaptation, Ring of Chameleon Power
    Adventuring Gear: Backpack, Pouch, Flint & Steel, Rope (50 ft, Hemp), Torches (3), Rations (3), Waterskin, Fishing Net, Assisting Gloves, 5x Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, 3x Potions of Resistance
    Personal Items:  Outrigger Sailboat
    Born on the island of Ko-Phi-Phi-Lee in the small village of Shaney, Trill is the only daughter of Marina, the village seamstress, and Reggie Robin, a briefly reformed pirate.  The call of the sea became too much for Reggie to bear, so he returned to the life of a pirate on the high seas, leaving Marina to bear and raise their unexpected daughter.

    Having grown up hearing stories about her father and his adventures at sea, Trill aspired to follow in his footsteps at a young age.  She grew up learning to fight with sticks, climbing over any and everything she could find, and soaking up any and all information she could find about life at sea, from both books and visiting sailors.

    When she and her friends came of age they formed an expedition to rescue fellow villagers who had been whisked away to a nearby cave, but when they arrived it became painfully apparent that they had bitten off more than they could chew.  In fact, Trill and all her friends were killed.  It wasn’t until she woke up weeks later that she discovered that the universe had chosen her for something greater.  She was spared from death and bonded with a wyrmling red dragon named Calder.  Together she and Calder became a Dragoon – a legendary warrior of old.

    Trill and her friends, who had also become dragoons, found themselves in the center of an apocolyptic threat from the powerful lich, Kel'Thezod.  Hastur, brother to Loki, the High King of the Inner Sea Alliance, entrusted his power to Trill so he and his brothers could safely slip past the undead horde that had overrun and infected Cheliax and stop Kel'Thezod once and for all.  The Brothers succeeded, but in doing so they made the ultimate sacrifice.

    After returning from Cheliax Trill worked diligently to help the people of Elf Town and the Island rebuild and established her own business along the way.  Her group of mercenaries, known as the "Crimson Company," took on contracts to help and protect the people as well as earn their pay.  She and her closest friend, Namiko, then planned a trip to Qadira to expand their businesses to take advantage of the extrodinary wealth that nation enjoyed.  While there however, Trill ran afoul of an old enemy and found herself singled out, overpowered, and sold into slavery because of her genie heritage.  She spent over a year in bondage before Calder, Namiko, and Namiko's dragon Ren rescued her.

    Once she returned she found herself dealing with the consequences of her time in bondage.  Physical wounds healed quickly enough, but she would need time to emotionally heal.  When she returned she did not return alone.  Iris, Jasmine, and Acacia, three friends she had come to know during her time in bondage, escaped and returned to the island with her, with Acacia ultimately deciding to pledge herself as Trill's Guardian.  The consequence that had the most impact however, was that Trill's time in bondage resulted in her first child, a boy she named Coda.

    After recovering from her ordeal and taking time to adjust to being a mother, Trill began training again in earnest.  She knows that she and Calder are destined for greatness, and she intends to be ready the next time destiny calls.