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Welcome to Shattered Eberron

21:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Neriya d'Lyrandar

Neriya d'Lyrandar is a surprisingly short half-elf woman, standing barely 5'3" and weighing in just over a hundred pounds. Despite her small frame she carries herself like the biggest person in the room, having a swagger and confidence that few could ever hope match. Her skin is barely has a tan to it, being perpetually pale skinned something she joked about for spending so much time in the sun. A pair of piercing, brilliant blue eyes adorn her face, showing a great wealth of experience and fire still in the woman. Her hair is a dull brown in color, slightly faded over the years and lined with great streaks of grey; which is perpetually pulled into a ponytail. Approaching nearly a hundred years old, her age has begun to show with some wrinkles and lines dotting her face, though she seems unperturbed by it.

Attire-wise Neriya prefers function over form. Opting for a simple, if well crafted, white blouse and black leather vest over it, which holds a pair of pistols and several knives. A pair of leather dueling gloves adorn both hands, hiding the Lyrandar signet ring worn on her right. She opts for a rather plain and well worn grey greatcoat and matching tricorn hat for outer wear. A pair of loose fitting breeches with knee high boots adorn her feet, and around her waist is always her belt, complete with scabbard and a rather intricately made rapier, her weapon of choice. The only truly personal trinket on her is the gold necklace which has a gold ring with an emerald on it around her neck.