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02:35, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Blair Evans

The Basics

Name: Blair Evans

Nickname(s): None, just Blair

True Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Not too picky

Species: Human

The Physical

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 110 lb

Physical Description: Blair is a tall girl and thin enough that most people would think that she is underweight and needs to eat more. but it seems like no matter how much she eats, she doesn't gain any weight. Her weight doesn't allow her much extra fat to give her soft girlish curves, but she doesn't seem to mind that much and still shows off what she has.

Her long light blonde hair falls to the middle of her back, something that people thought was fake about her but again, resources are scarce now and her hair is still as light as ever. Her eyes are big and blue, but often ringed with dark makeup, which tends to make her always look a bit tired and often strung-out even when she's not. Apart from her eyes, the rest of her face isn't too remarkable, but regardless she is a pretty gorgeous girl.

Her clothes tend to be loose on her slender frame and often have holes or tears in them, however its unclear whether its an intentional style choice or from wear and tear. Which ever it is, its gives her a grungy sort of look and she almost always wears chunky black boots on her feet.

Distinguishing Marks: There are a few tattoos decorating her skin scattered across various places on her body. The first of which she got illegally when she was only 15 in her much older boyfriend's basement. Her nipples are pierced with small metal bars and her belly button is adorned with a curved barbell with a little skull and crossbones on it.

Face Claim: Brynden Jenkins

The Personal

Personality Description: Blair isn't necessarily a bitch, but tends to suffer from a case of 'resting bitch face' and often looks like she is bored and fed up with the situation. This often seems to deter people from approaching her, but those that do quickly learn that she is actually quite friendly. Unless of course she is coming down hard from a high or craving another.

She has an extremely addictive personality and loves to feel good so is always looking for whatever can do that for her. Because of this, she has the tendency to fall for people hard and love even harder. Oddly though, she doesn't get tired of them fast like one might think of the girl that had spent most of her life not committing to anyone or anything.

Blair is fiercely loyal to those that she trusts, but watch out if you have the unfortunate luck of ending up on her bad side.

Occupation: Unemployed, dropped out of high school

History: Blair didn't have a bad childhood that made her act out like she did, she got was always looking for more and got messed up with the wrong people early on. She got drunk for the first time while she was in middle school and soon after started sneaking out almost every night, and her parents were never the wiser. At 15 she got her first tattoo in her much older boyfriend's basement and started smoking not long after, both cigarettes and more elicit substances. By 16 she was shooting up heroin and dropped out of school during her junior year of high school when she ran away from home to live with that same boyfriend, thinking that it was "True Love."

Of course, the relationship didn't last long and when he ended it, Blair felt like her life was over. She went back home for a while and her parents were thrilled to see her again. Blair checked into a rehab facility as her own decision and we determined to get clean and get her life back on track, maybe go back to school to get her GED and try to live a normal like.

But 6 months after she was released from rehab that same ex boyfriend came back into her life and of course being young and naive she let him back in. She tried to keep it secret from her parents but before long she relapsed with him and her parts noticed her acting oddly. When they should out that she was using again they kicked her out. Blair went back to living with him and at 19 she was pregnant. Her baby was taken from her at birth due to her history of drug use and that moment is one of her biggest regrets in life. After that she spiraled into a depression that just made her fall deeper into her addictions. But her boyfriend didn't offer her the support she needed.

At 20 years old she overdosed and was given a mandatory term in rehab and after a few month stay was released only to get right back on heroin again when she was back at her boyfriend's side. After that things started to go south in their relationship. It was never a healthy one to begin with, but until this point it had never been abusive. First it started with verbal insults that Blair would just blame on the alcohol and drugs, not on the man himself. Even when it progressed to threats she still tried to find excuses for him.

After she turned 21 Blair became pregnant again and used that as her motivation to get clean. She sought help from a doctor to break her addiction to heroin with methadone during the pregnancy. Blair waited almost two months to tell him and was ecstatic to share the news. But he wasn't at all thrilled to hear it. He didn't believe her that the baby was his and started yelling at her, calling her all sorts of names to the point where Blair broke down into tears. That just made him even angrier and he started calling her a coward, a cheater, a liar, telling her to get rid of the baby.

When Blair refused, his abuse turned physical, hitting her to the point where she was covered bruises. She fled their house and ran, knowing she really had no where to go she made her way to an emergency room, hoping she could find safety there. The doctors checked her out and tended to her wounds. But then the bad news came. The impacts of his hits on her stomach and the stress of the incident had caused her to lose the baby.

Blair was discharged 3 days later, but the news still devastated her. She had no where to go and in her depression ended up relapsing yet again. But this time she didn't go back to him and never would. She ran away from the town that she had called home and made her way to Elysium to try and start anew. She knew that she would be starting from the bottom, but that was where she was used to being.