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Welcome to The Walking Dead: Remnants

11:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Elijah Barnette
Race: Black
Gender: Male
Occupation: Military
Age: 38
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 170


Derived Attributes


Inventory stuff I can't use for murder

Background: Born and raised in the southern USA, Elijah grew up in a dysfunctional family with a strong military background. The majority of his childhood was spent caring for his younger siblings in the place of a sickly mother and absentee father. He was a victim of child abuse for many years, making him paranoid and leery around other adults he meets nowadays when it comes to how they interact with the kids. Struggled with drug and alcohol abuse during much of his youth and raised obscene amounts of hell, but by the grace of God never got a criminal record. When he enlisted with the military it turned out he was able to thrive in a structured environment of routine and order and made a successful career out of it. During the first week of the infection he and three others abandoned their post when the situation became dire.

Appearance: Elijah is tall and muscular looking, though most the definition is in the arms and chest, which implies it's more from years of physical labour than any sort of regime. Has a dour, haggard look about him and sports unruly black hair and a similarly dark beard, though its grown in somewhat neatly- at least in contrast to the rest of him. An ugly, bubbly scarring runs up the top of his left hand and past his wrist from an accident with fire when he was younger. His face is angular looking with his shallow cheeks and prominent cheekbones, and he has deep, soft brown eyes which his mother used to affectionately refer to as "puppy dog eyes." These days they are rimmed red from exhaustion more often than not and have heavy bags beneath them. Despite his weathered, disheveled appearance, maintains an air of authority by keeping his back straight and head high, like he's still puffing feathers in the military.

For attire, wears a heavy, red and black flannel overshirt which is kept unbuttoned over a black t-shirt. Wears faded blue jeans, black belt, military issue boots, and navy blue hooded jacket weather permitting.

Personality: Usually soft spoken with a tendency to ramble and think aloud, Elijah is overall a gentle person despite his somewhat imposing frame and sometimes snippy responses. With a weakness for animals, kids, and pretty much anything smaller than he is, he has an innate tendency to respond to anyone who needs help. In doing so he often ends up taking care of others better than he takes care of himself, and can sometimes try to assume responsibility for too many people/things. He values selflessness, generosity, and has little tolerance for self defeatists. Though he actively tries to maintain a calm disposition and positive outlook on life, he struggles with cynical thoughts and growing feelings of hopelessness.

Character Keys:

The Key of Honour: A man of honour should never forget what he is because he sees what others are.
The Key of Kindness: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.