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15:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Emberly St. Clair

General Information

Name: Emberly St. Clair

Nickname: Em

Species of Shifter: Lion

Human Ethnicity: Mixed

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Physical information:

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Human Hair Color: Honey blonde

Human Eye Color: Hazel

Human Distinguishing Marks: Her height, standing at 5'10, Emberly is taller than most the average woman.

Human Description of General Appearance: Em is tall and thin but has the body of an athlete, making it evident that she tried to stay in shape and had been active in sports her entire life. Her skin is nicely tanned due to her love of the outdoors and more often than not her attire will show off her long tan legs. She has blonde hair that falls in waves just past her shoulders. Her large hazel eyes and plump lips stand out from her otherwise delicate facial features. Emberly tends to dress pretty casual but in ways that show off her form, not to attract anyone, but because she likes to.

Shifter Color: Pale, almost white fur

Shifter Eye Color: Hazel

Shifter Distinguishing Patterns or Marks: None

Shifter Description of General Appearance: As a lion, Emberly is a large yet lithe lioness. Her fur is a couple shades lighter that most naturally occurring lions. Her hazel colored eyes also are present in this from.

Society Information:

Optimal Position/Rank: Alpha

Occupation in Society: EMT, Medic

Position in Former Pack: Alpha female, Clan leader in training

What brought you to Three Valleys?: When the Shifters started moving north from Mexico and South America, Emberly and Elliot's Pack's home was right in their path. They homeland was situated just outside of Phoenix, near where the Ironwood Armadillo Clan is situated. The area was a natural choice for a Clan of African Lions to set up shop sine they didn't mind the heat. Emberly's parents were the head of their Pack and she was set to follow in her mother's footsteps as the matriarch with Elliot at her side.

Things changed however when a group of Lions came north from the Sonoran Desert in Mexico. They heard rumors of a small but strong local Lion Pack and wanted the prime territory that they called home. Instead of finding a way to coexist and join forces, fighting broke out. Emberly's family was a relatively peaceful group and didn't stand a chance against the Sonoran Lions who were used to fighting over land.

The majority of her pack was killed in the take over and those that survived fled. Em and Elliot fled north to Three Rivers and she doesn't know where the other survivors might have gone, or even how many of them are left.

Love History: Emberly has found her True Mate in a Lion Shifter named Elliot. The two knew each other from the time they were both children and were nearly inseparable back then and still are today. The rest of their Clan knew that they were destined to be together and encouraged it. They were married straight out of high school and have been happy in love ever since.

Shifter Designation: Dominant

Answer the following questions to determine your starting number:
  1. If your character walked into a bar where the bartender was being robbed at gunpoint what would your Shifter do?
    • Emberly would first analyze the situation and not act on instinct knowing that being impulsive would most likely end up getting herself and the bartender killed. If she didn't perceive that she would put herself in danger by interfering she would contact emergency services with her phone and then attempt to deescalate the situation.

  2. If your character saw a Shifter cub wandering into a busy street after a ball, what would your Shifter do?
    • Em would immediately grab the cub to stop them from going out into traffic. If she has to get the kid a new ball, so be it, at least they are still alive.

  3. Your Shifter is participating in an athletic event and comes in second to another Shifter how do they react?
    • Most likely, Emberly would remain silent and keep her annoyance to herself, however the annoyane would be directed at herself and not at the Shifter that beat her. If she should have won however...thats a different story and Em would not be willing to keep quiet.

  4. Your Shifter is in the middle of an important negotiation when the person in charge of the meeting suddenly collapses with a heart attack- what would be your Shifter's first reaction?
    • Emberly would be completely surprised that it came out of no where, but would almost immediately spring into action and go help the person, delegating tasks such as calling for help to other people in the room.

  5. Your Shifter has been unjustly arrested for disorderly conduct and is thrown in General Holding.  There are seven large men or women in the cell with you.  What does your character do?
    • Emberly would most likely stay quiet and try to figure out the best way to get herself out of this mess. She would try to avoid any undue drama with the other occupants of the cell, but wouldn't be afraid to stand her ground if needed.

Personality Details:

Personality: Emberly is extremely outgoing and friendly to everyone, almost to a fault. She loves to make others smile and have a good time, no matter if that means sitting and the bar having a few too many or going on some crazy adventure. However she often has a tendency to live without fear and that has often gotten her into some precarious borderline life threatening positions. Emberly knows that it is her duty to keep her Pride in line and protect them. Over time she has learned to master the sternness needed and one would do best to not get on her bad side. If they do, the sweet appearing girl is not afraid to put those who are disobedient in the Pride in their place, and will hold grudges against those who are not.

Strengths: Emberly prides herself in being extremely loyal to those that she loves and trusts. She is willing to give others a chance, but not if it puts her family at risk since the are her top priority. She is quick to react, but not impulsively, usually having a reason for what she does.

Weaknesses: While her loyalty is one of her biggest strengths, it is also a weakness of hers. She would be willing to do anything that she could to keep her mate safe, even if it was going to get her in trouble as well. Emberly has a tendency to also be very stubborn and while she is willing to give people a second chance, she holds lasting grudges towards those her wrong her.

Fears: Emberly's biggest fear is losing those that she loves, especially her mate. The idea of this often brings her nightmares. She is also afraid of letting down those that she loves.

Background/History: Emberly was born outside of Phoenix, Arizona as the second child in her family. Her parents were the Alphas and Pack leaders of the local group of Lion shifters. Their Pack dynamics were different than those in most other groups in that the group was matriarchal, so it was run by the Alpha Female and the leadership position was passed down to her daughter. Although Emberly was the second born, her older sibling was male and knew that he wouldn't be in charge of the Pack once a sister was born.

From a young age she was prepared for the fact that one day she would take over the Pack. Training on what her role would be was done by her mother, but the responsibility of training her in her Shifter abilities fell to her brother. The two had a great relationship while she was growing up and she considered her brother to be her best friend.

Even before she was older enough to know what it meant, she felt a draw towards one of the young males in her pack, Elliot St. Clair. It pulled the two of them together and from the start they were almost inseparable to the point that the rest of the Pack knew that they were destined to be True Mates. In high school they had made up their mind that they would mark each other to seal the connection, but didn't do so until after they graduated. It was done in a two part ceremony where they first marked each other in their human form as an added element in a traditional wedding ceremony. Once married and marked as humans, they spent the night out in the desert together as lions during which they sealed the bond between them as True Mates by marking each other once again under the starry sky.

Not long after, Emberly began studying and training in the medical field, hoping to one day become a doctor. She studying hard and began working as a medic with the full support of Elliot. However before her dream of becoming a doctor was able to come true the Sonoran Lion Pack killed her mother, father, and brother along with the majority (if not all) of the other lions in the area. Emberly and Elliot managed to escape without harm and fled north to the Three Valleys for safety.

Skills and Abilities:

Pure or Halfling: Pure

Were you mentored or trained in your abilities?  If so, by whom?:
Emberly was trained by her older brother when she reached the age that her shifter abilities began to manifest. Even before that point he taught her what to expect and how to be prepared to be a lion. The rest of her family was also involved in her Shifter training, however the bulk of the responsibility belonged to her brother, which she preferred anyways since they had a great relationship.

Education: After graduating high school, Emberly went on to study biology in hopes of becoming a doctor. She also completed a program which certified her as an EMT and medic.

Special Learning Prior to fall of Society: