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Welcome to Insanity that Burrows then Grows

03:54, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Cathak Oyi Calel
Deed Name: Unfailingly Tenacious Tiger
Exalted Type: Lunar
Aspect: Full Moon
Concept: Noble Savage
Height:  6'3"
Weight:  230 lbs

Spirit Shape: Tiger

Tell: Tiger striping patterns in hair

Motivation: To tear down the Dragon-Blooded Dynastic empire and to create something more integral to community and to nature in its place.

Intimacies: Kisura of Two Rivers (Curiousity/Loyality)
                   Seneschals of the Sun Kings (Loyalty)
                   Ensure the Solar Exalted return to power (Revenge on Dynasty)

Anima: Roaring tiger with teeth bared, ears back and fiery eyes.

Anima Banner: The anima of a Full Moon Caste Lunar shines with a steady glow of soft white or silver light. Greater expenditures of Essence increases the intensity. Once their banners become iconic, the banner displays abstract or realistic images of their spirit shape.

Anima Effects: Exalted of the Full Moon may spend 5 motes of Essence to double their speed and leaping distances for a scene. The Full Moon also doubles her Strength for the purpose of feats of strength (this effect stacks with other increases). A Lunar who increases her running spped twice moves at three times her normal speed, not four.

Whenever the Lunar has 11 or more motes of Peripheral Essence active, this Anima Effect activates automatically without cost.

Personality: Tiger's has a reserved persona, and seldom starts a conversation or expresses interest in others openly—unless he "feels out" the situation first. Once he opens up, however, there lays within a scorching passion for history, tactics & inventions. Tiger can focus on one subject to an extreme, so you may be in for a deeper dive than you expect—or want but his natural charisma can quickly pique your interest in the topic, too.

One way to spot Tiger (no matter his form) is his piercing gaze, which is hawklike, narrowing in on its “prey” with hypnotic and piercing intent. If you happen to be the object of that look, watch out! He may also me known by the striped patterns of his namesake which is typically visible (in some fashion) in all of his forms.

While he doesn't trust easily, once he does, he’ll stick with a decision through thick and thin.

Appearance:  Tiger stands a little over six feet tall and weighs in at a powerful 220 or so pounds.  His skin is a beaten bronze from all the time he spends under the gaze of the sun and his powerful musculature is accented by the swirls and dots of his form fixing tattoos.  His hair once black was shocked white by the mind f#ck of a visitation by Luna during Tiger's Exaltation.

Tiger tends toward an expensive clothing palate however he tempers that instinct with items which are more suited to the person he wants to be (instead of the person whom he once was).

Distinguishing Features: Form Fixing Tattoos, Shocked white hair, impressive physique, and piercing gaze.

Distinguishing Feature of the Spirit Shape: Due to the Mountainous Spirit Expression Knack, Tenacious Tiger's spirit shape is...well, mountainous! While the average tiger is about 4 feet tall at the shoulders and about 13 feet long from head to rump, Tenacious Tiger is double that size. The spirit shape of the Lunar has been shocked white as well, no longer barely the fiery patterns of vibrant oranges which grow into white-hot intensity before fading into the traditional black stripes of a tiger.

Tenacious Tiger has tasted the Heart's Blood of another tiger, although this creature is leaner than his spirit shape, it allows him some measure of stealth and doesn't immediately announce his presence as one of Luna's great Moon-Beasts.

Distinguishing Weapons: Claw and Flang.
Teak and moonsilver axes forged with white jade these weapons are said to the reason that Tenacious Tiger's hair was shocked white during his visitation by Luna.

In addition to being deadly hand to hand weapons, Claw and Flaw have two additional powers. The first is that they return to Tenacious Tiger after they've been thrown.

The second ability is the wracking pain they inflict upon a target who has been struck by the hatchets. The pain and muscle spasms cause a -1 internal penalty to all dice pools. Multiple hits from the weapons are cumulative however cannot exceed -4 total.

Curse of the Raging Bull

The character becomes a fighting animal. He is dangerously quick-tempered, willing to fight anyone for any reason and unable to back down from any challenge to his dominance. While this Flaw is active, the character cannot fail Valor checks and can't spend Willpower points to ignore them. Just as an angry bull, he attempts to fight anything that inconveniences or startles him. He doesn't talk much either, unless it is with his fists.

Partial Control: The character settles for bullying. Provided others answer with abject corwardice, verbal abuse is sufficient to satisy his desire to fight. The slightest hint of disrespect or backbone requires a physical attack.

Limit Break
O O O O O O O O O O (Valor)

Like all Exalted, Lunars suffer from the Great Curse. For the Lunars, the Primordials wished them to become the beasts they emulated.

A Lunar Exalted gains Limit in 3 ways:

* Any time the Lunar choose to suppress his primary virtue.

* Any time a Child of the Moon resists an unnatural mental influence.

* Whenever the Lunar is first struck by the light of the full moon on a particular night, the player must roll a number of dice equal to the character's primary virtue.

Stalker of Shadows. Tenacious Tiger
as pictured in Dynastic literature