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Welcome to Dragon Warriors: Glissom; Dark Heritage.

22:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Caith Cernach

When Caith was a few years younger, a few summers ago, while wandering the forests in search of safe refuge from Clan Cernach's enemies, Caith had an unexpected argument with a wolf that tried to bite her face off.

She returned the favor, and eventually skun and ate the same wolf for breakfast. Now a young woman of age, and a Sorceress of powerful healing talents, she summons wolves to her at will without fear...

Caith Cernach is currently known as 'Caith Caorunn', and for the same 'Reasons'O'Health', until recently, her reddish orange hair was dyed black with oak gall, or greyed into old age with wood ash. There is no hiding the emerald green eyes, even behind the ragged fringe she hangs over the heavily scarred part of her face and neck. At just five foot tall, and skinny with it, she is not physically large, but still intimidating in appearance.

She favors dark green in clothing, to break up the black of the wolf pelts of her armour in the forests she still wanders, in search of herbs, woodland wisdom, and strange relics of a bygone age. Unusually, she prefers trous to skirts.

Caith affects the speech of the highland cottars and serfs, but is perfectly capable of conversing in a civilized manner. She usually chooses not to, unless there's a chance to gather support for the clan in exile, or there might be a chance of a more expensive drink out of it.

She is a follower of the Old Gods, Lady Artia of the Moon in particular, but has an interest other faiths ways as a Speaker To Small Gods, and a complicated attitude to Loge the Trickster. Gatenades is still wet behind the ears in divinity as far as she's concerned, but she's nothing against the gallows lad for all that, despite the conflict his followers often bring with them.