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Welcome to Federation of Comorian: Core Campaign

14:34, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Clea Hamilton

Clea Hamilton is the eldest daughter of Dr Lucas Hamilton and Patricia Sterling and she is currently the next in line for the permanent position.

Though the selection of the next Dr Hamilton is a fully democratic process, the fact that Clea is the daughter of the Hamilton played heavily in her nomination. That, and the fact that she is one of the most prominent declared Chrysanth in the polity, having an IQ that is often described sometimes as unusually high, other as off the charts. Few people know for certain and Clea is not among them, her father advising her not to know the exact number.

She is half-orphaned, her mother Patricia having been killed during the Sehai-Satyata war during one the enemy covert operation on Federation territory. The Sterling orphanage has been named after her mother after Clea's suggestion and the saganite support that choice.

She has finished her mandatory Federation duties recently, having honored them in the Ethical branch, where she worked as an emergency medic during the Sehai-Satyata war.

She prolonged her federation service by now working in the Technical branch and it is expected of her to do this for all branches of the federation, including the martial branch.

She is extremely annoyed about having to interrupt her duties to temporarily replace her father and will likely mention this a few times in council chambers.

She is extremely popular within the polity and has the full support of its populace during her temporary tenure as Dr Hamilton, the saganite feeling that some polities, namely the Blackwatch, act with too much bullying or condescendence towards them, despite their contribution during their short existence.

She follows the fashion underground trends that are currently developing in Darbuiks which includes: Coloured leather vest and clothing, Hair dyed in an unnatural colour (hers are currently blue) and temporary tatoos made from kelp ink.