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12:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Camden Taylor

Name: Camden Taylor
(Originally named Joshua Bailey)

Nicknames: Cam

Face/Model Claim: Michael Malarkey

Age: 32

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Nationality: American

Hometown: Denver, Colorado


Faction: Astoria Settler

Job: While he does many small things around the Settlement of Astoria, Cam is mostly known for being a guard and a watchman. After his little brother and his father were killed, he took up the mantle of the protector in his family knowing that his older brother wouldn't do that for them. Even after he left them, the role continued to follow him and he naturally fell into this position in the settlement.

Skills: Cam has multiple skills that make his great at the job he does. From a young age he started practicing marksmanship and is a great shot with both rifles and hand guns. Of course he's fine with shotguns too, but those don't require the same amount of accuracy. This makes him a pretty good hunter as well. Although he's not as adapt with them as he is with guns, he's pretty decent with knives and can put up a good fight with his fists if required to. Apart from fighting, Cam has honed in a keen sense of hearing and has has quick reflexes with both come in handy when on patrol duty. He has a basic knowledge of surviving in the wild but its just barely enough to get by if he was to find himself alone and he does better in a group. On a different, non-survival based note, he has a great voice and is rather talented at playing a guitar.


Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 160 lb

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Scars/Marks: Camden has managed to avoid collecting too many large scars but still has a few smaller ones, mostly remnants of brawls or his times spend in the wild on his own. He also has acquired a few tattoos including a large one on his back of a dark angel with its wings spread over his shoulder blades and his two younger sibling's name on his left forearm.

Appearance: Cam is an attractive man in the "tall dark and handsome" sort of way the rugged look that he's acquired over the years seems to suit him just as well as a more clean cut look would if life was still normal.

He stands at an average height and is on thinner side for a man his size and age when it comes to weight as a result of all the craziness that has been going on in the world. He continues to keep in good shape however needing to be fit and strong to properly do his job protecting the people of the Astoria Settlement.

His hair is long but not shaggy and he almost always has a short scruffy beard on his face. Cam's skin is tanned from both heritage and time spent in the sun which seems to completely his dark hair and eyes. Most of the clothes he has have seen better days but typically feature a darker color scheme. He owns a pair of black lace up boots that he wears almost every day and has a thick black leather jacket that he takes care of extremely well.

On his person Cam almost always has his hand gun and his knife and quite frequently has his AR-15 slung over his back on its strap. His old hunting rifle however isn't carried around due to its weight and the fact that its more of a nostalgia item and less of a functional weapon.



Personality in Brief: With the above mentioned strengths and character traits its only makes sense that Camden is quite the compassionate man to those around him. He has a tendency to look for the best in people even when others can't see it and fully believes in giving everyone in the Settlement a second. He is quick to trust people, but if his trust is broken and someone show that they aren't worth trying its tough to get back on his good graces. Of course he wouldn't just shove them out to the wolves and would still do his job to protect them, bust he won't give them anymore of his time than that.

Camden tends to stay pretty serious when working but when off-duty he's more likely to relax and unwind. He takes these moments the good thats left in the world. He wouldn't consider himself to be anti-social and is always willing to open up to talk to anyone or offer an ear to listen to whatever they need to get off of their chest, but he also has a more introverted side. He savors the time that he is able to spend alone, just enjoying the silence.

Any Other Notes: A few years ago Camden found a guitar that he started working on cleaning up. The neck is a little bit bit warped and there is a small crack in the body, but he's gotten it to the point where its playable and has a nice sound. He considers this suits, his grandfather's hunting rifle, and his leather jacket to be his more important possessions.

History: When Camden Taylor was born he was given the name Joshua Bailey by his parents Natasha and James. Like was great for the Bailey family during the first years of his life, they had a nice house in Denver, a dog, and his parents were popping out babies like there was nothing wrong, which at that time, they thought to be true. If they had known what was coming maybe they would have stopped with their oldest son Conner and definitely wouldn't have given birth to their youngest child and only daughter the year before the infection began.

When the first reports of the Cordyceps fungus mutation came the Bailey family initially didn't take it as a serious threat. The parents believed that it would get taken care of soon enough by the CDC and as long as they stayed away from risky areas then they would be fine. But of course thats not what happened. The infection continued to spread like wildfire and the Bailey's were forced to leave Denver in search of somewhere safe,so Natasha and James packed up their house and took Conner (16), Joshua (10), Logan (7), and Megan (3) to a quarantine zone, hoping that they would be able to find safety.

But of course safety is a relative term. Especially when the word is going to shit.

James ended up getting involved with the Fireflies and within the year uprooted the entire Bailey family to the Firefly Headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. The oldest son Conner also ended up getting interested in the rebellion but the other kids were still too young to really know what was going on and didn't really have much of a choice other than to move with their family.

Life seemed to be going pretty well in SLC for the next couple years and James and Conner started to work their way up in the ranks. While this was going on however neither of them kept paying much attention to the rest of the family which started to prime Joshua for his protector role that he would soon be adopting.

The youngest son, Logan started experiencing some severe depression and began acting out to the point that he one day ran away from the family and the relative safety of the settlement when Joshua was 13.

For weeks the searched for Logan, eventually finding him when he was beginning to show the first signs of being infected. Natasha was devastated and James took it even worse, convinced that he would be able to find a cure for their youngest son. For the last few years he had started developing all sorts of conspiracy theories about the infection and the biggest one that he believed was that the military force was hiding a cure from the rest of the words.

So not thinking things through clearly because of the inevitable death of his son, James took Conner and headed for the closest military checkpoint. James believed that they had a right to the cure he was so sure existed that he walk right up to the checkpoint in head to toe Firefly colors. He barely had a chance to start his speech that he had been preparing and was shot and killed on sight.

Conner had been smart staying hidden and fled back to his family in Salt Lake City, where he had to tell his family the news of what had happened to James. Distraught from the loss of her husband, Natasha didn't know what to do with the infected Logan and gave up her own son to the guards with resulted in him being killed to stop any further spread of the infection. The rest of the family was put under observation to ensure that none of them had been infected in the process.

From that point on, Conner was rarely seen by the remainder of the Bailey family, his father's death having spurred him on to want to be even more involved with the Firefly rebellion. So Joshua took up the role of the only male figure left in the family and took care of his mother and younger sister.

It wasn't until he turned 18 that he finally started realizing that he didn't agree with the propaganda that was all around him and wanted to leave Salt Lake City and get away from the Fireflies. He tried to convince his mother and little sister to come with him, but she refused to leave and wanted to stay with her oldest son Conner who was almost the spitting image of her husband James.

So on his own, Joshua took his grandfather's old gun and left Salt Lake City in the middle of the night, taking up the name Camden Taylor in an attempt to erase all connections of him to his father and brother.

He had no idea where he was going, but in his mind anywhere had to be better than the life he had been living with the Fireflies.

After that Camden was on his own, struggling to fend for himself by hunting his own food and trying to find uncontaminated water. When things started seeming bleak though and he didn't think that he would be able to survive this way for much longer, he was found by a man who had been out hunting game and brought him back to the Astoria Settlement which had just been founded. The man took Camden in, almost as if he were his own son and for the last 14 years he has been living there.