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11:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Emberly Stone

The Basics

Name: Emberly Stone

Nickname(s): Em

True Age: 29

Apparent Age: Early 20s

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Does it truly matter?

Species: Were-lion

The Physical

Height: 5' 1"

Weight: 105 lb

Physical Description: Emberly is a petite girl standing below average with a thin yet athletic frame. Most people underestimate her because of her size, assuming that she is harmless, but she has always made sure to stay in shape. This results in her being a lot stronger than she looks, even though she doesn't have the most defined muscles (a perk of being a lion). She stays in shape through all manners of things from running, to yoga, to fighting. Her small frame means that she isn't the most gifted when it comes to curves though, something she has always been a bit sensitive about, but she still manages to appear soft and feminine.

She has light blonde, naturally wavy hair that she usually keeps shoulder length or shorter so that it doesn't get in the way. Emberly's eyes are a vibrant and bright blue, often full of emotion. Her face is often very expressive, making it difficult for her to hide her emotions when they are extreme. More often than not, she wears very little make up, knowing that she doesn't need to due to her natural beauty. There is no one set way that she tends to dress, often tailoring her style to fit the situation, but one thing that seems to be a trend is that she would rather be comfortable than fashionable.

When in her lion form, her small stature carries over and she was always one of the smallest members of her Pride. While she is small for a were-lion however, she is on average with most naturally occurring lionesses. As a lion her fur is almost pure white and her bright blue eyes carry over from her human form.

Distinguishing Marks: Apart from her small petite stature, Em doesn't haven't any particularly distinguishing marks.

Face Claim: Julianne Hough

The Preternatural

Species: Were-Lion

Classification: Alpha, hereditary lion


The Personal

Personality Description:  Emberly is extremely outgoing and friendly to everyone, almost to a fault. She loves to make others smile and have a good time, no matter if that means sitting and the bar having a few too many or going on some crazy adventure. However she often has a tendency to live without fear and that has often gotten her into some precarious borderline life threatening positions. However one would do best to not get on her bad side. If they do, the sweet appearing girl is not afraid to put those who are disobedient in their place, and will hold grudges.

Emberly prides herself in being extremely loyal to those that she loves and trusts. She is willing to give others a chance, but not if it puts her family at risk since the are her top priority. She is quick to react, but not impulsively, usually having a reason for what she does.

While her loyalty is one of her biggest strengths, it is also a weakness of hers. She would be willing to do anything that she could to keep her mate safe, even if it was going to get her in trouble as well. Emberly has a tendency to also be very stubborn and while she is willing to give people a second chance, she holds lasting grudges towards those her wrong her.

Likes: The outdoors, good beer, laughing

Dislikes: Boredom, manipulative people, liars

Occupation: Hunter/Tracker

History: Unlike many Therianthropes, Emberly was born was a were-lion, not infected by the T-Virus. Her family belonged to a Pride of White Lions that had figured out a way to help the females carry children to term so that they weren't put through the trauma of the change at Full Moon. The way that they accomplish this had been kept secret for generations but has made it so that the Pride doesn't need to spread infection to grow.

Em was the second cub born to her parents who were low ranking members of the Pride. Despite the help from the rest of the Pride, Emberly's mother had difficulties resisting the change during the pregnancy and there were a few times where she lost control and many feared that she would lose the baby. She fought through it though and Em survived but was born over a month early and was much smaller than she should have been do to the stress that had been placed on her in the womb. Her brother, Sam, was almost 10 years old when she was born and was protective of her from the beginning.

Even as she grew up she stayed much smaller than her family and Pride, but developed a personality to make up for it. When she was 9 years old the Preternatural beings came out from the shadows and life changed for the Pride. Wars started and her brother went off to fight with a group hand chosen by Mal Caerleon, the heir of the Pride. Having him leave tore Em up and she wanted nothing more that to go fight be his side, but instead she was forced to stay home.

Eventually another Pride attacked hers and her brother was killed in the fighting along with many of the other lions. She watched people she had loved disappear from her life and her Pride fall apart before her eyes. After the funerals Mal abandoned the Pride and she fought to keep things together, determined to not let the Pride fall to shambles. Em worked her way up the rankings in the Pride and become the first from her family to sit upon the Lioness Council in many generations.

She had also worked to become a distinguished Tracker for the Pride and had helped find some of the lions that had been lost during the fighting, working her way to become the best that they had. The King and Queen of the Pride then gave her the most important job of her life: to track down their missing Prince.

Em eagerly accepted and set out to try to from Mal, a trail that led her to Elysium.