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20:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Pandora Scamander

<img src=""Align="right">THE BASIC

Name: Pandora Scamander

Nickname: Dora

Age/Birthdate: 21/1st April

Cultural Heritage: Irish

Hometown: Ottery St Catchpole


Blood Status: Unidentified

Hogwarts Alumni: Ravenclaw

Patronus: White Hare

Boggart: Pandora's Boggart is simple but terrifying. Were she ever to encounter the fearsome creature, it would split itself into four and assume the mutilated and dead bodies of her Mother Luna, her Father Rolf and her Brothers Lorcan and Lysander. Pandora fears to lose what is dearest to her, her Family.

Pet/Familiar: Pandora owns a lavender-furred Pygmy Puff that she has named Fizz. The little creature was a gift for her 11th Birthday on the Eve of her departure to Hogwarts from close Family Friend George Weasley, whom with his late Brother Fred, had bred the creatures as an offshoot of Puffskeins. Fizz enjoys sleeping in the cups of Pandora's discarded bras and quite loves to be used as a duster, so long as Pandora does him the kindness of bathing him afterwards.

Animagus Form: Pandora knew she would one day become an Animagi at the age of 3 and her Parents being who they were, never dissuaded her otherwise. After years of hard work and one could argue, a natural talent, Pandora was finally able to take on a second form. It just so happens that her Animagus form is the same White Hare as her Mother's Patronus.

Position/Job in the Order: Seer

Occupation: Taking up her Grandfather's mantle, Pandora has taken on the role of Editor for the Family Magazine, The Quibbler. This is a job she maintains outside of her responsibilities with The Order, though the two often overlap.

The Quibbler, once seen as nothing more than ludicrous gossip, is now a rather popular and dedicated source of the truth, thanks to their unwavering support of Harry Potter during the Wizarding Wars. The Order has often used the Quibbler to feed the people information and make use of its sources to further their cause.

Special Skills: Pandora has shown some minor skills in healing magic which may be due to her Willow wand which chose her when she was just 6½ years old. She wasn't allowed to use it until she was much older of course but there was no doubt that when that little girl reached up and over the counter to wrap her fingers around a wand that she was told not to touch, it was meant to be. Healing doesn't seem to be where her heart lies however.

Ever since she was little, Pandora has had what those in the Wizarding community call 'The Sight'. It began with dreams that within a few days came true. As she grew older, her ability strengthened, though she is still yet to fully grasp and understand it completely. Pandora is being trained in the art of Divination, Astrology, Tessomancy and Crystal-Gazing, to name a few, in hopes that she can become a valuable tool for The Order. Those with far more wisdom and knowledge than herself believe that she may be one of just a handful of true Seer's in the Wizarding World.

Wand: Willow, Fairy Wing, 7 inches, Unyielding.


Face Claim: Carolina Porqueddu

Hair: White/Blonde

Eyes: Silvery Blue

Height: 5.2ft/158 cm

Weight: 52 kg/114.5 lbs

Distinguishing Features: Anyone who knew her Mother in her youth would never doubt that Pandora is Luna's Daughter. The two share more than a pale complexion and wispy white/blonde hair. They carry themselves in a very similar fashion making Pandora walk through life with the same quiet grace that her Mother was so well known for. What will distinguish her however, are the round golden spectacles upon her face and the fact that instead of behind her ear, Pandora chooses to house her wand in the loose tendrils of a bun. Pandora also wears her Grandfather's Deathly Hallows pendant and has collected several small tattoos' over time. She's unique, truly but her origins are unquestionable.

Physical Description: Pandora is the definition of 'good things come in small packages'. She stands at only 5'2 and weighs about as much as a Pixie caught in a rainstorm (that might be an under-exaggeration). Like her Mother, her face is small and feminine and her figure is thin but soft. Unfortunately, she had her Father's ears which stick out a tad from the sides of her face. Since around the age of 9, she has been wearing glasses due to poor eyesight and so the round golden frames she wears to this day (held up by those ears) have become a bit of a statement for her, to which she has embraced.

