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Welcome to Time of the Dead ~ Free Zone~

12:05, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Julia Lipinsky

Full Name:Julia Lipinsky
Nickname: Julip
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Occupation: Crop-duster and mechanic
Nationality: Russian
Languages: Russian, English, Spanish (not fluent)
Starting Location: In the Air :)


Overall Appearance: Coming upon her she seems at first to be a tween, short incredibly petite it takes a second glance to realize that she is anything but.  The curves she has are only emphasized by the grease stained form hugging coveralls she's wearing.  Cinched tight at the waist they almost have to have been custom hemmed or purchased from the kids section of the store. But what really puts first impressions to bed are her eyes and face.  They are regal, with both a kind of old world nobility and experience written across them and without a trace of childhood fat to soften the impression.  Her hair is long and dark red, and while clean and well cared for not so neat and tidy given months of living on the edge.  Still she's obviously gone to some effort to avoid having to chop it off given the reality of the world today.

Her eyes are hazel, or brown, it's a bit hard to tell as they seem to shift in the light as she brushes her hair back over her shoulder.  That reveals that her ears, once pierced, are now healing shut, just another sacrifice made for practicalities sake in the end of the world.  As she goes to shake your hand you can feel that despite the small size her grip is strong, with callouses and ground in dirt with short businesslike nails instead of the elegance of a city-dweller.

Eye Color: Hazel
Hair color: Dark Red
Hair Style: Long with bangs, a bit messy
Complexion: Pale
Body shape: Petite but Muscled
Clothing: Typically wearing a blue mechanic's coverall, and hiking boots.  She also has a pair of running shoes, a one-piece swimsuit, osh-kosh overalls, a fleece sweater, a pair of running shorts and two t-shirts.  One button down flannel shirt and fourteen socks, five bras, eight panties, and a wool sea-coat that is much too large for her a pillow two towels and an assortment of rags.  Oversized T-shirt and Sweats from Brigitte.

She also has a .22 rifle found while scrounging around in various farmhouses along with 8 remaining rounds of ammunition for it along with a hand axe, a short saw, two large knives and both a mess and tool kit for her plane.

Basic Personality: She is very pragmatic, and understands both the hurdles and advantages her gender and height give her and particularly how to use them to manipulate others to make her life if not easier at least bearable.  She won't hesitate to lie, or bend the truth if that's what it takes to achieve her goals.

Special Skills: She is a good liar and manipulator and has an excellent poker face.

History: She is almost a hard case.  Having grown up hungry and poor in the Ukrainian countryside she was familiar with hardship before the world went to hell.  When just 12 she managed to escape the unrest that was growing there and join her 'uncle' in the United States.  Really she was part of a bribe to help get the rest of her family out, with the understanding that she would basically be an indentured servant to the man who only might have been an actual relative.  When she saw the freedom of flight her first week here when the fields were sprayed she vowed she would do that one day.  So she did all the work around the farm she was assigned dutifully while studying hard looking for her chance.  The next year and the next she traded shamelessly on her appearance to get rides, first from the pilot to spray her uncles field, and then other pilots and other fields.  She spent every spare moment she could at one airport or improvised field or another, making a nuisance, pest, and pet out of herself until they started to not just dote on her but teach her, first to fly, and then at her insistence how to help maintain their planes as well.  At 18 she was out of school, and just starting to show real curves despite never overcoming the stunted nutrition of her early childhood.  But it was enough that when she caught her uncles eye in a bad way she ran the next morning and hasn't looked back since.  She had since been paying her way through wits and charm, and slowly growing skill as a pilot and mechanic, learning on the job until she could take and pass her pilots test.

She felt a bit bad about the theft, but well, most of the people who owned anything at the airport weren't around when it was overrun by the dead and she wasn't going to stick around to ask permission.  Since then she's been looking for survivors and stealing from the dead to stay alive.  Usually keeping one or two steps ahead of trouble by raiding farmhouses or airport terminals for food and supplies.  Unfortunately she's realized she's reached a 'hard' limit of sorts.  Her plane can't carry much more than she has now, but if she tries to pick a bigger one then it won't be able to land or take off except on longer more exposed roads or actual airports.  But if she doesn't get the ability to keep more belongings then one bad day could be the end, and to make matters worse she's starting to run low on ammunition for the one rifle she's found that she can fire without dislocating a shoulder.  She's lost count of the shotguns left behind but they might as well be lead weights for all their usefulness to her.

Living or Dead Family:
Father Ivan Lipinsky
Uncle Gregory Kovalev - She really hopes that he's died, but she hasn't seen him in 6 years since she left Florida.

Dimitri and Katrina Lipinsky - She's not sure where here mother and father eventually went, the last she saw them being in Orlando International Airport when they introduced her to Uncle Gregory 12 years ago.  She hasn't looked for them once.