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15:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Emberly Bauer

The Basics
Name: Emberly Bauer

Nickname: Em, Emma

Age: 23

Species: Witch

The Appearance
Weight: 128 lb

Height: 5' 10"

Physical Description: Emberly is a tall, thin girl with a body naturally belonging to a model. Her hair is a reddish brown and falls to her mid back. She has bright green eyes that a large, but not out of proportion with her delicate facial features. Although she is thin, her muscles are toned and she has a balanced hourglass shape. Her skin is tanned golden due to the amount of time that she spends outside in the sun which also brings out the freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks.

Distinguishing Features: By her side one will usually find her familiar, a 6 year old Australian Shepard named Bentley, who she received from her mother after graduating high school and reaching an age where she could start learning more serious magic.

The Human
Personality: Emberly is extremely outgoing and friendly to everyone, almost to a fault. She loves to make others smile and have a good time, no matter if that means sitting and the bar having a few too many or going on some crazy adventure.  Emberly often has a tendency to live without fear and that has often gotten her into some precarious borderline life threatening positions. Most of these situations occur when it comes to the things she will do when trying to catch the perfect photo, especially when it comes to dangerous wild animals. She was almost bitten by a shark while doing an underwater photo shoot in Hawaii and came close to getting trampled by an elephant when trying to photograph the mother and her calf.

Mundane Skills: Her more professional skills include photography and modeling. She speaks both English and German fluently, as well as some conversational French. Other skills include cooking, yoga, baking, scuba diving, horseback riding, and fencing.

Occupation: Freelance Nature Photographer

The Not So Human
Species Description: Just like her mother, Emberly is a witch. Not the creepy kind with a cauldron and a broomstick, but instead on that draws on nature and the world around her for power. She doesn't have a wand and can't cast spells so her magic relies on rituals and ceremonies. (No sacrifices needed). Emberly would consider herself to be a white witch although there have been times when she has experimented with darker magic.

Powers and Abilities:

The Story
Character Background: Emberly was born to a wealthy family in Berlin, Germany and was the oldest of two children. Her father owned multiple successful businesses and her mother stayed at home never working a paid job a day in her life. When Emberly was quite young, her mother began noticing signs that she was gifted with witchcraft but only taught her to control her powers in order to not cause harm to herself or anyone around her, but not to use them.

In Germany she attended and international private school with students of many different backgrounds, mostly the children of ambassadors or high ranking military personnel. This allowed het to become fluent in both her native tongue of German and in English from an early age. Her family also made sure that she staid active as young girl and enrolled her in classes for fencing and equestrian skills.

At age 12, Emberly's father Hans received word of a business opportunity that would require the family to uproot themselves from Berlin and make the journey across the Atlantic to New York City. There her father became the owner of a successful marketing company. Emberly wasn't upset by the move because she was used to her friends leaving and changing all the time due to the type of school she was at. In American she started at a similar type of academy and eventually started learning French.

When she turned 15, her mother believed that it was a good time to start teaching Emberly the basics of being a witch and everyday after school for the next three years she received two or more hours of training until she graduated from high school. After graduation Emberly applied to and was accepted into a double major program and NYU studying Photography and Biology. In order to celebrate her graduation from high school and her acceptance into her dream program, her mother bough her a little Australian Cattle Dog puppy named Bentley. From the start Emberly loved this dog and they both grew very attached to each other, resulting in the dog becoming her familiar.

Emberly was fully committed to her schooling and through the program went on many trips around the world for opportunities in nature and outdoors photography. She has travelled to maybe different places and been on my adventures ranging from a canoe trip down the Amazon River to photograph the unique mammals to diving the Great Barrier Reef documenting the different fish and coral to a safari across most of western Africa where she had the incident with the elephants. During this time however she did not neglect her witch studies and continued to frequently met up with her mother to continue.

Upon graduation she continued to travel before settling down in Sanctuary to study and photograph the abundant wildlife in the surrounding forests and she has now been living here for 8 months. Although she has heard the rumors that the things that go bump in the night roam the town she has never run into anyone that has proven this to her. She is however interested to find out if its true.

Past Connections:

Current Connections:

Future Connections: TBD