Like Mother like Daughter, Pandora has inherited a mop of wispy white/blonde hair that seems to hold the texture of cotton candy. Notoriously stubborn, Pandora has never truly discovered how to tame her hair completely and will often be seen with it pulled up and into a bun, trails of it hanging down and around her pretty face likes a ghostly kiss against her cheeks. To keep her hair in place, she is known to insert her wand within the twist on top of her head, using the magical apparatus rather like a chopstick.

The Eldest Scamander has a fashion sense that's practical but feminine. With both her Parents being famous Magizooligist, she never really knew when the next adventure would arise, so it always paid to be prepared. She favors subtle colors most of the time, as with her pale milky skin and silvery blue eyes, anything too bold tends to wash her out. This is a rule that Pandora will willingly brake however whenever she is attending a celebratory event where she will proudly wear one of her Mother's famous hats, to her Father's chagrin.

In her early years, Pandora struggled with her appearance, as all young Women tend to do. She disliked her short little legs and her too long neck. Her hair was always a windblown disaster and she had no idea how to draw attention to her admittedly favorite feature which were her silvery blue eyes. It took time and unwavering support from those around her. Her Mother was always a beacon of individuality and if Luna taught her only Daughter one thing, it was that different didn't equate to bad. It is why Pandora will proudly wear her Grandfather's Deathly Hallows pendant and why she is never embarrassed to walk barefoot in the rain. Although that's mostly because Nargle's have a habit of stealing her shoes.


Personality Description: Though Pandora hasn't inherited much from her Father in terms of looks, she has however adopted much of his personality. These traits are however often overshadowed by the oddity that is her Mother. Like Mother like Daughter, Pandora could easily be described as 'Looney'. Much of this is likley to be passed down assumptions based on who her Mother is and how much the two look alike but Pandora has never really minded. She will proudly wear the label of 'Looney' but the truth is that Pandora is a perfect mix of both her Parents.

From her Mother, Pandora inherited a quiet, near dreamy speaking voice and a whimsical outlook on life that allows her to see not just what is before her but what is beyond as well. She is unnaturally perceptive and can often identify what those around her are feeling before they fully know themselves.  Wheather or not she can do much about what people are feeling however is debatable. While Pandora seems to have a natural soothing influence on ragged emotions, it's neither conscious nor intentional.

Where Pandora feels she comes up short, is in committing to a particular course of action when she believes that she has yet to gather all the details or sways in confidence one way or another. This is a trait inherited from her Father and exacerbated by her often unpredictable gift of Sight. While Rolf Scamander is every bit the adventurer that his dear Wife Luna is, he is far more cautious, having grown up in the family Business of breeding the very proud and at times capricious, Hippogriffs.

Given the nature of Prophecy and Prediction, the uncertainty that Pandora often feels is in part, understandable but also clearly annoying. She herself intimately knows the struggle between head and heart. While she may feel something strongly in her heart, being one to understand the uncertain nature of the future, her head worries about making mistakes which often leaves her stupefied and unable to forge a particular course. Admittedly, it is strange for one with the Gift of Sight to be so uncertain when it comes to the Future but what must be understood is that Prophecies are not absolute and any gleaming she may glean, is subject to interpretation.

Pandora lives a life that most will never understand. She sees things that have never happened, knows things that she cannot explain and yet at the tender age of just 21, she carries this burden exceptionally well. As close as she is to her Family and the friends she has made within The Order, Pandora will still walk this path alone. She doesn't always feel alone however.

Pandora is a sweet young Woman who is easy to love and who loves easily. While some may find her off-putting, others find her utterly endearing. She is loyal, kind hearted and brave beyond her years. Her intelligence has never prevented her from believing in some of the more outlandish things their world has to offer. If anything, Pandora's ability to see the weird and the wonderful is an asset, as it makes her one of the least judgmental people you are likley to ever meet and those that meet her tend to love her, once they get over their befuddlement of course. She's worth it.


History: It's the loveliest of love stories. For many, Luna Lovegood was, well downright looney. For Rolf Scamander though, she was his everything. The pair met and fell in love in a very nontypical fashion, as per Luna's style but that story is not this story. This story truly begins on April 1st, though it was no joke the evening that Pandora Scamander came into this world. Luna had always known that if she was ever lucky enough to have a Daughter, she would name her after her Mother, whom she lost tragically at the tender age of 9 and to this day she tells her only Daughter that her Grandmother is so very proud.

