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Welcome to Dungeons and Dragons: Mysteries of Iveriu

22:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Midthrir Cethlion

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A beautiful solemn prince of darkness.

Tall of stature, broad of build, and fair of face, Midthrir cuts an impressive figure. He possesses the natural grace of a hunting leopard, moving with both power and elegance. Long pale hair flows down his back, rippling like a mane as he walks.  When he speaks, his voice rings with commanding iron tones which stops men in their tracks. His eyes are memorable, pale and haunted, they have a piercing quality which seem to see directly through skin. One can tell right away that he is Breskin, his bloodline is famously pure - Often Midthrir is compared to Bres the Beautiful, the first Prince of the Tribe of Selu who was half-Borhulgir.

Though he has the look of a romantic hero, Midthrir would be the first to admit that he is no hero. Midthrir's moods seem to wax and wane like the phases of the moon. In states of pique he is highly animated, mischievous, and emotional, with a devil-may-care sense of humor which occasionally totters into overt cruelty. In such conditions of manic levity Midthrir has been known to throw lavish parties, visit the city's pleasure chambers, or spend hours researching an obscure arcane particularity in his libraries. Alternately, in states of abasement, he is intensely calm, sullen, self-isolating; hiding himself in one of Rimegast's many towers to drink ambrosia, play his violin and dismally stare off into the mists. Oblivion in his blood after all.

He wears fine armor crafted of shadow, more silent than normal fabric, and so light that a child could lift above its head one-handed. The shadow armor is flexible and semi-amorphous, wisps of shadow curl off the armor like smoke. The armor is enchanted so it can take on the shape of any outfit or set of clothes the wearer might choose. For Midthrir these forms often include fine fashionable garments, black or blue traveling robes, or spiked scale armor as dark as pitch

Midthrir carries the massive intelligent blade Nheziroc. It is a weapon once wielded by a great Borhulgir warrior from ancient times. When drawn the blade is 13 feet long and 3 feet wide. Conveniently, the giant weapon shrinks to fit in an enchanted gold scabbard, decorated with runes and no longer than a dirk.

Midthrir was born just over 200 years ago to a poor but venerable house. For generations, his family ruled a settlement in northern Gnarlvost: Hag’s Hollow. His family’s pride was their direct blood relation to Bres Mera, the treacherous leader of the Tribe of Selu. But this relation was also his family’s ruin. Hag’s Hollow sat high on the northern cliffs of Gnarlvost and gazed out into the mists and the seas. So close to the edge of the world the House Cethlion had almost always felt as close to their Borhulgir ancestry as they did to their mortal one.

They say the Hags of northern Gnarlvost had a great prophecy for Midthrir on the day of his birth. The Hags might simply have hoped to curry favor with their local lord. Or perhaps they spoke the truth. Regardless none who first heard it now live.

Midthrir was raised in a gloomy house of his father, only vaguely aware that his parents believed that fate held something great in store for him. What it was he would never know. As his family looked after their precious blood before all their other responsibilities their lands fell into disrepair, and their people eventually rose up in revolt. Even the some of the Hags, fearing that the common folk would make no distinction between one Breskin and another urged the Lord Cethlion to attend to his people. But Lord Cethlion, mad with pride and the mists, along with the other Hags and sought to summon the Borhulgir from beyond the mist. However this could not stand - High King Orionus, leader of the Tribe of Selu and Vrahul, Lord of Rimegast rode to the northern coast of Gnalvost before the mad hubris of a minor lord could destroy Iveriu. It was Vrahul who slew Midthrir’s father, and it was Vrahul who spared Midthrir’s life - and with Orionus’s blessing, Vrahul took Midthrir to live among his 19 children. Midthrir and Vrahul were distant relations, and Midthrir was judged to be just young enough to be spared.

Midthrir was small, even for a boy of nine. But he had a strong quicksilver mind, and Vrahul saw to it that he received a suitable education. Midthrir’s other gifts made him a proficient warrior as well, and how he came to succeed Vrahul as the lord of Rimegast is the subject of a host of songs and stories. Greatest among the stories is; how he first lifted ‘Nheziroc,’ the massive weapon of an ancient Borhulgir warrior, and learned to wield it; how he hunted madness and corruption among his kin; how he feuded with the eldest of Vrahul’s children; how he learned that the Hags had bound him to shadows and mists at birth, and how he returned to Hag’s Hollow and butchered them - even as they promised to tell him of their prophecy - and burned down the house of his father in order to take back the power they held over him.

It was during his time hunting the mad among the Breskin that he found Draigen Fiona in the ashes of a burned village. The Ogres’ blood was still wet on Midthrir's hands as he lifted the young girl into his saddle.

Carhal Mordlain, Midthrir’s oldest and most loyal companion, became Midthrir’s High Judge when Midthrir ascended to the Lord of Rimegast. Carhal continues to be watchful of corruption from within Rimegast, while Midthrir's eyes turn toward the mists, like his father, but with very different intentions.

In the Elder Grove, while attempting to peel back the mists, he was overcome by the mists power and placed into a stasis-like sleep. His only hope of recovery is that the rest of the tribe of selu will find some way to reverse the enchantment.