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Welcome to The Harbinger's Children

07:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cody Franklin

NAME : Cody Franklin
AGE :  late teens/early 20's
HEIGHT : 6'1"
WEIGHT : 275lbs
HAIR : Dirty blonde
EYES : Blue
FAMILY OR RELATIVES :  Child of "the system". Was raised by late friend Quentin Young
NATIONALITY : American (New York)
 Monstrous Transformation - Cody can (at will) take on his "Brutal" side as he calls it, becoming a hulking monster that solves most situations with his fists  When transformed, his strength is increased exponentially, as well as his speed and dexterity are increased as well and he does not seem to tire out. His metallic blue skin also serves as armour, giving him limited protection (he does not know to what extent). On the downside, unless he transforms, Cody can't access his increased attributes. He also has to calm down before changing back to his normal form, and his transformation is somewhat painful, causing him to cry out unless he concentrates to contain himself.

He has not fully tested his capabilities, but so far he knows he can lift a dumpster and can run fast enough to keep up with city traffic for a short distance.

Regeneration- While in either form, when Cody is injured, he has the ability to self heal at an exceptional rate. Broken bones set themselves. Cuts and scrapes heal in a day. He never has any scarring. The downside is injuries are incredibly painful while they heal because of the tissue repairing itself so rapidly.


Cody is fairly level headed, but never really grew up. Can have a bit of a smart mouth and has a bad habit of bucking authority when opportunity arises, and isn't beyond the odd practical joke, or innappropriate comment. He will always come to his friend's defense, even if it is not necessary. Does not like being in charge of others, Cody will go out of his way to avoid leadership situations. Is fascinated by space, and likes to lay and stare at the stars at night

Brutal is a wild child that prefers to solve most situations with his fists and he sometimes gets lost in the situation. As long as he avoids combat, Cody can maintain control, but once he is caught up in a fight, Brutal becomes a handful for friend and foe alike.


Brown eyes, dirty blonde hair that is usually unkept and hidden under a ball cap. Has a goatee he keeps well trimmed. Wiry build. Has a tattoo of strange hieroglyphics he claims come to him in a dream down the inside of his right forearm and has his left ear pierced. Always wears a copper chain and a copper thumb ring.

When transformed, Cody transforms to a hulking beast of rippling muscles he calls Brutal. His eyes turn red and his skin a metallic blue color. He is Neanderthal in appearance, with a bit of a pronounced hunch but his  blue skin is smooth as his bones seem to literally press out against the skin to give him an armoured appearance. His teeth become jagged and sharp and his hair grows out wild and mangy. (see below)


Though he has no formal training, Cody learned from his mechanic friend how to fix, or at least cobble, things back together and get them running, especially engines. He considered going to school to become a licensed mechanic, but worries what would happen if he ever loses control to go into a formal setting like that.

HOBBIES : Star gazing, Fishing
LIKES : Anything that goes fast and having a good time
DISLIKES : Heights! being cooped up. Anything that will impair him (scared what could happen)
Allergic reaction to copper, it causes his transformation to spontaneously occur.
Can't swim, he sinks like a rock.
Whenever he uses his powers, it causes his body to burn up calories at an incredible rate.

BACKGROUND : Cody doesn't mean to get in trouble; he just had a habit of getting in the middle of it when it happened to come his way. In and out of juvenile detention on all sort of minor offences, the young orphan never partook in any serious crimes, mostly troublesome offences like defacing public property, underage drinking, and in one instance, public indecency (he mooned a police station). Authorities tried to keep him in foster homes, but he wanted no part of it and kept going back to the street. Finally having enough of him, a judge sent him to a boy's detention centre for four months. It seemed to do the trick, because for the next four months after his released, no one heard from Cody.

 Then one day almost a year to the day he was convicted, he showed back up on the streets again. But something had changed about Cody, and what it was became apparent quickly. He got a job as a stock clerk, and in the process got caught in the middle of a supermarket holdup. When one of the  punks used his rifle stock to bludgeon a cashier he had a bit of a crush on, something in Cody snapped. The result, the cashier was saved, seven  punks sent to the hospital and nearly $40,000 in damaged to stop the robbery that would have netted just over $800. Lucky for him, nobody realized who the hulking blue monster was, but the damage resulted in Cody losing his job.

Cody scared himself in taking some time to figure out what he had become. Hiding out on the street after leaving another foster home, Cody had a chance encounter. Not paying attention, he bumped into a man carrying his groceries, causing him to drop one of the bags. As Cody helped the man pick his groceries, he heard the screeching of tires behind him. He looked up in time to see the barrels of several weapons poke out the windows and open side door of the minivan. Cody changed in time to shield the man, then threw mail box at the escaping van and damaging it, driving the attackers away. Cody turned to find the man he had just protected aiming a gun at him. Reverting to normal, he was about to make a run for it when the stranger lowered his weapon and demanded to know why Cody had interfered. He could only shrug and reply that it seemed like the right thing to do. That began what would become a bond of friendship between Cody and Quentin Young.

A lawyer with a tendency to take on cases no one would touch, especially involving Harbinger's children,  Quentin had to retire due to a chronic lung condition he had developed, but he still did what he could to help those he could in his corner of New York City. Because Cody reminded him of his own late son David, who had been killed in a hate crime  four years ago for being one of the Children, Quentin took the teen in. They became close friends and Quentin became the father figure Cody needed. Quentin taught Cody what he could, especially of his passions astronomy and shade tree mechanics. In the meantime, Cody suppressed what he was and his Brutal side, as the press had dubbed him, did not surface for some time. That was until Quentin's condition worsened, and passed away two years later.

Now a young man, Cody was named the beneficiary of Quentin's will, which turned out to be a substantial amount of money along with the house. Being the only home he had ever really known, Cody could not stay without his friend. Putting what he wanted to keep out of the house, loaded up Quentin's prized  Mustang they had spent many hours working with what he wanted, Cody put what he wanted in a storage locker and the sold the rest, then set out to travel a bit, and find himself again.