Unlike so many children who came before her, Pandora was lucky to have been born into a world unoppressed by the forces of a Dark Wizard. Voldemort was gone and the Wizarding Wars were over. For that little band of Hogwarts Heroes, Pandora was among the first children born into a generation of peace. It was during this time that Pandora grew up. Hand in hand she would trot along beside her Parents on their many adventures. Circling the globe, there are few places that Pandora has never been but she would argue that there is still much that she needs to see.

At the age of 3, Pandora was camping in the mountains of Sweeden as her Mother was on her ever-elusive search for the Crumple-Horned Snorkack. Her Father, one of only a handful of true believers in the possibly mythical beast was essential during this time, having been the one to discover the scale that inspired the book the pair would go on to write together. To this day, the book is sold in the 'Fictional' section of Flourish & Blotts alongside the now debunked works of Gilderoy Lockhart but the scale hangs pride of place in the family home.

It was during this adventure that Pandora discovered her desperate desire and determination to become an Animagi, having seen a collection of Wizards there displaying the ability with ease. Life was like that for the young Witch though. Inspiration was everywhere. That little stone tower of a house that Xenophilius had given to his Daughter on her wedding day was Pandora's playground. It was on the steps that she took her first tumble, soon after learning to walk. She danced upon her Father's feet under its arches and the window in her bedroom was the unfortunate victim of her first ever spell.

Pandora grew up surrounded by heroes. The tale of the Deathly Hallows and the Hogwarts band of misfits who defeated one of the darkest Wizards seen by Wizardkind was well known. Holidays were spent surrounded by Family, blood relatives or not. As one of the first children to be born to that original gang, Pandora was doted upon by all. It was Aunt Herminoie who gifted Pandora her first ever copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, bequeathed to her by Albus Dumbledore himself. Though to be honest, as much as she treasured the gift, it was never as loved as her personalized, signed copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, given to her by her Great-Grandfather. Uncle Harry was there for moral support on the day she received her first pair of glasses and Uncle Ron, without fail will always Wingardium Leviosa her a pumpkin pasties under the table when Mom has said she's had enough.

Family is everything. Pandora's honest, though no doubt highly biased opinion is that there will never be a more supportive Family than her own. When she declared at the age of 3 that she was going to be an Animagi, her Family were behind her. When at the age of 8 she proudly brought home a Jarvey, full of innocent love that it was a misguided creature and needed her, her Family were behind her, even after it tore up the couch and ensured that the Twins first word was a rude one. When the dreams she'd always had turned several shades darker and began to come true, her Family were behind her.

It was impossible to know at first that Pandora was a Seer. Luna, being who she was, easily accepted that her child was gifted but in what way, she couldn't say. Being insightful and perceptive was one thing but being prophetic was another entirely. It started with dreams, little insignificant things about lost socks and the Weathers. Not all her dreams came true of course but then not all her dreams were Prophetic. Some were just the wild imaginative ramblings of a very spirited and adventurous little girl. It really wasn't until she was a teenager that Pandora began to deliver actual, meaningful Prophecies. Seeing this gift, Headmaster McGonagall enrolled the young Woman in specialty classes almost immediately with the hope of fostering and growing her rare talent.

This special consideration didn't do anything to make her more popular at Hogwarts unfortunately. Pandora spent her School years either on her own or politely enduring the company of those who wished to be her friend, only with the hope of meeting the Famous Harry Potter. Pandora understood the interest of course, she had grown up hearing the same stories about the Battle of Hogwarts and the defeat of Voldemort and as inspired and enthralled by it all as she was, all she wanted was to make her own friends and weave her own adventures. Maybe that was why she so often found herself down in the Kitchens, putting on shadow puppet plays for the House Elves.

Graduating from Hogwarts with high marks, Pandora returned to the Family Home in Ottery St Catchpole, a small Wizard village near Devon, England. As she eclipsed that great hill, her home drowned within a sunbeam in the distance, Pandora saw something, unexpected. To say that she was surprised to be able to see the herd of wild Thestrals that had always grazed the hills near her home, was an understatement. Pandora had always known they were there. She and her Brother Lysander had spent many long afternoons desperately searching for clues and signs of the Herd and to their knowledge, they had found many. Never before had she had been able to see them however and she was fairly sure she would remember if she had witnessed someone's death.

Pandora would not understand the connection between a particularly exhausting Prophecy she had delivered during her final year and the newfound ability to see Thestrals until many years later. Truly, she put it out of her head, simply ecstatic to be able to finally see one of her favorite creatures. It would be upon the great back of one of these once wild Thestrals that Pandora would eventually ride to and from her home and The Order's HQ. Anywhere beyond the distance of Apparating, Pandora rides Shadowfax.

Why she choose to join The Order is a far longer story but it should come as no surprise that a Seer was among one of the first to sense that something wicked this way comes. Pandora spoke at length with her Parents before seeking the mysterious Order out and offering her allegiance. It was not an easy choice. Not only had Pandora taken on the heavy responsibilities of Editor of The Quibbler but war truly wasn't in her blood. She was not the killing type but then neither was her Mother and when she had been faced with difficult decisions, she had made the right choice, the hard choice, every single time. If there truly was something dark rising once again, it was not her Parents fight, nor would it be left to the next generation, her Brothers. For once in her life, Pandora Scamander was going to change the Future.

Family Ties:

Name - Rolf Scamander
Relation - Father
Relationship - Despite her similarities to her Mother, Pandora is very much a Daddies girl. Thier relationship has always been a close one, the young Woman feeling confident and comfortable to confide in her Father about anything. The two bonded early over their love the game Gobstones though to be honest, at first, all Pandora ever wanted to do was put the marbles in her mouth. She's grown out of this habit, thank God but to this day, some of the pairs deepest and most cherished conversations have happened sitting cross-legged on the floor, marble in hand.

Name - Luna Scamander née Lovegood
Relation - Mother
Relationship - There is no denying that Pandora looks very much like her Mother. The pair even shares enough in common personality wise that Pandora has on many an occasion, been mistaken for Luna. Pandora has and will always look up to her Mother as the embodiment of the Lumos spell. She is an inspiration and a light that she cannot imagine her life without. Luna taught her Daughter the importance of the little things, that happy moments are worth fighting for and no matter what, that you should never, ever give up on love. It is truly her Mother's quiet bravery and unwavering loyalty to what she knows to be right that has inspired Pandora to join The Order. Even when times get the toughest, she knows that if her Mother could face evil and defeat it, then she too can do anything.

Name - Lorcan Scamander
Relation - Brother
Relationship - Pandora was an only child for 7 years before her Brothers came along. When it was announced that her Family would be growing, to put it mildly, she wasn't pleased. Throughout her Mother's pregnancy, Pandora was regrettably, a bloody brat. Like most kids who act like trolls however, the act ended the second she saw her Brother's faces. Oddly enough, even though she had been told, Pandora hadn't been expecting Twins and had promptly inquired which of the Doctors had performed the multiplication jinx. Pandora adores her Brothers and has adopted the role of big sister with pride. Her Relationship with Lorcan is one full of mischief and hijinx. He will forever be her partner in crime and Pandora is only sorry that she won't be there for his adventures at Hogwarts because she knows he is going to shake that place up.

Name - Lysander Scamander
Relation - Brother
Relationship - Lysander is as different from his Twin as a Doxy is from a Dragon. While the two will always be loyal to one another, having known no other existence than one together, Lysander is for more the quiet soul. In this, he and his Sister have something in common. From a young age, Pandora and Lysander have observed the evidence of a wild herd of Thestrals living in the Hills behind their home. It wasn't until later in life that Pandora was able to see them but the children still bonded over the odd but beautiful creatures. Lysander is easily one of Pandora's favorite people.


Motivation: Pandora's motivations are simplistic but heartfelt. She was lucky to have been afforded a childhood free of Dark Forces and brutal attacks, she believes her Brothers deserve the same. She has seen the Darkness approaching and she cannot in good conscious stand back and let it consume the world she loves.

*Gift of Sight
*Calming Influence
*Sweet Natuer
*Thestral Companion
*Animagus Form


*Poor Potions Skills
*Vulnerable to Legilimency
*Inhibited Social Ability
*Uncertin of Futuer
*Suffers Nightmares
*Non Agressive